View Full Version : Why I love SFPD

06-23-2006, 06:35 AM
If you want a good laugh look at the bozos that the Chef is surrounding herself with. Police impersonators (have Andy look em up in records). It is too bad because I remember when Heather had a good reputation. Now I will tell you, if you didn't like how **** acted when he was under fire you really won't like Heather. The good (or bad) thing is that she will be out of a job very soon. You can only kiss so much butt before they lose respect for you, and the powers at be are not happy with her performance as she has not "fixed" the broken city and broken "SFPD". I still love the Dept and the City and street Sgt's but the upper level cops are afraid to take risks or support their staff. They have no idea what it is like for the street Officers. I was in a station the other day and watched this lame FTO ("10-8 cop" but makes no arrests ever!!) talking trash to his recruit being straight evil. I looked at this FTO and thought this is why we have no retention. Heather, the ship is sinking and the rats are fleeing, stand up and be a man or step aside and let someone 10-8 up to bat. We need Matrix in San Francisco. Clear the bums, pimps, whores and crooks away so the neighborhood kids can play.

07-20-2006, 01:46 PM
I concur without hesitation. Keep up the pressure. She and Gary need to go.

08-07-2006, 04:15 AM
I heard someone say our current command staff is the Revenge of the Nerds! All the desk jockies who never did any real police work on at the top level now. And there are more to follow. Boy, are we screwed!!

08-07-2006, 09:31 PM
I believe this to be true. Nerds? Perhaps. Certainly the Chief herself is, but whats more freightening is the amnesia(sp) factor. Why does everybody who makes it to the 5th floor lose their memory of what it is like for the rank & file? Is politics a virus?

08-10-2006, 08:19 PM
Because they have NO backbone. Not a one of them. Not one single person up there will take a stand. It is so pathetic. They backstab eachother. They backstab the troops. And all they care about is how their next decision may effect their next promotion. And this attitude has even infected the sargeants and lieutenants who many are now just as worthless as the command staff!!