View Full Version : In-Service Firearms Training

04-26-2006, 06:32 AM
Am I the only person who left the last In-Service Training day, at least the range part, feeling like that was a waste of 4.5 hours of my life?

I mean, really, our ANNUAL firearms training component was less than 100 rounds of fire including the actual qualification. What a damn joke.

I know that a lot of people don't like firearms training and I admit that I enjoy it more than some. However, its still a waste of time if you aren't going to actually train. There were 21 people in my class. We spent 4.5 hours out at the range and I would estimate that 3 hours of it was spent standing or sitting around doing nothing. Now, if we were waiting for another relay to shoot or whatever, then thats no big thing, but we spent 45 minutes waiting in the "hut" for Rick Benn to talk on his cell phone and smoke 3 or 4 cigarettes before we could get started. At one point Julie Satre asked him if he wanted her to go over allthe forms and paperwork while we waited and he told her that hee would do it in a minute. 15 minutes later we started. Don't get me wrong, I like Rick. Hes a stand up guy with a decent amount of experience, but some of us would rather actually train than sit and do nothing. At several points during the day we all were sitting in the room waiting to begin and commented that we didn't understand why we were simply sitting around.

I beg the training staff to come up with firearms training courses that are, at the very least, challenging to the average shooter.

04-26-2006, 08:28 PM
Not saying your wrong, but then again there are many that see it the other way and enjoyed the training this time.

PSO Deputy
04-29-2006, 03:53 AM
Not saying your wrong, but then again there are many that see it the other way and enjoyed the training this time.

I can't help but wonder if they enjoyed it because they could qualify standing on one leg?

I don't mean to sound like an ass, but 40 rounds which were all shot at 15 yards or less it really not tough. Then, you only need to get a 32 to qualify and we shoot 6 from the 15. That means that if you can hit the target from 7 yards, you'll qualify.

I am not advocating a hellfire course. Simply observing the little things like bad guys DO NOT stand still... some moving target training would be very helpful. Etc.

04-29-2006, 08:22 PM
Wondering then if that was not enough for you or a challenge then maybe you can go on your off time and roll around in the dirt and pretend that you are shooting at those bad guys running from you. If you have attended the acdemy then you have been trained in the skill to shoot, it is up to you to continue that training and better yourself on your time.

Inservice in my book is plenty long enough and considering that we add in a 45 minute to hour ride there both ways not sure we could do to much more.

Then we have so many people complain on every aspect of the operation that there is no way to win.

I am not an expert by any means, but during my years of training that I have attened I remember being told several times that the training is formulated to the conditions faced by the Deputies who have been in shoot outs and that most have been from 15 yards or closer.

05-02-2006, 01:25 AM
The point is how many times do we have to sit around and wait for Benn. This is not the 1st time that he waste our time with his cell phone chatter and his cigs. I for one hate the fact that I am forced to sit in the hut and watch/smell his smoke. I know it is a screened in building but hey the agency is going tobacco free, I can't smoke in my cruiser, and you can't even smoke anywhere near the front of the jail but he can sit in a building and smoke.

and with his girth I really don't think that he needs to be smoking.

05-02-2006, 04:09 PM
Instead of talking about it in here, use those training evaluation forms they hand out. Don't just score the instructor/course highest in all categories because the instructor is an OK guy/girl. Fill it out right!!!

05-03-2006, 12:11 AM
I agree - you have the right to quality training and that can only happen when you stand up for it. Rick is a good guy, but he may need to be reminded that you look to him for improvement. As an OK guy he will probably appreciate your input.

PSO Deputy
05-04-2006, 07:50 AM
Instead of talking about it in here, use those training evaluation forms they hand out. Don't just score the instructor/course highest in all categories because the instructor is an OK guy/girl. Fill it out right!!!

Those forms were not handed out during this In-Service at any time. In fact, I wasn't given one last time either now that you mention it.

05-04-2006, 05:41 PM
You Guys are a bunch of rats. Officer Blah Blah smokes and Officer Blah Blah Blah won't fill out forms.

Are you getting paid while at the range? Stop Crying

05-05-2006, 06:21 PM
Get a grip man, we are not ratting anyone out and if someone is concerned about being ratted out then they are probably doing something that they would not want the major to see.

We are having a discussion about training and the fact that it is not apropriate and it is not handled professionally i.e. watching the instructor talk on his phone and smoke. He is not that important that he cannot take the call during a break, and he should be able to waddle I mean walk out side to smoke.

For your information I would rather be working going call to call than sitting around. The last time I had training everyone was miserable waiting around for their turn to participate which had nothing to do with the firearms instructor so get over it.

Pass'n Through
05-06-2006, 08:01 PM
We are discussing how to improve training and not throwing Rick under the train. You can continue doing what you do (Just getting paid) We will continue looking for improvement that will altimately make us better. Experience and Training.
Things you obviously know little about. He waddles? I never noticed.

05-06-2006, 10:31 PM
"You can continue doing what you do (Just getting paid) We will continue looking for improvement that will altimately make us better. Experience and Training."

Hey pal like I said I would rather be working instead of sitting around, what part of that transalates to me just getting paid? Read before you speak, I like many other deputies would love to have great training, but would rather be working than sitting around waiting for him to take care of his personal needs.

I too would love to experience great training and I think most are waiting for it to happen, lets see if we get any in the future.

05-07-2006, 06:06 PM
My post was intended for the Fine example of a deputy that posted before you. Sorry about that. Your comments were right on target and I did agree with you.

05-08-2006, 01:55 PM
The range ran smooth during last summer just alittle sitting around is the course different or the instructors or what ?

05-08-2006, 11:17 PM
Of course it ran smooth last summer. Someone was on leave because something was not where it should have been and people were looking into things. There was a replacement range master. That was why things went quick, smooth, and less time spent just sitting around.

Back to the same old same old on the range.

06-15-2006, 07:06 PM
Somebody call that guy a waaaaaaambalance! You putts, get a life.

09-10-2007, 10:14 PM
I love the way people get on hear and say I heard, Maybe instead of saying what you heard, try stating facts. Wait that my involves some intelligent fact finding on your part instead of trying to drag someone through the mud.

09-11-2007, 05:01 AM

09-11-2007, 07:02 PM

I am sorry for being a cry baby. But i guess i am wrong for wanting more from my training than just sitting around. I guess its no big deal since we work with a gun and our lives and the citizens lives depend on our ability with those guns. Call me a cry baby because i want the skills to live, not die. So maybe you, a worthless civillian or some Dayshift Dino who just wants a check and wants just to pass his time, go be mall security if that is the case. Leave the real law enforcement for the guys with some fire and drive.

I never thought i would see the day where a cop will get *****ed at for wanting realistic and effective training.

09-12-2007, 10:19 PM

I am sorry for being a cry baby. But i guess i am wrong for wanting more from my training than just sitting around. I guess its no big deal since we work with a gun and our lives and the citizens lives depend on our ability with those guns. Call me a cry baby because i want the skills to live, not die. So maybe you, a worthless civillian or some Dayshift Dino who just wants a check and wants just to pass his time, go be mall security if that is the case. Leave the real law enforcement for the guys with some fire and drive.

I never thought i would see the day where a cop will get *****ed at for wanting realistic and effective training.

You tell em' how it is Baker 8!!!!!!!