View Full Version : subpoenas

05-28-2006, 03:33 PM
In how many offices do the supervisors accept subpoenas for their officers, then leave them to "work it out" if they have already requested time off (AL or SL)? How does a supervisor have the authority to accept a legal document on my behalf? Ours won't even come and ask you (when you're right there in the office) if you have a scheduling conflict, or heaven forbid, check the master schedule.

05-28-2006, 05:19 PM
i love that if i am using our awesome flex time and i get a subpoena and i have to be in court i get no over time if it is y day off. i love that i have to make my schedule up with the court in mind and never get overtime for court. i love flex time. i guess working for this place means you can never make any money. i find myself working everydsay of hte week and i make no o/t and have to fork out so Much money for this job that does not pay me back.

05-28-2006, 05:43 PM
Policy states that a subpoenas has to be delivered to an officer before 5 days of the court date. In the offices I have worked in the sups do take sub's if the officer is not there but all of them stood by the rule and never accepted one within 5 days. Given this 5 day policy an officer should never get screwed out of time off in the course of a work week. Regretfully when vacations and what not come up the officer has to deal directly with the State Att office. This is in writing!!!!!

05-29-2006, 04:05 AM
If you receive a subpoena and the state or defense attorney is not cooperative, you can always set a hearing before the judge and ask the court directly for the delay. :oops:

Lately things have gotten out of control. Supervisors must accept a subpoena even if you are on Al that day. You have to work it out yourselves.

05-29-2006, 04:55 PM
our sup will ask you about time off and will even check the schedule before accepting one, but forget that five-day requirement. It could be handed to you 5 minutes before the hearing and he'll make you go. "cooperate with the courts".
yeah, whatever. last time I checked I didn't work for the court system

05-29-2006, 05:18 PM
If Maureen Boberg had not pushed so so hard to pull court officers out of the court room, then you may not have as many subpeonas as you have now.

I have noticed a significant increase haven't you ?

05-30-2006, 12:05 AM
I know I wish we had court officers back... they had a purpose. Now they want me to attend every court hearing, which would be fine if more often than not something was resolved. I usually spend time finding a parking place, go to court, let the state know that I'm there and WAIT...sometimes through court recesses and even lunch, only to have the state tell me that the offender's gonna take a plea or they are going to continue it and I can go. The other problem my circuit is having, is offenders being placed on different types of supervision with the sentence not being clear or in some cases it even appears a little illegal. The judges and the attorneys don't seem to understand what each type of supervison the DOC has to offer entails and what qualifies. I also think this would cut down on dismissed VOPS. I know I have had judges wanting to know why a did the violation and after I explained that it is a condition that was violated, they respond that they didn't know the offender was required to do whatever.