View Full Version : New Radio System

06-23-2006, 09:30 PM

I`d like to ask the troopers in the southeastern part of the state how the new radios are performing. According to the link above, the new radios are endangering your lives because the radios switch frequencies without you knowing it. Don`t know if the other parts of the state, where the new radio system was implemented before, also had this flaw.

The radio monitoring community (scanner enthusiasts) had been following the state`s unnecessary expenditure in this system, as opposed to making the Motorola system work and or be expanded as originally intended.

Sure, it saddens us not being able to monitor FHP any longer. But spending untold amounts of taxpayer`s money, in something that does`nt work, is just as angering as it is to you not being able to depend on a secure and reliable radio system.

06-29-2006, 10:59 PM
ive worked in alot of area around the state and my radio works fine. i dont think there will ever be a radio system that is perfect. cops just like to complain. just remember, there were days when cops didnt even have handheld radios. so stop the *****ing.

07-01-2006, 03:05 AM
I think the troop down there is seeing how efficiently they can relay from one to another that their is an off duty LEO speeding on 75 and to then stop and stroke them!!

02-26-2009, 07:06 AM

02-26-2009, 02:14 PM
I will tell you a story about our radio system. Midnight shift In Troop C, I stop a car that was all over the road. I tried to call in the traffic stop on the car radio. The radio wont transmit. The famous CC Scan. I then tried my portable radio, the battery was dead. Step number 3, cell phone, it worked! I ended up arresting the guy for s-1. When I left the area and then the car radio worked. I was in a dead zone for the May Work Radio. That's what I think of the radio system (Dead Zone). This radio system is gonna get some killed! The old system had it's flaws, but worked better.

02-26-2009, 07:05 PM
Macom Radio System


02-26-2009, 07:41 PM
It is interesting how pretty much every other police, sheriff, and fire rescue all have radios that work (for the most part) but ours will not. This is a disgrace, but what else would one expect from the State of Florida.

02-26-2009, 07:57 PM
It is interesting how pretty much every other police, sheriff, and fire rescue all have radios that work (for the most part) but ours will not. This is a disgrace, but what else would one expect from the State of Florida.

It's all about sacrificing your safety to save a few bucks. Now get out there and write more tickets!

02-26-2009, 08:03 PM
ive worked in alot of area around the state and my radio works fine. i dont think there will ever be a radio system that is perfect. cops just like to complain. just remember, there were days when cops didnt even have handheld radios. so stop the *****ing.

Ok, you are obviously lying or are just plain dumb. I have been with FHP for 5 years and the radio system has only become worse since I have been here. Virtually everyday there is a call on the CAD screen reference "radio problems". Just because cops didn't have handheld radios in the 1970s doesn't mean we can't have radios that work today. That is like saying who cares if my vest is expired and worn out because in 1975 cops didn't even have vests. This isn't the 70s and 80s. Times have changed for the better and there is good technology out there. The only reason FHP doesn't have it is because the STATE DOES NOT CARE! You need to stop talking because you only make yourself look ignorant.

02-26-2009, 08:14 PM
It is interesting how pretty much every other police, sheriff, and fire rescue all have radios that work (for the most part) but ours will not. This is a disgrace, but what else would one expect from the State of Florida.

That's because they have enough towers to operate their system and we don't. Too much $$ to cover the whole state adequately.

02-26-2009, 08:29 PM
I`d like to ask the troopers in the southeastern part of the state how the new radios are performing. According to the link above, the new radios are endangering your lives because the radios switch frequencies without you knowing it. Don`t know if the other parts of the state, where the new radio system was implemented before, also had this flaw.

The radio monitoring community (scanner enthusiasts) had been following the state`s unnecessary expenditure in this system, as opposed to making the Motorola system work and or be expanded as originally intended.

Sure, it saddens us not being able to monitor FHP any longer. But spending untold amounts of taxpayer`s money, in something that does`nt work, is just as angering as it is to you not being able to depend on a secure and reliable radio system.

It is pretty much a wash. Some areas are better and some are worse. SE Fl ,Troops E, K, L & D, are the only areas of the state that are truly set up for this system and have almost enough tower sites to cover the areas. The rest of the state is not so lucky. In the SE this is light years ahead of the old vhf system. I'm not so sure about the rest of the state.

02-27-2009, 02:59 AM
I have to disagree that the system works in Troop-L and K down south. IT S U C K S ! I cannot take a 10-8 in my driveway.. I have to drive 3 miles before I get any signal at all.

This radio is crap, and I hope and Pray that one of us is not hurt as a result of it not working PROPERLY and as promised. CC Scan is a daily thing, and we were told that after more towers are put up that problem will be gone... well....... where are the new towers ?????? oh wait..... here on the truck right ?

Other agencies just laugh at us because we can't get a decent radio... and then when it DOES actually work... good luck getting somone on the other end to actually answer u.

02-27-2009, 03:23 AM
It is interesting how pretty much every orther police, sheiff, and fire rescue all have radios that work (for the most part) but ours will not. This is a disgrace, but what else would one expect from the State of Florida.

That's because they have enough towers to operate their system and we don't. Too much $$ to cover the whole state adequately.

Yes, but the contract says portable is only good for Metro areas and rural areas, you are stuck with mobile. The bottom line is we need to have repeaters in the car. Other States have these with M/A COm while can't FHP?

02-27-2009, 03:51 AM
It is interesting how pretty much every orther police, sheiff, and fire rescue all have radios that work (for the most part) but ours will not. This is a disgrace, but what else would one expect from the State of Florida.

That's because they have enough towers to operate their system and we don't. Too much $$ to cover the whole state adequately.

Yes, but the contract says portable is only good for Metro areas and rural areas, you are stuck with mobile. The bottom line is we need to have repeaters in the car. Other States have these with M/A COm while can't FHP?

Because the state of Florida DOES NOT GIVE A FLYING $%&# about you! Apply for a real agency. You are wasting your life at FHP.

02-28-2009, 01:12 AM
It is interesting how pretty much every orther police, sheiff, and fire rescue all have radios that work (for the most part) but ours will not. This is a disgrace, but what else would one expect from the State of Florida.

That's because they have enough towers to operate their system and we don't. Too much $$ to cover the whole state adequately.

Yes, but the contract says portable is only good for Metro areas and rural areas, you are stuck with mobile. The bottom line is we need to have repeaters in the car. Other States have these with M/A COm while can't FHP?

Repeaters suck. The old vhf portables transmitted through the car. They were terrible. The state will never supply us with a top notch communications system. It is just way too expensive.