View Full Version : Fill us in on Lt. Keandra Simmons

09-05-2021, 07:42 PM
What's the deal with this one? We, from other areas of Florida, want to know what the real story is. She good people or only promoted because of her gender and race? Deadwood, backstabber, lazy? What is going on?

09-05-2021, 08:20 PM
Google her name and then google the captain, there is the problem

09-05-2021, 08:49 PM
She hot promoted cuz she F@#ked the assistant chief. FACTS

09-05-2021, 10:38 PM
Truth be told she didn’t do lower rank so they are all upset that she never gave them the time of day. There were beneath her looks and talent. They can’t afford a high maintenance beautiful queen in uniform and had rank status. Answer your calls for service and learn how to up your boring game. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Keep doing what you’re doing Keandra to read or listen to these idiots

09-06-2021, 01:44 AM
She banged her way to the top. Otherwise she had no chance in hell getting promoted. She knows it, we all know it. Just like the rest of the women here.... Nerly, Natalie, Gause....it is what it is.. nothing new.. just like all of the chicks AND men hiding behind a desk... they all did favors or are F&F....

09-06-2021, 02:00 AM
She’s the most competent black female in the PD.

09-06-2021, 03:01 AM
LOL.. why cuz she posed as a hoe and now that the administration changed (her fu(k) buddy isn't here anymore she can't do shit?? Tell me what makes her so special that doesn't include sucking C@ck... oh, that's no longer available 😢... she needs to be humble and shut her worthless mouth and move on

09-06-2021, 03:57 AM
The answer is simple.
Simmons was gifted her level of responsibility by a particular member of staff who likely supplied her with the answers to every promotional exam she took. She is largely incompetent regarding even the simplest of supervisory requirements, prone to panic, then outbursts directed at those beneath her.
Once her benefactor retired she was no longer protected and her general lack of ability shown through. With a new chief who had no interest in her antics she wasnt expected by ANYONE to last long.

Hint: You are not seeing a groundswell of support from the minority OR female members of the agency. This would be expected under virtually any other circumstance. Far from it they are actually celebrating. She was equally awful to everyone.

09-06-2021, 04:14 AM
Let's take the extraordinary case of Papi's wife , a cuban rafter straight from the hood in Hialeah , once it became physically involved with Papis she rose every rank like foam, either she is the smarter woman in the world or there's more to the story , is so obvious only in Miami they can get away with that and no one said anything

09-06-2021, 05:25 AM
Let's take the extraordinary case of Papi's wife , a cuban rafter straight from the hood in Hialeah , once it became physically involved with Papis she rose every rank like foam, either she is the smarter woman in the world or there's more to the story , is so obvious only in Miami they can get away with that and no one said anything

Is that English? Bro you come on here talking about women screw their way to the top and you can’t write a basic sentence. Maybe that’s why they get promoted and you don’t.

09-06-2021, 03:07 PM
She just want attention (positive or negative). Will someone please give her some attention. I am tied of her on the media. She is not the 1st to get demoted in city of Miami history and won’t be the last.

09-06-2021, 06:09 PM
Is that English? Bro you come on here talking about women screw their way to the top and you can’t write a basic sentence. Maybe that’s why they get promoted and you don’t.

How come no one is talking about Ortiz in all of this? How is this wacko still employed? He’s the one putting Simmons on blast? Wtf?

09-06-2021, 06:12 PM
She comes on leoaffairs and positively write about herself.

Well, I agree. Only her will support herself. No one else.

Good job LT

09-06-2021, 06:37 PM
She comes on leoaffairs and positively write about herself.

Well, I agree. Only her will support herself. No one else.

Good job LT

Where is MPD finding these illiterate people? Do u guys wrote A forms this way? It embarrassing. You guys don’t have two brain cells to rub together.

09-06-2021, 07:22 PM
Where is MPD finding these illiterate people? Do u guys wrote A forms this way? It embarrassing. You guys don’t have two brain cells to rub together.

The only thing missing was "sorry for the spelling errors": 1 of the former Major' best lines. 🤣

09-06-2021, 08:59 PM
How come no one is talking about Ortiz in all of this? How is this wacko still employed? He’s the one putting Simmons on blast? Wtf?

Ortiz the dumb idiot that don’t know he’s a Mexican. He tried to be Cuban then Black, both rejected this loser. Ortiz want be here long. Bye bye no more law enforcement for you soon. You want be able to keep your certification when the FDLE is finish with you. Keandra took you on and didn’t back down. She was not afraid of you like the other cowards. All I’m going to tell you is bring it, Keandra and her team will put it on you fake wannabe captain. Looking forward to the challenge little boy. You can’t use the Union resources anymore, they despise you and some are helping Keandra

09-07-2021, 12:59 AM
Where is MPD finding these illiterate people? Do u guys wrote A forms this way? It embarrassing. You guys don’t have two brain cells to rub together.

