06-19-2006, 06:15 PM




06-19-2006, 10:05 PM
I saw "Meet the Fockers" the other day on cable. Excellent comedy. Barbra Striesand did a great job. After watching I realized that sooooo many young parents of toddlers wait for thier child's first word. I am sure that millions of households burst for joy when their new baby's first word isn't : "Momma" or "DaDa", but "ASSH*LE". It's such as descriptive word. George W. uses it and it just really gets to the gut feeling on how your feel about someone. So, when your toddler points her finger at your mother in law and says "assh*le". You know your kid is gonna have great judgment in life.

Also, I saw the play "The Vagina Monologues". Why do people think that's a bad word? The French use Le Merde like its just another word in in the dictionary. Obviously you never use the "F" work in public. No sireeeee. You save that one behind a closed door in that "your mother in law is a "f'ing a___hole."
Now that's a bad word.

Get that soap up to Tally. Its needed badly.

06-20-2006, 12:27 AM
Let me guess. Since your cases talk like that you should be able to crawl down to their level and do the same. Right?
Then again, you could be a professional and not talk like that.

06-20-2006, 12:40 AM
Lighten up, Troll!!!! It's mean little trolls like you that make the job so tedious. Lighten up

06-20-2006, 12:44 AM
I heard about the tape today and can't wait to see it. Suggestions:

F you Charlie = Chuck You Farley
Sh*thead = Poopiehead
@sshole = HineyHole
:lol: :lol:

06-20-2006, 03:52 AM
Lighten up, Troll!!!! It's mean little trolls like you that make the job so tedious. Lighten up

No offense, but what's up with the people on this forum? It seems if someone isn't slamming central office, calling their supervisor JABBA the Hut or whining about the pay they get attacked personally, called a probationer or a sex offender. Jeez, get over it already. And you wonder why the Colonel had to make a tape just so he could tell the staff to quit calling people dirty names. Ya ever think he might have been thinking about this forum when he was giving his speech?

06-20-2006, 09:59 AM
I am what i am! I sit here day in and day out watching all these poop heads spewing their own form of crap. They grunt and groan and squeeze out a poot when another dodohead walks in and then they bump butts to celebrate. This is a bunch of horsecrap, and ........ooops I think I just crapped me pants, and me wearing my last pair of depends. Wake up and smell the odor people!

06-20-2006, 12:50 PM
I am what i am! I sit here day in and day out watching all these poop heads spewing their own form of crap. They grunt and groan and squeeze out a poot when another dodohead walks in and then they bump butts to celebrate. This is a bunch of horsecrap, and ........ooops I think I just crapped me pants, and me wearing my last pair of depends. Wake up and smell the odor people!

Care to explain this in proper english?

06-20-2006, 12:52 PM
Lighten up, Troll!!!! It's mean little trolls like you that make the job so tedious. Lighten up
Pardon me for thinking that a DOC employee should act like the professional they claim to be when it comes time to talk about salary and benefits.
If you want to be treated like a professional, start acting like one. As a Florida taxpayer I think I have a right to ask that of you.

06-20-2006, 02:29 PM
If you want to be treated like a professional, start acting like one. As a Florida taxpayer I think I have a right to ask that of you.

No. You should expect it. If you have to ask a government employee to act professionally then your tax dollars were wasted.

06-20-2006, 06:19 PM
If you want to be treated like a professional, start acting like one. As a Florida taxpayer I think I have a right to ask that of you.

We are tax payers also. I am so tired of the " as a taxpayer " line. It gets old after about 100 times, especially when the person using it is usually a dirt bag or just think they are better than someone due to the Mercedes in their driveway, when most of them lack good ethics themselves. People should act in a professional way but the respect a position is shown will obviously have an overall effect on the way people in it behave. I personally know some Federal Probation officers that were former FL ones and they carry themselves a lot different at their office than they did with DOC. I wonder if the better work conditions have something to do with it ( I am sure making 20,000 more per year makes people more aware of their behavior also ). People can say what ever they want, but generally people in a profession carry themselves better if they are appreciated whether by pay or working environment.

06-20-2006, 10:09 PM

06-20-2006, 10:53 PM
Hey guys, chill out. There are going to be times that people use a little profanity, no matter how professional they are. Doesn't make it right, but I'm not going to judge them and say they are unprofessional for saying sh*t or a**hole occassionally. Maybe it is all nice and rosey where you're at and you are dealing with only offenders that just made a little mistake, but most of us deal with some actual convicts and during a particuallry bad day, will let a bad word slip out every once and a while. And as a tax payer myself, I feel cheated having to help pay the salaries of liberal slackoffs like you 2. As shocking as it may sound, there might just be a convict that posts crap on here to stir things up. So don't be so freaking judgemental about what others post just because they don't agree with you. :lol: 8)

06-20-2006, 11:03 PM

06-20-2006, 11:52 PM
I find it ironic that a bright wonder on here thought to send Laura Bedard bars of soap for staff's mouths to be cleaned with. Bedard has a raunchy mouth and can start by example by washing hers out first. The trials of leadership.

06-21-2006, 10:28 PM
Dookieshoot :mrgreen: : I love you. What a great posting.

This is a must read for all you self righteous out there.

You're the ones who report others and even have them written up while you get away with your slips and deny them all the way. After all, who would believe the YOU would say such a thing? Your're kidding no one.

