View Full Version : Look For Commissioner Comemierda To Move For Chief Avocado To Be Removed Today

09-13-2021, 06:44 PM
Unless this is just a hustle to make Mayor Bitcoin ***** go along with one of his deals, look for "Comemierda" to move to fire Chief today.

09-13-2021, 06:50 PM
Unless this is just a hustle to make Mayor Bitcoin ***** go along with one of his deals, look for "Comemierda" to move to fire Chief today.

if the chief gets fired, the city shows it isn't committed to cleaning up/out

09-13-2021, 07:44 PM
if the chief gets fired, the city shows it isn't committed to cleaning up/out

Good hope they fire his ass! That Cuban mafia comment is still is still being brought up on radio Mambi.

I guess you pissed off the "Cuban mafia" bigtime!!

09-13-2021, 07:53 PM
so, then you're saying there exist the cuban mafia here

09-13-2021, 08:13 PM
This is Crespo, and I not only have repeatedly stated that the City of Miami operates as an organized criminal conspiracy, but I have written dozens of stories with backup documents providing the documentation to support my claims.

09-13-2021, 08:37 PM
He needs to be fired

09-13-2021, 08:40 PM
Send him back to Hollywood where he belongs

09-13-2021, 08:46 PM
He needs to be fired

Stand down sailor that’s an order.

09-13-2021, 09:36 PM
This is Crespo, and I not only have repeatedly stated that the City of Miami operates as an organized criminal conspiracy, but I have written dozens of stories with backup documents providing the documentation to support my claims.

Crespo, you have written many compelling articles regarding how past and present elected and appointed City of Miami officials “manage” the city. Even with ostensible supporting evidence, the FBI has not taken your lead and initiated an investigation that might have resulted in convictions. Perhaps innuendoes and suppositions don’t quite measure up to reasonable suspicion and less probable cause to launch investigations, arrest and convict city officials.

What does it say about Acevedo when he states Miami is run by the Cuban Mafia and then gleefully accepts a $300K-plus contract from that same Cuban Mafia “running Miami?” In some quarters, such hypocrisy is considered nothing more than the corrupt use of one's talents for the sake of personal or financial gain. In other words, whoring.

09-13-2021, 10:07 PM
When the story first broke I tweeted that if the city of Miami was the Cuban Mafia, then he was the police chief on the take. I have no love for this Chief because I think he was a patsy who showed up because he figured this was the next step in his career path, and now that it looks like it's going to bite him in the ass, then he gets what he deserves. That however does not make the gangsters at City hall anymore honorable. They are crooks and grifters who walk in the door looking for opportunities to enrich themselves, and with few exceptions do everything they can to pocket as much graft and legal bribery as they can during their time in office.

09-13-2021, 10:17 PM
Crespo, you have written many compelling articles regarding how past and present elected and appointed City of Miami officials “manage” the city. Even with ostensible supporting evidence, the FBI has not taken your lead and initiated an investigation that might have resulted in convictions. Perhaps innuendoes and suppositions don’t quite measure up to reasonable suspicion and less probable cause to launch investigations, arrest and convict city officials.

What does it say about Acevedo when he states Miami is run by the Cuban Mafia and then gleefully accepts a $300K-plus contract from that same Cuban Mafia “running Miami?” In some quarters, such hypocrisy is considered nothing more than the corrupt use of one's talents for the sake of personal or financial gain. In other words, whoring.

nice spin - but you exaggerated a few minor details

Ace accepted the position, THEN only to pull back the curtain to see how really bad it is, uh hum.
Nonetheless, he covered himself financially IN THE EVENT the role was going to require more than what was pitched to him, uh hum
Hypocrisy is like pointing fingers; they're often stinky or you have three pointing back at yourself

This chief was hired to do a very steep climb and you knew that, he was not told that while he climbed the boulders would be thrown without a safety net, nor were the ropes available to him when he acted to remove top corruption taking the agency further down a hole that was dug even prior to his predessor

So, he gets high marks for degree of difficulty, courage, and the willingness to put up with unnecessary and unrelenting back stabbing during this transisition. Both of which were difficult on Colina who had enough of.

So, advise you to stay committed to the clean out process and watch the rats scurry about for their cheese.
This was not an easy endeavor nor a typical replacement role.

09-13-2021, 10:26 PM
When the story first broke I tweeted that if the city of Miami was the Cuban Mafia, then he was the police chief on the take. I have no love for this Chief because I think he was a patsy who showed up because he figured this was the next step in his career path, and now that it looks like it's going to bite him in the ass, then he gets what he deserves. That however does not make the gangsters at City hall anymore honorable. They are crooks and grifters who walk in the door looking for opportunities to enrich themselves, and with few exceptions do everything they can to pocket as much graft and legal bribery as they can during their time in office.

