View Full Version : Sammy Gibson

09-08-2021, 01:41 AM
Sammy has done it yet again. Two more have fallen due to his arrogance and holier than though attitude. Bringing him back was a disaster and will prove to be the downfall of the agency. How can one man be such an ass and nobody above him put him in his place?

He is one of the biggest reason moral is so bad. Pulling the pin and leaving for a better agency was definitely the right choice for me. Better agencies exist just don’t be hesitant to do what so many others have and gained true happiness.

09-08-2021, 04:06 AM
Who has angered the great Captain Gibson and now suffers his wrath? It’s probably their fault. He’s been doing it this way for 30 years, it can’t be a shock.

09-08-2021, 12:24 PM
He is a cancer and frankly a racist. He goes to CCIB and gets one of the only supervisors of color transferred based on a year old text. Then his wife sees a text and not one but 2 captains tell him to have M.E. Pay the parking tickets. Well that isn’t good enough. So he goes to the sheriff to have an investigation conducted. Well one more successful Man of color tarnished. In all the years in charge how many people of color have been transferred to CCIB? Do the math I’ll wait. I would hope that M.E. or M.P. would sue. Subpoena all of us that have worked for him in the past that have heard him use derogatory language. Under oath some of those truths would come out.

09-10-2021, 09:02 PM
You all need to take it easy on Sammy. If any of you had attacked Lemma’s only competitor during the last election openly on Facebook numerous times I’m sure you would be sitting in Sammy’s chair right now. He deserves it for being extremely unprofessional and sleazy while representing the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office on open social media while trying to make his daddy’s competition look bad. I though there was a policy regarding social media but I guess this doesn’t apply, he did Lemma a favor. I mean, he was only an employee of the agency at the time and getting into a petty squabble with Spike during an active election, completely acceptable, not to mention I’m sure he was off duty during his posts and while reading Spike’s responses. #weareSCSO

09-11-2021, 12:01 AM
The hypocrisy in that unit is astonishing. Let’s go back 20 years or so. When Sammy begged members of the unit to stop having a “relationship” with JJ because he was in love with her. Mind you she was still married to another agent that had left. Then as her boss, started to have a romantic relationship while under his command. But that’s ok they eventually got married. Fast forward and now he had the nerve to sit in front of other agents and scold them for inter office romance. Granted the rumors are they did it at the office and on duty. But I’m sure old Sammy and JJ never did that. Then the whole shit show going on there now and it’s perfectly acceptable again for agents to do as they like. He’s a joke, it was once the “premier” spot in the agency, but no one with any common ense would be caught dead trying to go there. Only one you could trust there is CM and a few agents that just won’t speak up.

09-11-2021, 12:41 AM
You forgot to mention that Sammy was also married to another Sheriff’s Office employee during the inappropriate relationship with JJ. I don’t know how that guy sleeps at night.

09-11-2021, 02:59 AM
So let me get this correct. SG makes the complaint against ME for the parking tickets due to a text about JJ? Talk about not being in control of her unit, why does a Lieutenant of a division need to have her husband make a complaint against one of her subordinates? If that isn’t dereliction of duty then it doesn’t exist. DG is sitting around for months due to a subordinates tickets well why wasn’t she? ME was her subordinate as well so why wasn’t she investigated for being a horrible supervisor. Her employee is doing something wrong so her husband has to make the complaint because she won’t.

How can he have an extramarital affair with her. Then chastise people who work for him for doing exactly what he did? Truth be told he was worse since she was his subordinate when the affair occurred. The word hypocrite would be an applicable word that would fit this scenario.

09-11-2021, 11:43 PM
We have a decent command staff at the agency, you can say what you want but our command staff is respectable and yes sometimes they have to make decisions that all won't agree with. But...SG is a virus within this agency and has negatively influenced a lot of people. Not sure if he enjoys the power, likes going over and above others and flaunt his power, or is the agency holy roller. He should retire again and go away, far away, as he will truly have this agency implode. I hope this is recognized and corrected before it is too late. If not and we find we can't retain people, raise moral, or entice others to come to this agency, the command staff will have no one to blame except themselves for not correcting this issue.

09-17-2021, 09:28 AM
HE IS THE MAN ! master of all things related to drugs. Great teacher and leader. Been in the game since most of you were in diapers with sippy cups in hand watching the tele tubbies! Got shot trying to get to Gene, enough said. Come at me, I'm 'red dawn ' ready!

09-18-2021, 05:56 PM
Maybe back in the day. He needs to retire or be an SRD again. Now he is an example of toxic leadership at its best that seems to know no bounds. He should at least only focus on his chain of command. Look at how many lives he has negatively influenced within the agency. Facts are facts.

09-27-2021, 02:19 AM
Ok, I’ve been out of the loop for a while and just found this site, but let me get this straight…. Sammy can have an extramarital affair with a subordinate (years ago) who was married to another of his subordinates and everyone is completely OK with that? Wow……what a joke of an agency, so much for integrity.

09-29-2021, 11:58 PM
Ok, I’ve been out of the loop for a while and just found this site, but let me get this straight…. Sammy can have an extramarital affair with a subordinate (years ago) who was married to another of his subordinates and everyone is completely OK with that? Wow……what a joke of an agency, so much for integrity.

Well nothing has changed, there are two under him right now who have had / having an affair and one of the spouses works for this agency and the other other in Sanford. Two marriages destroyed and they continue to work together. No big deal nothing to see here.

10-04-2021, 02:34 PM
Ok, I’ve been out of the loop for a while and just found this site, but let me get this straight…. Sammy can have an extramarital affair with a subordinate (years ago) who was married to another of his subordinates and everyone is completely OK with that? Wow……what a joke of an agency, so much for integrity.

I heard the core of the soul of SCSO is racism and favoritism.