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05-07-2006, 05:16 PM
Gas prices......Bush's fault
The war in Iraq.......Bush's fault
Health care prices.....Bush's fault
Affordable housing crisis.....Bush's fault
Not enough black judges.....Bush's fault
Unemployment.....Bush's fault
Osama at large.....Bush's fault
Illegal immigration problems.....Bush's fault
Hurricane Katrina.......Bush's fault
September 11th.....Bush's fault
The economy.....Bush's fault (oh wait, the economy is at it's strongest point ever.......let's not give Bush credit for that though)
It's raining.....Bush's fault
It's not raining.....Bush's fault

C'mon people help me out, I'm sure I forgot some

05-08-2006, 11:07 AM
This will be a very interesting November. Democrats, if they can ever get their act together, can gain back some ground if they can run the right people.

05-08-2006, 04:29 PM
"This will be a very interesting November. Democrats, if they can ever get their act together, can gain back some ground if they can run the right people. "

I guess the previous poster didn't "Get It" :lol:

09-15-2006, 07:27 PM
Just wondering how you consider the largest budget deficit in U.S. history (both by dollar amount and by percentage of GDP), crashing housing market (due, in no small part, to fraudulent abuses by lenders and realtors) and ever-increasing energy/fuel prices that increase the cost of everything (because everything that isn't digital HAS to be shipped) to be "the strongest" the economy has ever been?
The word is "recession", and it's headed right for us.

09-16-2006, 12:53 AM
This will be a very interesting November. Democrats, if they can ever get their act together, can gain back some ground if they can run the right people.

The Democrats have no "right people." :!:

They are "leftists" by nature. :P :P :P

"There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties."

- George C. Wallace, American Independent Party candidate for President of the United States, 1968


You have to give the Republicans credit for one thing: The pro-gun legislation that has been passed has been, in the main, introduced and supported by them; the Democrats, in the main, have an anti-gun legislative history.


My vote goes to the party which can best protect the country. In spite of the failure of Bush to do enough on the borders, the party which has the will to protect the country effectively continues to be the Republicans.

With Newt Gingrich as President, the Republicans would finally demonstrate what conservative government with strong leadership could do.

Who will the Democrats field? Jean Francois Kerry? Hilliary Rodham Clinton? Howard Dean? Al Sharpton? Which of these do you envision as strong on national defense? :roll: