View Full Version : Cruisers

05-02-2006, 05:20 PM
IS it true that the take home cruiser will not be issued untill after Baseball season?

05-03-2006, 03:29 PM
Are there even any new cruisers in I havn't seen any at MRS?

05-04-2006, 01:45 AM
the Sheriff's dept just stopped all cars that are not crusiers to be turned in.MY friend has had a take home unmarked car for 13 years and they had to turn it in gas crunch.

05-04-2006, 12:12 PM
I want to see them have the cars stay in the lot! Let them start with the staff first who drive into other counties (some on DUTY!!). Don't worry staff members, we still know who you are even though you have your unmarks.

If the gas crunch is such an issue, where are we on looking at alternative, gas saving vehicles. Lets get smaller cars and increase our Transport Vans by 3???

05-04-2006, 11:26 PM
I agree! One of the reasons for the take home cars is for the visibility and police presence in the neighborhoods. Most of our take home cars are unmarked vehicles!.. The only take home cars that are out of the county (except the obvious necessary ones like K9) are unmarked detective, staff and Lt cars. Officers in the City can't even get marked cruisers but you can bet your life that the staff who live south of the county line (in at least one case several county lines) will keep there's.

Want to save a few bucks....suspend ALL take homes out of the CITY!

05-06-2006, 12:50 PM
You know for once I agree. Take home vehicles are for those people who get called back into service. Lets take a poll to see when certain people have been called back with their take-home vehicle.

Training Major - you got to be kidding, not only about the call back, but the idiot himself

Major in CID Property - oh yeah, I have seen them come in at 0300 hours for a burglary suspect!

District Majors may be called in for something in their district, but it does not happen that often.

Fleet Manager has a vehicle...with lights?

Major Gardner's vehicle, when will he get called back in, when they think that someone took more AA batteries then necessary from the equipment room?

05-06-2006, 08:45 PM
Good points Crazy.....

You can add the countless unmarked CIS cars that are driven home by detectives who never get called in....economic crimes is one that comes to mind, or any of the CIS supervisors except Homicide.

The recruiter????? Maybe they need the ability to respond during the next disturbances so they can hold an on site job fair.

Then you have positions that have assigned cars, but can't take them home. The DUI squad for example. Unmarked cars with lights, sirens, video, cages, etc. But they are assigned to Uniform Services and no plain cars assigned to uniform services are allowed to be taken home......well, except Street Crimes. Lets see who is more likely to be called in...the DUI supervisor who is the on call for for fatal accidents or the street crimes supervisor who is on call for, crack pipes?

Typical SPPD managed program full of special exceptions for the friends and nothing for everyone else.

I say only marked police cruisers be taken home until gas prices drop. Maybe they could use the savings to pave the dirt parking pits around the station.

05-06-2006, 09:23 PM
Vice really doesn't need to take their cars home either. Personally, if I were dealing with some of those dopers, I wouldn't want to take the chance of one of them seeing the car near my home.