View Full Version : Mookie

10-01-2021, 02:22 AM
Does that loser Wilson still work for you guys? He use to work for Hialeah and got fired for using ecstasy and heroin. The guys a loose canon.

10-01-2021, 08:28 AM
Are you people serious!! Who is instigating all of this. Bringing up things that happened over 20 years ago. Stop this insane hate campaign. This is disgusting and disturbing on so many levels. You are acting like a bunch of angry teenagers having a temper tantrum. Stop already. This feels more like the admin goons at it again. You need Jesus and a witch doctor to BLESS that HELL out of you.
Bless your hearts, with all this bickering, who makes time to actually work. This is hilarious.

Make sure you spellcheck this, wouldn’t want any of them there college inbreds talking down to us uneducated folk again. Estupido 👈🏻👀

10-01-2021, 03:46 PM
Unfortunately. The guys a zero to the left and thinks he knows it all. he should of stayed with hiaelah.

10-02-2021, 11:18 PM
Are you people serious!! Who is instigating all of this. Bringing up things that happened over 20 years ago. Stop this insane hate campaign. This is disgusting and disturbing on so many levels. You are acting like a bunch of angry teenagers having a temper tantrum. Stop already. This feels more like the admin goons at it again. You need Jesus and a witch doctor to BLESS that HELL out of you.
Bless your hearts, with all this bickering, who makes time to actually work. This is hilarious.

Make sure you spellcheck this, wouldn’t want any of them there college inbreds talking down to us uneducated folk again. Estupido 👈🏻👀

Go home Mookie Medina, you’re drunk.

10-03-2021, 01:51 PM
Go home Mookie Medina, you’re drunk.

Silly boys .. you keep looking inside the box - you are funny kids - stand in front of a mirror and look at yourselves - really stare past the visible - will you like what you see 👁 why do you really do what you do? Silly boys 👀

10-04-2021, 05:54 AM
Silly boys .. you keep looking inside the box - you are funny kids - stand in front of a mirror and look at yourselves - really stare past the visible - will you like what you see 👁 why do you really do what you do? Silly boys 👀

You look into the mirror. What do you see? Fired from a department for “allegedly” using, and selling narcotics. You know the old saying, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s got to be a duck.
Speaking of ducks, it was widely rumored that you were “Un patico” a few years back when you started the juice and dying your hair. Ayyy Papi… Que clase pajaro tu eres Mookie.

10-06-2021, 08:48 AM
You look into the mirror. What do you see? Fired from a department for “allegedly” using, and selling narcotics. You know the old saying, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s got to be a duck.
Speaking of ducks, it was widely rumored that you were “Un patico” a few years back when you started the juice and dying your hair. Ayyy Papi… Que clase pajaro tu eres Mookie.

Be careful when throwing rocks, if you live in a glass house. Have you never had a lapse in judgement? Those who cast shadows on others, live in darkness themselves. Bad behavior should not be condoned, but ask yourselves, who allowed the behavior without correction. Narcissistic behavior will use it as a form of control. They now have something to hold against you, you are being used and don’t know it. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

10-07-2021, 02:58 PM
Be careful when throwing rocks, if you live in a glass house. Have you never had a lapse in judgement? Those who cast shadows on others, live in darkness themselves. Bad behavior should not be condoned, but ask yourselves, who allowed the behavior without correction. Narcissistic behavior will use it as a form of control. They now have something to hold against you, you are being used and don’t know it. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Whatever, all of that fancy writing doesn’t change the fact that you were 07 from a department for abusing and selling dangerous narcotics. Furthermore, all of that fancy writing doesn’t change the fact that you have had relations with men. There are facts Mook. Don’t hide behind your feelings and mask them with all of this gibberish. The first step recovery is admitting that you’re a loser. And the second stop is admitting that you abused steroids, began dying your hair, and the last step to recovery is admitting you are “tremenda sucia que le gusta que le cojan por atras”

10-07-2021, 04:22 PM
Whatever, all of that fancy writing doesn’t change the fact that you were 07 from a department for abusing and selling dangerous narcotics. Furthermore, all of that fancy writing doesn’t change the fact that you have had relations with men. There are facts Mook. Don’t hide behind your feelings and mask them with all of this gibberish. The first step recovery is admitting that you’re a loser. And the second stop is admitting that you abused steroids, began dying your hair, and the last step to recovery is admitting you are “tremenda sucia que le gusta que le cojan por atras”

Oh my, seriously, way too much information, really did not need to know all that, that mental picture🙄 now look at what you’ve done. You know any good therapist? That was way much, somethings should stay unsaid. Way too much information. 😵*💫 seriously 😐 people’s personal life should stay personal. We don’t need to know, really, we don’t need to know. 🤢🤮 Can’t unsee that 🥴 oh dear .. I’ve read some crazy shit on here, but that one took the entire cake 🎂 🤮 WOW .. please stop it, for the sake of what little sanity we have left. Thanks for the update but 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

10-07-2021, 04:51 PM
What about Sgt Ignacio Menocal? Robbing kilos from narcotic traffickers while in uniform but that's ok?

10-20-2021, 03:42 AM
The real b i t c h here is the one calling Mookie out on an anonymous post instead of saying it to his face.

11-13-2021, 07:59 PM
The real b i t c h here is the one calling Mookie out on an anonymous post instead of saying it to his face.

Anonymous is the way business is conducted in the city. It’s done to Mejia and so many others Mookie.

11-25-2021, 12:37 AM
The real b i t c h here is the one calling Mookie out on an anonymous post instead of saying it to his face.

Unfortunately, I can’t write my name on here because I work with the guy. But the truth is that Mookie is a loser. He’s also a company man and kisses azz. He’s useless.

As for you Puta, you really sticking up for this loser Mookie. You must be either Mookie himself, or a loser like him. Or maybe, you’re one of the guys he made love to during his steroid Pato days.

F@ck outta here with that BS you dumb B I T C H

11-28-2021, 05:38 AM
Unfortunately, I can’t write my name on here because I work with the guy. But the truth is that Mookie is a loser. He’s also a company man and kisses azz. He’s useless.

As for you Puta, you really sticking up for this loser Mookie. You must be either Mookie himself, or a loser like him. Or maybe, you’re one of the guys he made love to during his steroid Pato days.

F@ck outta here with that BS you dumb B I T C H

Tell me what shift you’re on and we’ll talk… If you’re such a man on this forum man the **** up and give me the shift or **** it just say who the **** you are??

11-28-2021, 09:55 AM
Tell me what shift you’re on and we’ll talk… If you’re such a man on this forum man the **** up and give me the shift or **** it just say who the **** you are??

Ignacio Menocal...Meet me behind Tivoli Liquor tonight at 8pm 😉

11-29-2021, 05:39 AM
Tell me what shift you’re on and we’ll talk… If you’re such a man on this forum man the **** up and give me the shift or **** it just say who the **** you are??

Better yet, Why don’t you tell me your name since your such a tough guy.
Get off Mookie’s Pinga! You’re a loser and you’re useless just like he Is.

11-30-2021, 02:45 AM
Better yet, Why don’t you tell me your name since your such a tough guy.
Get off Mookie’s Pinga! You’re a loser and you’re useless just like he Is.

Mookie, Iggy, and Mejia should start a live gay porn web cam in the holding cell. We all know who is getting double penetrated on that one 😂