View Full Version : FDOT Roadway Design Survey

09-25-2022, 10:44 AM

Our group is doing research for FDOT at UCF about what makes streets safe for all users. As you know, pedestrian and bicycle fatalities have been growing rapidly over the last 15 years and Florida has a terrible reputation for vulnerable user safety.

Since law enforcement officers work on the roads every day and continually see the good, bad, and ugly of what happens there, we're looking for insights from your community on what changes driver's attention, caution, speed, and safety. We posted this survey on several forums earlier this year but the weed-out question was too controversial. I've dropped the weed-out question--the only thing we're looking for is at least 2 years of experience. You learn a lot in those first two years and we need that wisdom. Even if you tried before and got kicked out, please try again.

The survey may feel a bit repetitive, but we're trying to capture both what concepts you know and can put into words as well as what your eyes and gut tell you. Most of us would recognize that keeping driver's attention is a good start, but only a small part of keeping all users safe, especially when pedestrians, bicyclists, scooters, and transit are around. That's why we ask about all 4 dimensions: attention, caution, speed management, and safety.

The results will go directly back to FDOT at the highest levels. I'm going to keep this survey up through Tuesday night, but then I have to wrap up and put the data in the report. Would you please help us? I don't want to miss out on your insight.

Thank you so much!!
