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View Full Version : Freedom of Speech - VS Whats right

07-10-2006, 10:09 PM
If you have not seen it or heard about it, there is a "Church" out of Kansas that is protesting at American Soldiers funerals, stating that god killed him and are cheering that he is dead. A sign out front of USMC Lance Cpl's funeral read "Semper Fi Fag", along with other hate messages and cheering that one of our soldiers is dead. This weekend, I believe, were several interviews on Fox News debating this as well as having this wacko on for an interview ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCdT9dfrb-Q ).

The question this brings, it is their 1st Amendment right to do this and have their freedom of speech but where do we draw the line and say enough is enough. When do we as Americans stand up to these people and say Shut the F*#$ Up and prohibit the people from doing this. In all reality if we do that, then where does the government draw the line. We have seen first hand on this website, right or wrong, the slander and hate that can be put out there and someone tried to hinder it and was held back. I will say in regards to this website Chip and Jim as well as the other moderators try to keep this clean or somehat tastefull but if you have used this site a while, you know they can't see everything.

Do you as an American agree they should be allowed to say what they want or should we start banging the drum and prevent them ????

On a side note, the reporter doing the interview from the link above has become a favorite! Way to go Julie Banderas, stand your ground and fight for what you think is right.

07-11-2006, 01:21 AM
The question this brings, it is their 1st Amendment right to do this and have their freedom of speech but where do we draw the line and say enough is enough.

Yes, they have the right. We use our freedom of speech to respond - not to shut them up.

When do we as Americans stand up to these people and say Shut the F*#$ Up and prohibit the people from doing this. In all reality if we do that, then where does the government draw the line.

The First Amendment prevents up from prohibiting their speech. The government drew the line when the constitution was adopted. The line is "free speech."

Do you as an American agree they should be allowed to say what they want or should we start banging the drum and prevent them ????

If we prohibit their free speech, someone else may prohibit my free speech. We don't prevent them.

One more observation. There is a law against "disrupting a church service." That's why the demonstrators can be prevented from getting too close to the service.

There is also such a thing as "counter demonstrators" and subsequent breaches of the peace.

But, in the final analysis the government must not prohibit free speech.


07-13-2006, 12:49 AM
Its not right either way. No we shouldn't take their free speech from them, because that would be a discrace to the men and women who fight for their right to have that freedom. However you should not bite the hand that feeds you, Its not right at all to say your glad that a Marine is dead and then say that you are aloud to do so because of your 1st amendment right. When its THAT dead Marine who helped give you that right.