View Full Version : Things Dispatchers Know (And Want YOU To Know)

05-21-2006, 02:49 PM
No, the officers don't type up your call then respond to it.

If your first response to "911, what's your emergency?" is "Uuuhm", "Hey, how you doing?" or "Yes, I have a question...", then it's not an emergency.

We're the Tampa Police Department, not the world's biggest atlas. There ARE some places in the city that we aren't aware of.

"At home" or "at my sister's house" isn't the right answer to "What's the address?"

No we won't authorize you to run the stop lights even if you're heading to the hospital. Let the paramedics run the lights for you.

There's a big difference between 9-1-1 and 4-1-1. Please exercise that difference accordingly.

Having a family member that works for the Tampa Police Dept in any compacity doesn't excuse you from any law you break in no capacity.

9 times out of 10, the story will change by the time the officers arrive.

Calling 911 on someone just because they called the cops on you isn't going to get a report taken on the incident.

"Having it on record" means an actual written report, not saying it over a recorded line.

We love cell phones.

We really love cell phones that can only make outgoing 911 calls.

You are just as guilty for leaving the scene of an accident as the person you're chasing.

Why is it so simple to remember your 9-digit social security number and not your 6-digit license plate?

Don't put BOTH registrations in the glove compartment.

Ladies, if he hit you before he'll do it again.

"He's right here" isn't the answer to "What's does he look like?"

The louder you yell the more difficult it is to understand you.

"He ain't nobody to me" isn't the answer to "Who is he to you?"

Calling in to see if we've found your stolen vehicle isn't going to help us find it any faster. We ask for your name and telephone number for a reason.

The "SOS" button on your phone dials 911.

TECO is the electricity service provider not TPD.

The report needs to be taken within the jurisdiction where the crime occured not in the jurisdiction you waited to call from.

"Doesn't live in this area" doesn't mean he's not a new resident.

That sound you hear means the line is being recorded not prompting you to say "hello?" after every beep.

If you're able to make a call from a payphone, you're able to tell us the name of the store that payphone belongs to.

North, East, South and West are great cardinal directions to know.

To the Officers:

If we dispatched you to the call, we didn't take it also.

Let's switch jobs for 4 hours.

We're like your second husbands/wives. We ALWAYS want to know where you are.

We know you're busy. That's why we ask T34 twice. Don't ignore us both times.

We're not as mean as we sound.

Don't yell at us. We weren't the ones running from you.

Neither one of our first, middle or last names is "Radio".

It takes the same amount of time to respond to a priority call across the sector as it does to respond to a paper call a block away.

Oh, and WE don't like paper calls either.

If the complainant steps out, how much do you wanna bet they expect to see you in front of the house?

We're psychic.

I got something bigger than yours...CAD screens.

Everyday we pray for the ability to fix your MDT's.

We have bad days, too.

Bolo'ing once means "to make you aware", bolo'ing twice means "ok, you need to come t8 to take this call".

I may not be your favorite dispatcher but I'm going to make sure you get home safely just as well.

You keep us safe every day/night, of COURSE we appreciate what you do.

Thank you for putting your lives at risk every day to make sure we get to and from work safely.

And finally, to my fellow dispatchers

Can we read the calls before we send them?

Just because YOU knew a certain law changed doesn't mean I did.

Am I the only one that notices we get more ringdown calls than citizen calls?

After you finish making fun of my call, show me how to fix it.

We were in-training once, remember?

"Perfect" and "a-s-s-u-m-e" should be the only words NOT used in our line of work.

NOI/D means just that.

"I don't know, I guess" doesn't answer my question.

All businesses have an inside number.

So WHAT if you type faster than me? That only means you send more T30 MDT messages than I do.

Believe it or not, this is a great job!

Anyone else think IWARS is more entertaining than HBO?

Why does the HCSO ringdown stay red for so long?

It takes more muscles to frown than to smile.

Why can't "Admin" be changed to "Personal Secretary"?

Ever notice how people don't talk to you unless you're on the line with someone?

It takes you 20 minutes to use the restroom, too?!

Believe it or not, you actually get more calls when the screen is "blue".



06-03-2006, 02:50 PM
:D Informative and entertaining.......Reminders never hurt....Thanks for checking T34 (should be done more often by some)....I appreciate the job you guys/girls do....and I wish the static/interference/bleedover/reception problem with Freq 7 would go away.......Thanks for being there for us.........

06-05-2006, 08:13 PM
that was funny,,,but true sometimes in the heat of the moment we forget for that we are sorry.... keep up the good work.....