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06-07-2006, 02:05 AM
BB has created his legacy. The sheriff who brought laughter to our sheriff's office. What once was an SO who ranked among some of the best in the country, in 6 short years has become the laughing stock of police work.

For new potential hires, apply elsewhere like North Port, Venice or SPD, but if you come here, you will soon look to leave like so many of us. Unless we are very luck and get a real police administrator in 3 years.

However, from the looks of it, we will end up with either

1) bb himself who may be indicted by then, or worse yet, not indicted and stays longer.
2) a womanizer who enjoys touching himself (LD)
3) a guy who lost 3 elections already and is a patrol officer and before that a flower truck driver (DG)
4) a former cop locked up for dui (CL)
5) a legal attorney who already lost in a bid for charlotte county sheriff (KH)
6) a chief of a town with one main roadway, who has bounced all around manatee and sarasota county (AH)

in any case, we lose again!!!

So if the news was really reading this, they themselves would question why not let the voters decide and go to a metro system where a chief can be hired or perhaps give the whole thing to Abbott, he's experienced in larger departments then Sarasota.

06-07-2006, 10:37 AM
So if the news was really reading this, they themselves would question why not let the voters decide and go to a metro system where a chief can be hired or perhaps give the whole thing to Abbott, he's experienced in larger departments then Sarasota.Yep, I agree with all that, but it will never happen because if we switch from a sheriff's office to a county police department, then the county loses it's ability to tax the cities for policie services -- and for that reason, it will never happen.

If all the police agencies were to consolidate, then that would work, but there are too many power struggles for that to happen.

We're stuck in a system that was created in the 1800s!!!! :?

06-07-2006, 04:46 PM
Grow up,, Its just you. Now stop crying and just do your job. Waaaahhhhhh

06-07-2006, 06:09 PM
Grow up,, Its just you. Now stop crying and just do your job. Waaaahhhhhhtisk tisk tisk, did we touch a sore nerve, mr. administrator / political apointee??? :lol:

06-08-2006, 12:16 AM
Nope just tired of hearing cry babies like yourself make the agency look bad. I could care less about politics above. It doesnt affect me. I DO MY JOB,,bad guy goes to jail and we have a good agency except for whiners like you who vent on a public site and make us look real good.

06-08-2006, 12:31 AM
I agree that we have a few very vocal whiners who wouldn't be happy if they were sheriff. They can choose to be constructive or destructive in their efforts to make change. They choose destructive because it takes less effort and they don't have to use their names. Grow up or go away!

06-08-2006, 12:43 AM
If the monkey headed 2nd floor brass that is posting this CRA$ really thinks that there are just a few unhappy campers and that the rest enjoy working for squat, while the FOB's get BS promotions, get arrested, having drinking issues, grope woman, grope themselves, and MAKE THE MOST MONEY??

You are wrong Captain or Major... There are Many that have a hard time paying rent or a mortgage that would love to know that hard work can get them up the ladder to better pay. Not holding a campaign sign, being a joke to law enforcement and get promoted anyway.

And by the way, we are not going anywhere until we cause change. FBI may be helping with that already.

06-08-2006, 12:49 AM
Nope just tired of hearing cry babies like yourself make the agency look bad. I could care less about politics above. It doesnt affect me. I DO MY JOB,,bad guy goes to jail and we have a good agency except for whiners like you who vent on a public site and make us look real good.

I hope you do your job real well, because the more people we lose, the harder and less safe our job gets.
So fine , what are we gona do?

1. Get some real wages on the table.
2. Get rid of the politics and the suck ups.
3. Do our dam jobs!

06-08-2006, 02:51 AM
Well for all the whiners and crybabies on this site that hate the SSO so much I'll just say this. I've got 4 years here, I'm no Sgt, Lt, Capt, Major. I have never carried a sign, kissed someone's arse. The highest ranking people I've ever had a conversation with was the people who conducted my oral board, during my oral board. With all the BS people whine about on this site I can say I have a very limited opinion because half of it has no bearing on my job day in and day out. Sure I could definately use a raise... I have a piece of crap POV and crappy home in Sarasota, which I bought for less then 170K and I work plenty of OT to make ends meet. I have no boat, jetski, golf clubs or anything like that because I can't afford it. I'm sure those that are whining are the ones *****ing becuase they're have a hard time paying for that 2nd car or boat.
Yeah I could use a computer that doesn't crash on me, with DAVID and mugsearch. Yeah I could have a 2006 car with chrome rims and a damn dvd player. What I do have now is fine though. I go to work everyday and some days suck and others are great. Nothing on the second floor matters to me when I'm on the streets and it shouldn't matter to anyone else. Who cares if the chief hooks up his kid, I would too. Who cares where the Sheriff had a cookout. I'd rather him have a cookout at Mcintosh then have to defend himself over racial profiling and harrassment to a bunch of 3rd graders who don't know crap other then what they hear from they're older brothers and parents.
Whoever this ANON Deputy is, man I'm sorry for you. You can be as ashamed as you choose to be. I personally would much rather start over somewhere then live my life as being as disgustingly miserable as you make yourself out to be. Screw FRS, you think when your retired and have plenty of $$ your magically going to become happy? You'll think to yourself that its nice to have cash but you wasted your life getting it....and still be miserable. I'm ashamed of you ANON, you need to tkae some V-time get get your s--- together before you do something stupid. Or better yet go get your dream job up north back.
The jaded few may say that everyone hates this place but I don't believe it. Let me be one of the few then to say...I love the SSO, I love most the Deputies I work with and have met in the SSO. I love the car they gave me, the checks they give me and the uniform that I proudly put on everytime I go to work. I am especially proud of myself for earning the priviledge to wear it.
If there are any other in the SSO that may agree with me then please say so. I'm curious to see just how jaded the SSO really is.

