View Full Version : pension lawsuit

05-19-2006, 11:28 AM
I just read on the retirees web page that they are filing their appeal and ON BEHALF OF ALL 1400 RETIREES. Well I am one of those retirees and I certainly do not agreed with what they are doing, I would like to know from someone, What right do they have to say they repersent all retirees when this is not true. The vast majority of retirees want no part of this group. They really only repersent a small group of people. Believe me they do not care what the rest of us want or think. You only have to see their web page, they have now stopped all but their own from voicing any opinon on their message board.[/b][/list]

05-19-2006, 12:30 PM
I agree, they do not represent me,nor do I want them to. Maybe we can get one of the Fire or Police Union attorneys to file a friend of the Courts briefs on the behalf of the majority of retirees that do not belong to a group that has lost at every venue and pissed off the unions, the City and the Pension board.

05-19-2006, 12:37 PM
I would like to know what court gave them this right and why. I think a letter should be sent to all retirees, asking them if they do support this. If the majority dosn't I believe the right to sue on our behalf should be taken away from them. They have wasted alot of our money fighting this and there is no end in sight. Maybe one of the pension board can explain what we can do.

05-19-2006, 07:36 PM
The small group of disgruntled retirees filed a declaratory Action which the judge denied their claims on all counts. All one has to do is read their message board to determine what their motives were. Unfortunately I have not seen additional words of wisdom from their former pension chairman "guru" David Keene or their former president Bud Maxey since the judge's ruling. They were the "leaders" behind the action. Now they are moving forward with an appeal. That appeal will tie up the 13th check which I am entitled to but might not receive for a couple of years. I am fortunate as I have the DROP and work. Some of the older retirees sure could use that money now. The question that retiree's association members should be asking their " leaders" is WHY? WHy after the Judge denied any wrong doing ( strongly) by the Pension Board are they filing an appeal? Is it that their leadership can not admit a solid defeat. Some people just don't see the big picture. Has anyone of the retirees not received their pension check? has anyone's check been reduced? No!!!!! I understand why the Pension Board is holding the 13th check, because they legally should until the issue is resolved in the courts. Maybe someday the retiree association will ask their leaders what is the real motive for their battle cry.

05-27-2006, 12:25 PM
"I understand why the Pension Board is holding the 13th check, because they legally should until the issue is resolved in the courts."
Maybe you can explain it to everyone so we can all understand it. This makes no sense. The money was earned in the fund and is there and it should be paid. So if this is not retaliation maybe you can explain the 'legality' of witholding the 13th check. This is not a '13th check' fight. Our COLA was earned and paid, so the 13th check should be as well.

05-29-2006, 11:58 AM
I think the pension board should keep the proceeds of all the 13th checks to pay the legal fees the pension fund incurred in the course of combatting this frivilous lawsuit brought by the retirees.

05-30-2006, 10:53 AM
Right?????? How would you like your paycheck or pension check to reflect someone is deducting 6$,000 for legal fees WITHOUT ANY DUE PROCESS OR COURT ORDER. You be just a little upset or maybe not you would just rollover and take it like a man................................

05-30-2006, 10:57 AM
Sorry for the typo that's $6,000.

Oh! And to update you it was not a LAWSUIT it was a Declaritory Action asking the COURT to settle a legal question that affects your COLA account...............Get and stay informed...............

05-30-2006, 01:55 PM
Why do you Disgruntled Retirees keep trying to dressup that pig and call it by another name? Did the pension go to court? Did YOU bring ALL pension members to court and spend OUR money to keep this frivilous B.S. going? And BEFORE you start saying "Im part of the pension too", YOU GUYS are the ones who decided to seperate yourselves from the whole. If you greedy dinks hadnt screwed the other retirees they'd all be getting a Compounded Cola and most likely getting 4.5% right now, but you dissed that cause you wanted more. And dont go there with your crapola, cause Ive been in the F.O.P. too many times and heard the Retirees brag about their "lawsuit" and how theyre going to spend "their money" when they win their "lawsuit"!! I remember a certain Sgt in youre group saying to an Older Retiree one day "you get what you got when you retire" I guess they have dame brammage on that one!

As for the 13th check, if they wouldnt be able to pay out a 13th check if the Retiree LAWSUIT had Prevailed, why do you think they can pay it now when there is an Appeal? If an Appeal is won, its just like the beginning again. But you guys know that, youre just trying to deflect eyes off of you and get everyone riled up againt the Pension. Classic

06-01-2006, 12:46 PM
I just hope when I retire they change it to a compounded cola,, it's nuts the way it is now, I can't blame them. 13th check? ,,I'll just take health care

06-11-2006, 08:05 PM
Just let the RETIREES keep up with their frivilous lawsuit...all their doing is screwing themselves. I can guarantee you...that the 13th check will have to be used to re-coop the losses in the pension. I wouldn't be surprised though after , it is all said and done, that after there frivilous appeal...which they will LOSE again...the Pension Board will go after those individuals for losses in the Pension. WELL.....I HAVE ONE THING TO SAY TO YOU RETIREES....YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR RETIREMENT CHECK NOW..WELL..WHEN THEY START MAKING DEDUCTIONS OUT OF YOUR RETIREMENT CHECK FOR PAYING BACK MONEY THE PENSION BOARD LOST....YOU'LL BE REALLY STEAMED. tHAT IS A FACT AND A REALITY.....SO AS ARE PREVIOUS INFAMOUS CHIEF WOULD SAY " SUCK IT UP ".

06-12-2006, 02:28 PM
The PB already filed with the court to recoup costs. They even listed the retiree board members individually so they can't just file bankruptcy and start another group.

06-19-2006, 08:01 PM
I gave no one retired or otherwise the authority to speak on my behalf. The people in this have lost their minds if they think they speak for all retirees. They can only speak for themselves because when all the baker act forms are completed only their name will appear. They wouldn't have to worry about a 13th check because they will receive a crazy check from the state of Florida. This proves that they are crazy. Common sense should tell them when to quit just like when they retired.