View Full Version : ISC why?

05-09-2006, 06:12 PM
I suggest the COl. look at doing away with Interstate Compact. They really do nothing except forward emails to and from the other states. They don't even do that well. Today I got one e-mail from one ISC employee that said send the case another one from another ISC worker that said wait??? I do all the work send the file up and when the case stubs his toe in the other state back the file comes with a note to violate him. Something about ISC workers not being Officers// ( I have worked with several in the field so they used to be officers??)

Back in the olden days we kept our files and communicated directly with the other state officer. Worked well and saved on postage.

Another gripe why does Florida obey the ISC rules to the letter yet every other state does as it pleases? IF I gotta do an investigation within 60 days so should New York.

05-10-2006, 01:27 AM
I'm telling you...it's going to take one crappy ass Interstate case blowing up and stirring up the media to make the lads in Tally finally put the screws to the bag of crap that is Interstate Companct (can one tighten bolts in a bag of poo?).
Signed: The Eternal Sworn Enemy Of The Grammar Rodeo And Interstate Compact

05-15-2006, 03:56 PM
grow up a.l :twisted: . your not funny and your making manatee look real crappy, go and get a job at publixs bagging food knuckle head. :evil:

02-25-2008, 12:13 PM
good aaron :roll:

02-25-2008, 12:37 PM
Agree on the usless nature of ISC. In our office, sh*t flew downhill because a new officer sent a transfer packet and missed sending a document or two. Nothing major, right? How 'bout a courtesy e-mail to the officer reminding them of what they forgot. But of course not. There had to be a flurry of e-mail sent through region, down to circuit, down to the supervisor who was instructed to take "corrective action" on that officer.

Great. No FTO training. Poor gal thought she did everything by the web page instructions and left one thing out. NOW...every packet must be approved by the supervisor before it can be sent out.

And let's not mention that they want a COMPLETE transfer packet to be sent in 10 days. Hmmm, how many circuits out there get their signed orders from the Judge in less than 10 days? I've had ISC "staff" (because they're not officers) threaten to reject the whole packet if I didn't get the orders there in 10 days. Told them to go ahead, send it back. (they never did). What the hell is the matter with those people?

That is one dept that should be shut down and send those people home packing.