06-21-2006, 10:56 PM
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_1_132.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNxmk788YYUS)

06-22-2006, 12:17 AM
I am shocked when professional probation officers resort to vile and ugly language. Just the other day I overheard some veteran probation officers standing around the break room calling higher ups names and using profane words to describe them. Then later in the day I heard these same ole timers using the most awful language when talking about the clients we supervise. I was shocked and hurt. I went back to my desk to consider this troubling situation. I did not see any way out until I remembered a movie I saw years ago with Mickey Rooney in it. It was about Boys Town. he was a young thug who was rehabilitated by a lovin priest. In fact, the founder of boys town once said "there is no such thing as a bad kid." I was moved by this statement. Now we are on the cutting edge of social rehabilitation. Tomorrow letsgo to work and think in terms of there is no such thing as a bad co person and there is no such thing as a bad client. I prefer to call them clients. I think offender is indeed offensive. Its almost like cussin when we use such terms. Remember we are not on a ship and we are not some dirty sailor. We are heading up a great movement and we cannot be movers and shakers if we constantly cuss and fuss. I know some of you may have a difficult time breakin the cussin habit, but everytime you are tempted to cuss, think about little ole Mickey and how some loving, forgivin and uncussin person helped him see the light. Don't cuss, ok, your friend and neighbor, Gomer. Bye

06-22-2006, 03:14 AM
F*** you GOMER! They are either offenders!!!!!!!!!

06-22-2006, 05:59 AM
Why any officer would use profanity to an offender (not to even mention an offender's family member/friend or a member of the public) is beyond me, and I refuse to believe that a mature adult cannot exercise the proper self-control to avoid this.

It's not an issue of being "offensive", it's an issue of just not being smart.

Why would an officer defend a behavior that accomplishes nothing but:

(A) Violates policy
(B) Violates FDLE standards for CPO conduct
(C) Invites complaints likely to lead to officer discipline
(D) Invites litigation

Really, why would anyone here act in such a way that just gives offenders a club to beat you over the head with? Don't say you don't care. That will be sparse help to your family when you lose your job, due to your conduct, and CJSTC is reviewing the incident which caused you to lose your job.

Don't do something that enables an offender to get your money or display your professional scalp as some kind of victory token. Play by the rules. There is never any need to use profanity to an offender.

06-22-2006, 10:20 AM
I'm just glad that the issue has been addressed.

Personally, I do not use profane language. I am above that.
I do not appreciate being forced to listen to it from someone else regardless of who they are. Therefore, I am glad to hear that there are other people who feel the same way about this and that McDonough is one of them. I've noted (yeah, written it down) the occasions that I've heard profanity in the office, by the other staff members and then ... I was spending too much time in my journal. I've also discovered, the hard way, that it does no good to go running to the supervisor and voice a complaint. Nothing happens, so why go out of my way and waste my time? But on the other hand - it needs to stop. ALL of the nonesense that occurs in the DOC facilities needs to stop. (Using profanity, showing favoritism, slander, theft, disrespect, etc.)

An eye for an eye... do unto others... I do am not practicing any of the above mentioned and I would appreciate if my co-workers could reciprocate.

06-22-2006, 11:00 AM
It has taken me all these years to learn to swear and curse in Spanish and now I have to stop. This is very discouraging. First I had to learn to talk "PRISON TALK", "Who you be, 'Motherf_ _ _ _ _?' Then I was told that the word 'MF' was part of a culture. Now I am told to learn to talk as I did before I came to the DOC. I wish the folks in CO would make up their minds. GoDevi.

06-22-2006, 11:02 AM
My offenders prefer to be called "bad guys". It gives them the feeling that they are in the movies. In addition the claim that if the politically correct are affording information in Spanish here in America, then, it is only fair that street level language be afforded also. Otherwise the bad guys may make a mistake when trying to translate the queens english for their own edification.

06-22-2006, 11:12 PM
I have tried to promote love and good will, but what do i get? I get profane directions thats what I get. I give up. I am moving to Canada. Gomer the goner, p.s., in the words of the late and great Otis Redding, "Try a Little Tenderness." bye once and for all . . .

06-22-2006, 11:48 PM
Unfortunately there is no such thing with the DOC. Good luck Gomer. Wish I were going with you.

06-23-2006, 10:41 AM
My offenders prefer to be called "bad guys". It gives them the feeling that they are in the movies.

I'm sure they do and here you are - the authority figure catering to them ... for crying out loud!

They would also prefer to stay at home and have you come to them for the monthly visit, heck, they'd prefer to have no visit at all, just give them a call here and there and let them offend in peace. You have to set boundaries my friend. Try it. You will see that they will show more respect for you being strict with them than with you being sweet with them.

Just like our boss and our boss's boss... I would prefer to wear jeans and tshirts every day while working out of my house, but the man makes me come in to the office 8-5 (never earlier, never later) wearing my business casual. It's called rules. You have rules, I have rules, the OFFENDERS need the rules, they just don't know how to follow them, that is why you are on one side of the desk and they are on the other. You are not their friend and they are not yours. Period. End of discussion.

06-24-2006, 02:44 AM
how did you know about my wing-nut moon-bat tree hugger hippy world??

06-24-2006, 02:29 PM
When I was working my way thru college at Tote Water Tech, i took a summer job in a paint and body shop. The owner said to me on the first day, "If you don't cuss now you wil, cause partner you can't work in this place without it driving you to cussin." Same thing applies to Dee Oh See. Lew Doe

06-24-2006, 08:33 PM
My BAD GUYS like your colors Bud.

07-01-2006, 10:25 PM
Quite complaining. Cut the bichin and send your bars of soap to Dr. Laura at Lowell CI.

She will continue to run the Clean your Potty Mouth Campaign while she begins her premier program at Lowell, "I'm OK....You're OK and It's Not Your Fault!"