View Full Version : Strange Billboard Ad on US 19

06-22-2006, 04:42 PM
When I was traveling south on US Highway 19, I noticed a billboard ad sponsored by the LARGO PD that reads "Real men don't hit women and children." I dont advocate hitting our wives but I certainly do believe in spanking children. Would "hitting" your children also include spanking?

Maybe I should put up my own ad right next to this one that reads, "...but their kids are spoiled brats!".

What do you think? Did I misunderstand the ad? Should a police department raise my kids?

06-22-2006, 05:25 PM
I believe the implication about hitting children refered more to child abuse than to lawful discipline.

06-23-2006, 12:39 PM
Hey, alwaysRIGHT, did you ever spank your wife? inquiring minds wanna know

06-23-2006, 02:23 PM
I see where your agency was trying to go. But that sign just makes law abiding citizens feel good. However, those prone to ***** slap their wife or drop kick their kids arent going to be swayed by a feeble attempt to appeal to their limited morals. That sign is about as productive as the "NEVER SHAKE A BABY" sign.

If you are so stupid, or so crime prone, to shake babies, throw babies, smack babies, or kick babies, a sign wont help you. A guaranteed kick in the head and trip to jail doesnt cut it, so why would a sign.

If were going to put up these stupid signs, lets address the big ones. for example:

"DONT KILL PEOPLE" with a picture of a guy stabbing his neighbor.

"DONT RAPE YOUR NEIGHBOR" with a picture of a violent rape going on with the hoo hoo parts filtered out.

"DONT ROB YOUR BANK" well you get it.

I feel a CPO edge to what the signs are trying for, but they are for the most part unintelligent design in a major way.

06-23-2006, 09:10 PM
What is wrong with hitting your wife??? :?

06-23-2006, 10:49 PM
Actually, hitting YOUR wife would be just fine.

06-24-2006, 11:42 PM
The effectiveness of this type of advertising is not aimed at the perpetrator. It is aimed at the victim. It provides a venue for the victim, usually cut off from support systems by the abuser. It affirms to the victim that what is happening isn't right and offers a way out by calling the sponsoring agency.

06-24-2006, 11:43 PM
The effectiveness of this type of advertising is not aimed at the perpetrator. It is aimed at the victim. It provides a venue for the victim, usually cut off from support systems by the abuser. It affirms to the victim that what is happening isn't right and offers a way out by calling the sponsoring agency.

06-25-2006, 12:03 AM
When in the hell is he leaving?!

06-26-2006, 04:54 PM
Again, for those that can read, I do not advocate beating your wife or abusing kids. If "hitting", as the billboard reads, includes spanking then all of our parents abused us.

I just wanted to express my disgust for this socialist cult that believes in "time out" as a fitting punishment for children. Time out?! Are you kidding me?! Undisciplined children always turn out to be brats! An entire generation is being raised by parents who may be fearful of an arrest for spanking their own kids.

I appreciate your thought provoking replies. Thanks.

07-06-2006, 02:35 AM
As an LPD officer, I can affirm that we deal with corporal punishment cases all of the time. The bottom line is, corporal punishment is deemed acceptable as long as it fits under specific set out standards and does not surpass specific guidelines, set under state law. When myself, and every other Largo PD officer, are presented with an incident involving child discipline, our goal is to determine whether or not the physical force used violates these state mandated guidelines. If the alleged force does not, then it is deemed acceptable by state law and our agency. I can, therefore, attest that the city of Largo does not condone reasonable child discipline, otherwise known as "spanking".

The term "hitting" and "spanking" are two seperate entities. "Spanking" is generally considered to be the act of using a REASONABLE amount of physical force against a child with the intent to cause discomfort, but no lasting or severe pain, injury, or bodily harm. "Hitting", on the other hand, is generally considered to be the act of striking another person with the intent to cause harm, injury, or damage.

By using the term "Hitting", the Largo Police Dept. is not condoning legal corporal punishment against a child. This can be confirmed by observing our day-to-day handlings of related scenarios.....or just a good handle on the English language.