View Full Version : 9/11 Thank You

09-11-2006, 03:12 PM
The Honorable Michael Bilirakis was kind enough to give me his speech today as we paid tribute to those lost on this day. I'd like to share it with you..

"Ladies & Gentleman, it is a distinct privilege to stand before you today as we remember and honor those who died on September 11, 2001 and, at the same time, honor the firemen, police officers and first responsers who serve us everyday with integrity, dignity and courage. I'd like to focus on THEM today.

Perhaps like no other event in our nation's history, the tragedy of the 9/11 terrorist attacks underscored the American public's esteem and gratitude for our nation's firemen, law enforcement offcers and other first responders. Who will ever forget the images of the heroic police offices and firefighters who risked everything, including their own lives, to save people fleeing from the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on that fateful September morning? We cannot forget, we should not forget, and we must not forget.

And yet, firemen and police officers have always been at the forefront of protecting citizens and communities in times of crisis. You place yourselves in harm's way to shield those whom you serve. You try to protect our property and loved ones, you fight crime, diffuse tense situations, and ensure that protests are peaceful. It goes without saying you are our heroes. I do not think that most of us can imagine what it is like to get up in the morning and not be sure we will return that night. You and your families live with that reality every day.

And so, as we remember, it is fitting that we honor all those today who have given their lives in the in the line of fire and to honor and thank your families. The sacrifices your loved ones made and make to protect us are your sacrifices as well.

Giving one's life in the line of duty is worthy of the highest esteem, and so we honor those of you who continue to serve this community area. We may not always acknowledge your efforts to keep us safe, but we see you. We see you protecting us when a fire or other disaster occurs. We see you providing security for events. We see you watching high school sporting activities. We see you giving directions to individuals who cannot find their way. We see you visiting schools and educating our children about the dangers posed by the world in which we live. We see you, and we appreciate you. We could never really pay you what you are really worth. We can, however, humbly express our thanks and honor you for your selfless service to our community.

It disturbs me that so many in today's society place such a high value on the accomplishments of athletes, musicians, movies stars, and even politicians, mistakenly referring to them as heroes. I believe that our nation's true heroes are the men and women serving, and who have served, in our military and the police officers, firefighters and other first responders who put their lives in the line for the benefit of people they have never met. Your professionalism and commitment to protecting your fellow citizens and keeping our community safe is a shining example of what is great about the United States.

I promise you that I will continue to do everything I can in Congress to ensure that you have the tools, training and resources you need to do your jobs as safely and effectively as possible. I personally want to thank you for dedicating your lives to keep us safe, maintaining order and securing peace in our neighborhoods. And I join you today in honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the pursuit of this mission.

May God continue to watch over you and your families, and may He continue to bless the United States of America."

I think he's said it all - thank you for all you do.