06-08-2006, 05:39 AM
To the last poster. If you really believe that its not obvious that someone at the Captain, perhaps even Major or LD himself wrote that, then you really are a dope. For if you really worked patrol (LIKE I DO), you would NEVER write what you wrote, because we here it all do, by a majority of the deputies out here. perhaps there are the one or two, even three that are newbies and don't say anything, but you are not a deputy. Plain and simple. And the fact that you brought up the chief's son and BB, b-b-que say it all.

So go back to your 4-5 hour day on the 2nd floor you brass monkey and stop BSing. Although that's all your use too.

06-09-2006, 01:34 AM
Mann I wrote it and I am a verteran with a lot more years than you were a thought in your mamas head. this is a good agency and Its ashamed that people with your mentaility even chose to be little our four and five year deputies. I worked another Florida Sheriffs Office. Its no different here so knock it and do your job. What is your tiff with the second floor? Did you not get CIB or something? Geez who cares what goes on up there. Take your calls put the guys in jail and go home to your family. See that wasnt soo hard.. Nite Nite :wink:

06-09-2006, 11:58 AM
Good day gentlemen. For those of you that keep throwing Abbott's name around, the term "OUT OF THE FRYING PAN, INTO THE FIRE" comes to mind.

Food for thought. Sit down with some of the street guys at SPD and learn the real story. Not the ROOKIES or the BRASS but the real cops.

06-09-2006, 04:15 PM
I wrote the above post about being proud of the SSO. I couldn't tell you the names of the command staff and I have truly been here for a little over 4 years. Whoever you are bro you are on miserable POS. I'm amazed that after all that writing the first thing you have to say is that I'm brass. Well if I'm brass, your a retard. Foro you to even consider that I'm no Deputy...I'm willing to bet that with your attitude I've put more folks in jail in the last 4 years then you have the last 10.
How in the Hell did you get so miserable. More importantly, how in the Hell does what goes on with the brass bother you and affect your miserable life so much???
Ok, let me guess...You started patrol like everyone else, loving it. You got married and started a family. You family life fell apart becuase you became a disgruntled ass because you super. didn't like you and you couldn't get promoted. Now your one of those Deputies who nobody like and do only what you are dispatched to do becuase your miserable and ashamed of yourself...not your job. After all that you have decided that the second floor is out to get you and the reason for your hostility. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe somewhere in the you transfered to Bailiff's and now you sit in the transport office doing nothing but *****ing and moaning about how the SSO sucks while your on the retirement train in the A/C with the most laid back job you can get.
Yeah I'm brass jackass. I'll be out on the road this weekend loving my job and doing it the best I can. And the only time I'll think of the second floor is when I'm passing it to go to briefing.

06-10-2006, 01:30 AM
i love this job and the money is good and i am having fun still after 10yrs imagine that and still on the road where i like it :lol:

06-10-2006, 04:15 AM
I agree, If you don't like it here then move on to what your idea of a perfect agency is! We don't need the bad moral! Do what you get paid to do, which is LAW ENFORCEMENT! Stop worring about what goes on with the brass! No one is perfect (and I'm sure you are?) Hey, here's an idea, since your so smart and know everything why don't you run for Sheriff!**** :lol:

06-10-2006, 04:18 AM
I agree, If you don't like it here then move on to what your idea of a perfect agency is! We don't need the bad moral! Do what you get paid to do, which is LAW ENFORCEMENT! Stop worring about what goes on with the brass! No one is perfect (and I'm sure you are?) Hey, here's an idea, since your so smart and know everything why don't you run for Sheriff!**** :lol:

06-10-2006, 01:23 PM
I am going to stick my two cents in here. The started out by someone saying you guys are the laughing stock of Law Enforcement.

To be that others from outside your agency must have that perception. I can tell you from Manatee County and Bradenton PD our perceptions is that you guys are doing a very good job and we support you. We all have internal problems but our perception from Bradenton is you guys are a very fine Law Enforcement Agency.

Now I know someone is going to tell me to go away and I am but I just wanted to state our perception.

