View Full Version : Kids and their stupid parents

Nacho Libre
05-29-2006, 05:46 PM
Chucky Cheeze lists an interesting article about a 7 year old in Ft Myers that smacked a teacher. They arrested him. Sounds extreme, but he's done it before. He's punched and spit on teachers in the past. Kid's grandpa says the poor angel has ADHD and he's just misunderstood.

Thats the problem with parents today. They use every excuse for their babies actions. He's got ADHD. He's got ADD. He's got disruptive behavior disorder.

When parents own up to the fact that there kids are fully capable of making bad decisions and stop all the bullshit excuses they may stop turning out little *******s.

Look at midtown. Unregulated shitbags with parents that will riot over the death of someone they dont even know, but they cant spend five minutes to making sure their kids do homework.

Parents too busy smoking crack. Kids too busy selling it. And assholes like the uruhu's too busy fighting whitey to actually give a shit. Put that in your african peace pipe and smoke it Davis. :twisted:

05-30-2006, 12:35 AM
Good for you for telling it like it really is.