View Full Version : Contract update

10-29-2021, 09:30 PM
Heard the contract is back to square 1 and all gains will be given back to the agency....who is at the helm of the Union since Bell is still out

10-30-2021, 09:37 AM
Heard the contract is back to square 1 and all gains will be given back to the agency....who is at the helm of the Union since Bell is still out

Your stupid AZZ voted for Greg Tony so get over it already. We should except a 1-1-1 and be lucky we get that. Kidding but we have given up and gave back so much already.

Wonder why FD has so much success? Because they stick together and fight for what’s right.
As law enforcement we will never do that cause we don’t get it and probably will never.

Bell sucked and now we have TH representing us. Nice guy but over his head just like Bell. The reason why I say that is because of what Bell left him with.

Bell has destroyed this agency with the me me me thought process. We was rejected by Tony and for that we all suffered. We’re stuck with Tony cause of Bells recommendation as our once president.

IM GOING TO EXIT THE UNION AND SAVE MY MONEY. Unions want to play political bs and not have our backs but take our money. This has been going on for a long time.


PBA did the same bs for years by playing the same old crap.

10-30-2021, 02:33 PM
Heard the PBA is going to start letting the homeless sleep at the Hall for a cut of their roadside begging change.

10-30-2021, 02:48 PM
Heard the PBA is going to start letting the homeless sleep at the Hall for a cut of their roadside begging change.

They will get a crap ton of money that way. Believe me those homeless on the exit ramps make a killing. Too bad they spend it all on drugs and hookers.

10-30-2021, 04:02 PM
They will get a crap ton of money that way. Believe me those homeless on the exit ramps make a killing. Too bad they spend it all on drugs and hookers.

The PBA pissed all of their money away at the Cigar Bar, it's about the same.

10-30-2021, 06:09 PM
The PBA pissed all of their money away at the Cigar Bar, it's about the same.

The sheriff is claiming he's broke due to the virus. Same crap from every sheriff I've worked for. **** this piece of shit

10-31-2021, 04:46 AM
Heard the PBA is going to start letting the homeless sleep at the Hall for a cut of their roadside begging change.

Ohhhhh stop we will get a raise

10-31-2021, 07:28 AM
The sheriff is claiming he's broke due to the virus. Same crap from every sheriff I've worked for. **** this piece of shit

Well that might be the excuse they are giving, but heard the administration is pissed at us again for something that coming out and decided to screw us over. Which do you believe? I'm going with they're pissed at us.

10-31-2021, 11:42 AM
Well that might be the excuse they are giving, but heard the administration is pissed at us again for something that coming out and decided to screw us over. Which do you believe? I'm going with they're pissed at us.

Same crap different day. We all better wake up and learn the fireman ways for a change. We all are stronger then the top. One day we will figure it out.

10-31-2021, 12:03 PM
Well that might be the excuse they are giving, but heard the administration is pissed at us again for something that coming out and decided to screw us over. Which do you believe? I'm going with they're pissed at us.

I heard it's going to be a very damaging Sun Sentinel article showing the millions of dollars Tony is wasting fighting those unjust terminations. Sun Sentinel already reached out to the parties involved for the quote. Cant blame the membership for this, he was warned a very long time ago.

10-31-2021, 02:44 PM
I heard it's going to be a very damaging Sun Sentinel article showing the millions of dollars Tony is wasting fighting those unjust terminations. Sun Sentinel already reached out to the parties involved for the quote. Cant blame the membership for this, he was warned a very long time ago.

The word is it will focus on why is he wasting all that money when it can be used towards equipment and additional training.

10-31-2021, 03:58 PM
The word is it will focus on why is he wasting all that money when it can be used towards equipment and additional training.

Well that’s a damn good question isn’t it? The union needs to stop playing politics and start protecting our damn rights!

10-31-2021, 04:46 PM
Well that might be the excuse they are giving, but heard the administration is pissed at us again for something that coming out and decided to screw us over. Which do you believe? I'm going with they're pissed at us.

Of course they are pissed at us!!! Second straight IUPA president that does stupid $%*& while "... on the dime." These guys don't work like the rest of us and then go and do stupid and immoral things. Nice going *****! Another embarrassment for us.

10-31-2021, 05:14 PM
Of course they are pissed at us!!! Second straight IUPA president that does stupid $%*& while "... on the dime." These guys don't work like the rest of us and then go and do stupid and immoral things. Nice going *****! Another embarrassment for us.

What are you talking about? Speaking in code.

10-31-2021, 06:25 PM
What are you talking about? Speaking in code.

No code whatsoever if you work here you would know that the last 2 iupa presidents are currently suspended and this last has absolutely nothing to do with Tony, all iupa cronyism and misfits.

11-01-2021, 03:59 PM
No code whatsoever if you work here you would know that the last 2 iupa presidents are currently suspended and this last has absolutely nothing to do with Tony, all iupa cronyism and misfits.

The union needs to be stronger on protecting our rights. Too many cops getting demoted, suspended, terminated without cause. This administration screwed up when they went after the union president. Jeff was at least fighting for the deputies. Iupa needs to step up their game. Come on Iupa, Let’s go Brandon!!!!!!!

11-01-2021, 07:06 PM
The union needs to be stronger on protecting our rights. Too many cops getting demoted, suspended, terminated without cause. This administration screwed up when they went after the union president. Jeff was at least fighting for the deputies. Iupa needs to step up their game. Come on Iupa, Let’s go Brandon!!!!!!!

IUPA not fighting for our rights these days. Just not fighting for us they eat they’re supposed to !!!!!!!

11-01-2021, 09:06 PM
IUPA not fighting for our rights these days. Just not fighting for us they eat they’re supposed to !!!!!!!

A lot of us will be going to PBA if We don’t get 5+5+5 like we’re supposed to. Figure it out IUPA the balls in your court. No more excuses!!!

11-01-2021, 09:12 PM
A lot of us will be going to PBA if We don’t get 5+5+5 like we’re supposed to. Figure it out IUPA the balls in your court. No more excuses!!!

FOP is the way to go. I mean too many guys are setting demoted and fired and wrongfully disciplined it’s just not right! If they can’t represent us then get FOP in here and let them start pounding away with fresh legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-01-2021, 09:49 PM
FOP is the way to go. I mean too many guys are setting demoted and fired and wrongfully disciplined it’s just not right! If they can’t represent us then get FOP in here and let them start pounding away with fresh legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Florida labor laws have no teeth. Sheriff's know this.

11-01-2021, 10:16 PM
Florida labor laws have no teeth. Sheriff's know this.

A job is a property right and taking it from people without cause is actionable against this sheriff personally. He will recognize it when he is no longer the sheriff and people are suing him personally for ruining their lives.

11-01-2021, 11:51 PM
No code whatsoever if you work here you would know that the last 2 iupa presidents are currently suspended and this last has absolutely nothing to do with Tony, all iupa cronyism and misfits.

The IUPA boys on here posting hard so others overlook this post. IUPA we know why Jeff got suspended but what is going on with *****?

11-02-2021, 01:52 AM
A lot of us will be going to PBA if We don’t get 5+5+5 like we’re supposed to. Figure it out IUPA the balls in your court. No more excuses!!!

Define a lot, because there are more of us that will NEVER go back to that thieving union. All they did was steal our dues for years and did NOTHING for us. Our dues supported them fighting for the other, smaller, agencies in the county. Our raises under the PBA we anywhere from 0 - 2½%. When we said no we wanted to fight for more, they said take it, it's the best you're going to get. So I say no thank you to the PBA.

11-02-2021, 10:05 AM
Define a lot, because there are more of us that will NEVER go back to that thieving union. All they did was steal our dues for years and did NOTHING for us. Our dues supported them fighting for the other, smaller, agencies in the county. Our raises under the PBA we anywhere from 0 - 2½%. When we said no we wanted to fight for more, they said take it, it's the best you're going to get. So I say no thank you to the PBA.

What has IUPA done for us? Post banners, assisted in getting rid of a sheriff ghat was so much better then what we have now, not fight for better raises like other cities? It’s the same old crap. Bell was only looking out for Bell when he asked and was denied a rank position. It was until then when the relationship went south. We don’t care about self propaganda. We’re looking for a strong leadership that will have our backs 100%. Bell hot way to involved and took his rejection personal. We as members deserve better then that. I’m fed up and ready to pull out if we don’t get a real good ease and better leadership. I don’t give a dam about new hats or any of that crap. It’s gotten so much more dangerous work the streets. We need to be compensated FOR A CHANGE! I’m sure I’m speaking for the rest.
IUPA get back on track and phucking fight for us, that’s what we are all paying you for. 🤬😡

11-02-2021, 01:32 PM
What has IUPA done for us? Post banners, assisted in getting rid of a sheriff ghat was so much better then what we have now, not fight for better raises like other cities? It’s the same old crap. Bell was only looking out for Bell when he asked and was denied a rank position. It was until then when the relationship went south. We don’t care about self propaganda. We’re looking for a strong leadership that will have our backs 100%. Bell hot way to involved and took his rejection personal. We as members deserve better then that. I’m fed up and ready to pull out if we don’t get a real good ease and better leadership. I don’t give a dam about new hats or any of that crap. It’s gotten so much more dangerous work the streets. We need to be compensated FOR A CHANGE! I’m sure I’m speaking for the rest.
IUPA get back on track and phucking fight for us, that’s what we are all paying you for. 🤬😡

Companies are giving big raises to their employees just to keep them. But we can’t get a decent raise? A pay raise that isn’t retro is unacceptable. Not to mention all the wrongful and unlawful terminations and unlawful disciplinary action that’s been taking place here. They really need to step it up they are about to lose the membership!

11-02-2021, 08:26 PM
IUPA dripping the back on supporting us at these hearings. We got way too manny guys losing their jobs and being wrongfully disciplined. Is somebody from IUPA in bed with the command?

11-10-2021, 12:26 PM
IUPA dripping the back on supporting us at these hearings. We got way too manny guys losing their jobs and being wrongfully disciplined. Is somebody from IUPA in bed with the command?

That’s right the unions here suck. All we need to do is strike and then let’s see how BSO wakes up. What we need is a 5+5+5 contract with retro.
If we all stick together we will succeed together. This is the way to do it.

11-16-2021, 02:42 AM
That’s right the unions here suck. All we need to do is strike and then let’s see how BSO wakes up. What we need is a 5+5+5 contract with retro.
If we all stick together we will succeed together. This is the way to do it.

Stick together. No one in this agency sticks together. That’s the problem.

11-16-2021, 01:12 PM
IUPA dripping the back on supporting us at these hearings. We got way too manny guys losing their jobs and being wrongfully disciplined. Is somebody from IUPA in bed with the command?

We will explain this to you again PBA. No union anywhere can stop a termination or discipline. They can only fight afterwards. It's sad you are the only person who doesn't realize this simple fact. All these unfair terminations does make the sheriff look unfit and in over his head.

11-17-2021, 02:54 AM
That’s right the unions here suck. All we need to do is strike and then let’s see how BSO wakes up. What we need is a 5+5+5 contract with retro.
If we all stick together we will succeed together. This is the way to do it.

I hope you're not a PBA rep. We are not allowed to strike, so BSO doesn't care what we think.