A patsy? Where does that show - the guy is knocking them off the roster as hired to do so.
Patsy? What....you never met a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you look forward to the trip?

Heads were gonna roll no matter who was brought in from the outside ---wasn't that the purpose.

I like the guy and think he's on par with doing what has been needed to be done. He's warm and friendly in the process of the job - is that's what bothering you?

09-13-2021, 10:34 PM
We've all made comments, in one way or another about how city hall run this department. People are looking for any reason, to kick the Chief to the curb, cause he's doing what needs to be done and it was long overdue. So, if the chief gets let go. Does that mean Piper, has a good shot at coming back? City hall, shouldn't be so thin skinned. I bet, if you were a fly on the wall, you would hear much worst coming from there. You know if he goes, the next chief. Will be picked from within! Then we can start all over again, finding fault with that one. Our choices from within are not that great. If they were, it would of happened, before this guy came around. Lube, STFU, your not coming back or have a say on anything going on here.

Beside, if Ortiz, can claim he's black and seemed to offend a commissioner and nothing comes of it. Don't be disappointed, if the chief sticks around. The chief, needs to rollback on his superior attitude. He's not the worlds answer, to what a chief is and does. Maybe taking him down a peg or two, he'll come around. Social media, is used by the city and department, when THEY, get hurt feelings. Otherwise, they can care less. I can careless one way or the other on who's chief. All you are to them is a tool, to be used to make them look good. If they can get positive press, off of you. In a good way or bad. It will be done. Bad press get better views. So, those of yours, ready to pop the top off a bottle. Chill a bit, it ain't over till (well not the fat lady signing) but city hall, bowing to pressure and we will all hear the signing and crying soon.

09-13-2021, 10:49 PM
Marxist Chief Aguacate needs to be fired for Conduct Unbecoming and Officer!!! He is no role model, he is nothing but a scammer who has been playing the system for many years. They ran him out of Texas, he picked a fight with the Great Texas Governor Abbot Aguacate is a gun control advocate and a Biden Administration front line soldier. He has picked a fight with our great governor Ron Desantis, he has been deliberate divisive in calling out us Cuban Americans Mafia, this attempt to divide the police department and our multi racial community can not be tolerated. He has demoted good hard working career MPDS Officers in order to bring with him Carpet Baggers. He needs to be fired. This political prostituta of Mayor Francis "Clueless" Suarez is not qualified to be Chief of Police anywhere in Miami Dade County. There are plenty of good men and women, black, Anglo and Hispanics who are more than qualified to lead the Miami Police Department.

By the way we know that he has a female PIO Police sergeant checking on the internet who are the people demanding expressing and exercising their First Amendment Rights.

Fire Chief Aguacate.

09-13-2021, 11:06 PM
what's a matter papi, you're not getting your old favors anymore
tantrums come from those who have had the candy taken away

09-13-2021, 11:35 PM
A patsy? Where does that show - the guy is knocking them off the roster as hired to do so.
Patsy? What....you never met a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you look forward to the trip?

Heads were gonna roll no matter who the mayor/manager brought in from the outside ---wasn't that the purpose.

I like the guy and think he's on par with doing what has been needed to be done. He's warm and friendly in the process of the job - is that's what bothers you?

Imagine Acevedo calling Miami Gardens a city run by the "Black Mafia?" No? Neither do we!

09-14-2021, 12:29 AM
Imagine Acevedo calling Miami Gardens a city run by the "Black Mafia?" No? Neither do we!

One can imagine alot of things - it doesn't mean they will occur
google 'police chief mistakes and errors' and lock in dates 2000-2020

this guy's record is stellar to what you will find in comparison state and nationwide

09-15-2021, 12:37 AM
Take a moment and think what will happened when they fired the chief. Who will be the next chief. Fatso and his band of misfits it will be a disaster or perhaps the boy king that was promises to be chief by his dad , think about those too, as bad as this guy is , it can get much much worst , the Piper will be back , friends and family program again etc etc back to business as usual

09-15-2021, 01:00 AM
Take a moment and think what will happened when they fired the chief. Who will be the next chief. Fatso and his band of misfits it will be a disaster or perhaps the boy king that was promises to be chief by his dad , think about those too, as bad as this guy is , it can get much much worst , the Piper will be back , friends and family program again etc etc back to business as usual
This clown is the worse ever. I’ll take the misfits. He needs to be gone.