View Full Version : apology

08-22-2006, 11:00 PM
This is to Howard Godwin, Howard Sizemore, Kenny Cooper, Bobby Lee and everyone else that tried to enlighten both of us. Everything you told us was true!!! All of you were right on target and we failed to see it!! I have always felt that I was a good judge of character but this one sure slipped passed me.
Everyone can miss one and I sincerely hope you will not hold it against me.

Bobby and Bernadette Duncan

08-23-2006, 10:18 PM
let it go.....

08-24-2006, 08:40 PM
You better send a telegraph becuz i dont think they have the intelligence to turn on a computer. if you dont get help at charter, get help somewhere. you sang this song a long time ago and its not on the charts anymore. go away.......

08-25-2006, 12:53 AM
Careful folks, I wonder if it even really is BD. Someone is just trying to stir old sh**.

08-25-2006, 01:30 AM

We have heard you sing this song for a long time now. If you recall many people questioned the Sheriff’s decision to promote you to begin with. She does and then decided to rearrange people. You aren’t demoted your aren’t thrown out. You keep you pay, you keep your rank, you go to not being on call, weekends and holidays off. You were in line to get a regular pay raise (again) and ya ain’t happy. Yep, the Sheriff sure screwed you? Now you take 12 weeks of Family Medical Leave and screw your co-workers that have to pick up your slack. Tell me, what planet do you live on anyway?

But I guess if it makes you happy keep blaming others it seems to go well for you.

Heather Thomas
10-17-2006, 12:08 PM
If it were not for Sheriff Godwin, Lt. Mike Brown would be sheriff right now. BTW, whatever became of Brown? I heard he went into the real estate business and is making a lot of money selling some of Highland's finest real estate.

10-17-2006, 11:27 PM
Ms. Thomas, I hear that Mike is still in the Sebring area and like you I hear that he is in fact dealing in real estate. While there is no official word I would put money on Sheriff Benton wanting to serve a second term. Our agency has traveled light years into the future since she took over. I can only say from a personal stance that Mike wouldn't stand much of a chance for a second attempt at running. Who, knows politics is a funny thing. By the way did you check out the results of the last election I don't believe that Howard Godwin had much to do with Mike's defeat as much as citizen concern or action. Take care Ms. Thomas.

Heather Thomas
10-18-2006, 07:42 AM
Any "employee" can post a response as a guest. The lack of identification suggests lack of credibility. You proclaim that your department has traveled light years since Benton took over. That's great! She took over from a Godwin administration - not a Brown administration. Had it not been for the Highlands Today and their slanted reporting, the Benton/Godwin issue as for her "demotion" would have been properly reported. Do you not recall that Brown soundly beat all of his Republican opponents in the primary? Had Godwin not "re-assigned" Benton, the Godwin tilt toward Brown would have been sound. Godwin really screwed up and this reflected upon his chosen "replacement." It was not until the last couple of weeks that public sentiment went against Brown. Until then, he was doing quite well.

10-24-2006, 12:16 AM
Lady or Dude, put down the crack pipe and get real. The acid trip you are currently taking has landed you almost two years into the Benton era and NOBODY is looking back. If 10,000 votes wasn't enough, Brown got beat for the Frostproof Police Chief job by another woman. I guess old Howie stuck it to him there too. Take your crap stirring stick and cram it up your arse baby!!!!!!!!!!!

Heather Thomas
10-24-2006, 09:27 PM
You should change your name to Bentonite as your opinion clearly reflects your admiration for our lady sheriff. Yes, it's true that Brown lost out on the Frostproof position to another woman. In fact, Brown lost out to a long term member of the Frostproof Police Department. Since it is the policy of that agency to "promote from within" neither Brown nor the other applicants with 30 plus years of experience from the Miami-Dade area had a chance of winning. Numerous positions come available - some with dozens of applicants. Only one can get the job. BTW, do you even have a job or just act like you have one hiding behing your rat shield???

10-24-2006, 11:27 PM
If I am a "Bentonite" that would make you a "Brownie." I can give you 10,000 reasons (difference in votes :lol:)why a "Bentonite" is better than a Brownie, but unfortunately we don't have enough time. With regards to the "Rat Shield" I can only guess that you are talking about Serpico being a rat when he testified against police corruption. You obviously slept through Integrity 101 while in college (based on your grammar and spelling, it is apparent you are educated). Integrity is a core character trait of being a "Bentonite." November 2008 is just around the corner and I challenge you to find a candidate that can come within 15,000 votes of defeating our current sheriff. Heather Thomas, Bob Smith, Tom Jones, Jane Taylor, or whoever you really are, lighten up a bit and enjoy the ride. Sleep comfortably while the "Bentonites" step into the 21st century and retire the spit cups and the "Bubba" culture into a time capsule.

10-26-2006, 12:22 PM
How about French Maynard or Paul Armstead for sheriff? Heck, let's even bring back old Bubba and draft Howie for sheriff in 2008. :P :P :P :P :P

10-27-2006, 02:18 AM
I can't wait. That means I get to see the redneck parade again. Remember the one that traveled all over the county with the American flag flying in the bed of their pick-ups the day of the election. Lets not stop with the ones you named, let's add Heather Thomas to the list who will be running for Sheriff. I think her campaign slogan might say something to the effect of "Heather Thomas for Sheriff.....Ah hell, at least it's not Brown". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Heather Thomas
11-02-2006, 05:59 PM
Actually, I was thinking about the Lake County Sheriff's position now that Chris Daniels has passed away. I hear the governor is taking resumes for an appointment before he leaves office.

01-13-2007, 05:38 AM
Well, Bduncan now holds the record at Hardee S.O. for shortest career ever.