View Full Version : Status of our Union

05-21-2006, 12:25 AM
Anyone know where we stand with our union?

05-21-2006, 11:36 PM
I spoke with Bob McCabe on Friday (05/19/2006). Bob is our PBA negotiation attorney and is with a law firm in Sarasota and appears to know his work very well. Bob and the Sheriff's attorney just completed Orange County's PBA contract and are well versed in each other's methods and needs.
We will be back in negotiations on 07/12/2006. As most of you know, I had the last negotiations postponed due to not receiving the "Agreement" from the Sheriff's laywer. The negotiations were scheduled for 05/16/2006 and I was notified by our laywer that he had received it on 05/15/2006. This would not allow our members time to examine the Agreement and to bring any changes we may need into light.
I was also notified on Friday that the lieutenants were not going to be in this bargining unit due to the "Blue Forms" not being filed within the proper timeframe. I was assured by Bob that if the "Blue Forms" were filled out again, they would be filed properly and that the lieutenants would have a bargining unit. I have spoken with some of the lieutenants and they still wish to be members of the union.
If anyone has any further questions, feel free to post them on this site our you can contact me directly.

05-25-2006, 02:47 AM
Guys, I spoke with Bob McCabe today. I was advised that if all of the lieutenants, members and non-members were to sign the blue cards we could push the issue in having them in the Bargining Unit. At this point we do not have 100% and will have to push for a PERK vote if the Lieutenants wish to be in the bargining unit of their own.
I Now have a copy of the "Agreement" from the Sheriff's Attorney. I am having 12 copies printed at Officemax and will be ready to view on 05/25/2006. If you wish to look over the Agreement please contact me and I will make it available. Input from all members is critical at this stage.

05-26-2006, 01:25 AM
Tom, good job of keeping the team informed. Will check later for more info.

06-01-2006, 08:51 PM
We're back on track for negotiations. The next meeting is set up for 07/12/2006 at 10:00 am. I need a list of all members who plan to attend the meeting as well as a list of PBA members who wish to participate in the negotiations. We need a diverse group from different areas within the Law Enforcement Bureau, Road Patol, CID, Baliffs, SOD, etc. I plan on having Bob McCabe over here soon to speak to the members and to discuss what we have to look forward to. Please pass the word on to the members who may not read this site. I'm sure everyone knows how to get in touch with me, so I'm not going to post my email address. The last I knew, this was a group effort. The last few meetings that we have had were pretty poor in attendance. I will be posting the meeting dates here as well as information. Let's pass the word and get this thing moving. I'm sure everyone would like to see their membership dues being put to good use. It will take all of us to make it work. I do have the Sheriff's Office proposals if anyone is interested.

06-03-2006, 03:20 AM
What exactly are you asking for that you haven't already gotten? Gee, a $4oo return on sunglasses that you really don't even own, or how about the $150 dollar watches that you don't even wear. Yes, I'm guessing you have the good ole Sheriff backed against the wall with these demands. On her own she would have never thought of this stuff. How bout she also buys us all $100.00 boots or shoes? Yes, that would be nice. Hey, underwear should be an item of concern!

I’m sorry I got carried away. Once I got caught up in your wonder dreams I just floated down the fantasy river on my own.

I guess I would ask you brave souls, 1) Are you better off now than you were under the last administration? 2) Have you been unjustly treated under this administration? 3) Did you turn down any of your current pay raises to buy new watches, sun glasses or boots?

Ladies and Gentlemen please get over what ever your petty differences are and focus on the job at hand. If you have forgotten it is to serve the public. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed them lately or not but they are still there.

How many citizens in Highlands County do you believe own watches worth $150 or sunglasses worth $400? Not many! You have lost the big picture and I feel sorry for you.

Good luck with you hopes and dreams of the future.

06-04-2006, 08:27 PM
What is the big deal about putting a contract in writing? That way we all know where we stand.

jeff fennell
07-12-2006, 09:47 PM
An update to the negotiations that were held today from 10AM-4PM. I would like to thank every one of us that showed up. All 3 of us (not including our PBA attorney). You people that don't attend need to step up and make an effort. This is a union, lots of folks are members but nobody is attending the meetings.

We got through a lot of items today. Mostly the things both sides didn't have any negative comments on. The next meeting is scheduled for Aug 17 at 2PM. Check the PBA board for details. The nitty gritty stuff will happenon 8/17/06. Please show up.