06-10-2006, 03:41 PM
I agree, If you don't like it here then move on to what your idea of a perfect agency is! We don't need the bad moral! Do what you get paid to do, which is LAW ENFORCEMENT! Stop worring about what goes on with the brass! No one is perfect (and I'm sure you are?) Hey, here's an idea, since your so smart and know everything why don't you run for Sheriff!**** :lol:

What do you mean we don't need bad moral, moral IS bad.

06-10-2006, 05:22 PM
From a Veteran Deputy, You might only be here a couple of years bro but I like your attitude. Keep it up I got your back. I got 16 in and the agency is fine. I could care less about above and If I do ever make Sgt which I will, Its guys like you who keep the motivation going. Keep it up and Be safe.

06-10-2006, 06:04 PM
They lie to our faces all the time. Then they wonder why everyone is so upset. Then thers the back stabing. As soon as I find another agency, I'm outa here!

06-11-2006, 02:53 AM
Nice attitude,,,next.....

06-11-2006, 03:18 AM
Everyone is hiring right now..EVERYONE! So if you are not gone in a few weeks I am sure it is your attitude that keeps you from getting hired. By the way, with such a bad reputation we have, who would want to hire one of us? Unless that bad rep is just soemthing cooked up by those with bad attitudes. Let me know which agency you are trying to get hired by and I will buy you the one way bus ticket.

06-11-2006, 01:27 PM
i have worked at 2 other depts and this place is truely x8. we have good training and equiptment and the issued vehicles are great. this place is very professional then a lot of other depts. 8)

06-12-2006, 02:28 AM
[u][b]TO THE OLD RETIRED GUY.......you have no clue......The Real cops you refer to and the ones doing the backroom talking are the ones that never got on the same page as Abbott and will never get on the same page. That's because they are slackers and don't want to work. They are complainers and nothing else. All Abbott ever did when he got here was One, clean the place up, Two, got new computers and asked everyone to use them, Three, got new nextels for everyone, Four, got the union a 16% raise, Five, and finally Just asked everyone to earn their pay..even the Sgt's and Lt's. Just earn your pay. He has promoted, moved and re-organized...FOR THE BETTER. CRIME IS DOWN FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW...SO FAR THIS YEAR BY 17%. Calls for service are up, arrests are up.....Everyone here is happy.....only of course the ones you are talking to. The worst thing that could happen for us is that the COP does run for sheriff...........

06-12-2006, 11:53 AM
Hey Copone. Take a breath brother. It's only monday.

Can only draw conclusions from what I here. Haven't heard anything good yet.

Maybe tomorrow.

Stay safe.

06-14-2006, 05:29 AM
Whoever this ANON Deputy is, man I'm sorry for you. You can be as ashamed as you choose to be. I personally would much rather start over somewhere then live my life as being as disgustingly miserable as you make yourself out to be. Screw FRS, you think when your retired and have plenty of $$ your magically going to become happy? You'll think to yourself that its nice to have cash but you wasted your life getting it....and still be miserable.

That is one of the best worded quotes I've heard in a long time. If you really aren't happy, don't stick around and use the FRS as an excuse. You will have spent so many years of your life being miserable that you won't know HOW to be happy. Don't waste your life trying to reach retirement, find a job you love (as I have) and spend the next "X" amount of years loving the job you do, where the retirement at the end is just one more added bonus. Things aren't perfect at SSO but I'm happy with my job. If you're not then look for a job you love, that makes you happy. It IS possible.

06-14-2006, 05:34 AM
Ok, let me guess...You started patrol like everyone else, loving it. You got married and started a family. You family life fell apart becuase you became a disgruntled ass because you super. didn't like you and you couldn't get promoted. Now your one of those Deputies who nobody like and do only what you are dispatched to do becuase your miserable and ashamed of yourself...not your job..

Sounds like someone I know ::cough::3225::cough::

06-14-2006, 05:36 AM
They lie to our faces all the time. Then they wonder why everyone is so upset. Then thers the back stabing. As soon as I find another agency, I'm outa here!

Don't let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha

06-14-2006, 10:06 AM
Sounds like someone I know ::cough::3225::cough::I know wat u mean < hacking cough > because I also think I've developing bronchitis. :shock:


06-15-2006, 03:03 PM
3225 is not North Nights, he is north evenings for 1, and I wrote it for 2. Besides, why would you call someone out on this website for posting something constructive. Maybe I could have been a little nicer about it but really, I love my job and I'm happy with the agency I work for. And because I voice that opinion on here, my fellow deputies who may be my backup or need me for their's are going to call me out to get crapped on?? Nice. Don't worry I'll still be there for you when you need me, and I'm not going to rat you on when you screw up either. Keep guessing.

06-23-2006, 01:40 AM
a little less talk and a little more action :)

06-25-2006, 06:15 PM
all i have to say is that we ie:spd have issues. :oops: