View Full Version : Been here almost 6 months and no Crime plan

10-02-2021, 12:10 PM
Incredible your here for months but the only plan you got is the social media plan. Maybe you can have PIO post it.

10-02-2021, 01:17 PM
That communist came here with a plan, the let’s elect for sheriff plan. That’s goi g down the drain.

10-02-2021, 02:51 PM
Incredible your here for months but the only plan you got is the social media plan. Maybe you can have PIO post it.

Policing is not about the social media perception, grab a black child take selfie’s pretend to care about the community post pictures online that’s it.

10-02-2021, 04:07 PM
You guys need to wake up and smell the roses.

The police work done 20 or 10 years ago will never return.

Politicians don’t want that proactive approach anymore, and police command staff know this.

If you go out there and get into a jam, they will use you as a scapegoat. Look around the nation with police incident that may have been justified.

You see officers that have been on for a But know this and will take an approach of doing the bare minimum.

Why do you think all of the rookies are in specialized units? They are using them for the dirty work until they get into a jam. They hold the carrot with better days off and an unmarked car.

It is what it is.

10-02-2021, 07:29 PM
There's no crime plan , but he has a making money plan , he fooled the metro sexual mayor , he gave him a contract for 4 years at around 400k . never in the history a chief ever had a contract or made so much if the manager fires him they will have to pay him almost a million .This guy is a scam artist and he fooled the mayor

10-02-2021, 07:34 PM
Has anyone seen the mayor at any of the meetings , no ,he's hiding because he knows he fuc#d up and doesn't want to be involved in an election year but this is his fault he brought that guy in without any process or even research

10-02-2021, 09:29 PM
Has anyone seen the mayor at any of the meetings , no ,he's hiding because he knows he fuc#d up and doesn't want to be involved in an election year but this is his fault he brought that guy in without any process or even research

Call a crypto company and ask for him, only way

10-03-2021, 02:50 PM
Crime plan ?

10-03-2021, 11:05 PM
Anti crime plan - do you need to see a 10 page report, really?
This is what the Asst Chiefs are to be doing - this is in their portfolios

These plans should have been provided to the Chief when he walked in the door
mocking them up is all he should be doing

#1 tactical and operational thing he has to do is headcount cleanup - and he has accomplishments there

What do the A/C's have to show for the crime reduction plans they have in place already?

I know....you'll have to get back to me, right?

this chief would be able to pull together a crime plan in less than 48 hours with a broken pencil and a napkin
so, don't lay in to what this chief's crime plan is, thats a template babee ---you're A/C;s should be able to hand that
over whenever asked, including in that Corollo meeting -

Its should be on every A/C's tip of the tongue like a Bible quote.

10-03-2021, 11:10 PM
Stand down sailor that’s an order.

10-04-2021, 12:08 AM
WRONG! The police chief must provide leadership and express his vision regarding crime reduction. The Chief's plan must be crafted in macro terms, consistent with the identified concerns, staffing availability, budgetary constraints, and legal boundaries. Then, following the Chief's global vision, each Assistant Chief will craft their micro plan to attack the crime and disorder problems from their operational perspective, ensuring avenues for seamless collaboration are defined with their respective colleagues in their plan.

10-04-2021, 01:30 AM
Summary and Conclusion

This document serves as the Violent Crime Reduction Strategic Plan of the City of Miami Police Department. It contains evidence-based short, mid, and long-term strategies to address violence and its underlying conditions in the City of Miami over the next three years. In any city, violent crime is caused by a combination of social, structural, and environmental conditions, many of which are outside of the direct control of the police. As criminal justice and bail reform efforts continue to gain traction throughout the nation and in Florida, legislators and judges must be cognizant of how bail decisions can impact violent crime by increasing the number of offenders on pre-trial release, a portion of whom will commit additional crimes while on release pending trial. Thus, the successful execution of this plan will require active participation, cooperation, and investment by a wide-range of stakeholders in Miami, including City leadership, multiple City agencies and departments, federal and state law enforcement partners, community and faith- based organizations, non-profits, research partners, and community members themselves. The MPD recognizes its leading role in protecting the safety of our City and its residents, and it is prepared to take the lead in executing this plan.
In the short-term, the MPD will execute a hot spots policing strategy to significantly increase police visibility in violent crime hot spots and deter violent offenders through lawful enforcement and surveillance activities. As a mid-term strategy, the MPD will coordinate and lead a place- based enforcement strategy to identify and target networks of crime-prone places to arrest offenders and address underlying environmental conditions conducive to crime. Long-term, the MPD will lead a problem-oriented, focused deterrence strategy to arrest and prosecute violent offenders, deter others from committing violent crimes, and facilitate the provision of social services to crime-prone individuals willing to take advantage of them. At the same time, the MPD will work with City leadership and other city and non-profit partners to address urban blight by “greening” vacant lots, improving the appearance of vacant and neglected houses, and abating crime-conducive environmental conditions at multi-family housing complexes. From short-term to long-term, the MPD is also committed to facilitating the independent evaluation of these strategies to document their successes or failures and to provide a roadmap for future leaders in Miami and beyond to follow in their continuing efforts to reduce violence and the toll it takes on individuals and families in the community.
These strategies are evidence-based and purposely designed to work synergistically to lower violent crime and improve the environmental conditions that facilitate it, recognizing that lowering poverty, improving education, reducing unemployment, eliminating food insecurity, and supporting families are also critical to reducing violence in communities in the long term.

10-04-2021, 03:35 AM
The guy stays! Period an Final Answer

Now lets get back to evidence based research for implementing excellence in policing