There it goes , the grammar police as#hle . I understand you look for errors , i totally get it since you can't fight in the arena of ideas is always easy to insult and look for errors and by the way assh#! is not " it embarrassing" , learn how to write before you judge others mother f"#!

09-07-2021, 01:30 AM
Is that English? Bro you come on here talking about women screw their way to the top and you can’t write a basic sentence. Maybe that’s why they get promoted and you don’t.

Hey ass#!$ before you judge others learned how to properly write if you want to be the grammar police otherwise shut the f#! and to get promoted the test is multiple answer not writing something you know about

09-07-2021, 03:20 AM
Keandra suckass wasn’t on scene, Ortiz was. She’s probably gonna get ROD’d

09-07-2021, 04:03 AM
The Chief need to ROD her. He need to ROD her for violating the media DO’s. She is not staff anymore.

09-07-2021, 05:27 AM
Keandra suckass wasn’t on scene, Ortiz was. She’s probably gonna get ROD’d

But why what happened

09-07-2021, 04:12 PM
Keandra suckass wasn’t on scene, Ortiz was. She’s probably gonna get ROD’d

She don’t have to be on scene, that’s what sergeants get paid to do. She is above that rank moron. As an administrator she have multiple tasks to perform. You’re on patrol so you don’t know. Just continue to to answer your calls for service. Stay in your lane. If He/She Ortiz the Mexican was on scene who cares. He’s trying to save his job. I would rather he be there than beating on black people somewhere. Keandra will survive and win this bogus case. Lots of money coming her way when said and done. With her team and the Papier joining forces, the best is yet to come. Get your popcorn ready

09-07-2021, 05:35 PM
She don’t have to be on scene, that’s what sergeants get paid to do. She is above that rank moron. As an administrator she have multiple tasks to perform. You’re on patrol so you don’t know. Just continue to to answer your calls for service. Stay in your lane. If He/She Ortiz the Mexican was on scene who cares. He’s trying to save his job. I would rather he be there than beating on black people somewhere. Keandra will survive and win this bogus case. Lots of money coming her way when said and done. With her team and the Papier joining forces, the best is yet to come. Get your popcorn ready

Simmons ain't got shit for a case. Start buying your weave back in the flea market. Enjoy patrol.

09-08-2021, 02:33 PM
Simmons ain't got shit for a case. Start buying your weave back in the flea market. Enjoy patrol.

We all shall see. She have other legal factors that will prevail. It want be discussed on this site idiot. This case will be a standard for other agencies not to do. MPD did wrong on this demotion. She will be promoted back to her previous rank of Major with back pay. Your chief moved to fast without facts while listening to other jealous staff members. Other wrongful demoted employees maybe able to get theirs back also depending on time cycle. MPD is a mess under this Chief. More problems to come regarding the command. Their is and want be any Unity with command staff, which will hurt patrol services and entire department.

09-08-2021, 05:19 PM
We all shall see. She have other legal factors that will prevail. It want be discussed on this site idiot. This case will be a standard for other agencies not to do. MPD did wrong on this demotion. She will be promoted back to her previous rank of Major with back pay. Your chief moved to fast without facts while listening to other jealous staff members. Other wrongful demoted employees maybe able to get theirs back also depending on time cycle. MPD is a mess under this Chief. More problems to come regarding the command. Their is and want be any Unity with command staff, which will hurt patrol services and entire department.

No one is suffering from this dumb biatch demotion. Who cares. Move on. She was just an *ASSet, for the former asst chief. He is gone and she is now just a has-been.

09-08-2021, 10:58 PM
No one is suffering from this dumb biatch demotion. Who cares. Move on. She was just an *ASSet, for the former asst chief. He is gone and she is now just a has-been.

well, this is the problem and clean up mess when F&F gets out of control

transition chiefs always face backlash because they need to make stern decisions for corrections
gender and race can't be a card to play when convenient

F&F is a well known, discussed problem in Miami - not just PD - it is the reason why many people chose to live away
I loved my job, but when you get hired into a dept that is lead by an F&F -its a nightmare - they hired you to do the job that the F&F isn't able to do and you never get the credit, appreciated, or advancement. Its terrible. Think of a prison sentence.

So, yes I agree this will be an interesting case mostly because of race and gender and that leverage that will be used,
but people are aware of this mis leverage abuse and the case needs to stand on merit and competency and record.

There have been agencies that have the reverse gender/race demotions - Hallandale Beach has a female hispanic chief and she has made demotion
many demotions there - so that should be looked at as a comparative on that leverage use - but not for specific MPD reasons for this agency. Good luck, it will be an interesting precedent.

09-08-2021, 11:22 PM
well, this is the problem and clean up mess when F&F gets out of control

transition chiefs always face backlash because they need to make stern decisions for corrections
gender and race can't be a card to play when convenient

F&F is a well known, discussed problem in Miami - not just PD - it is the reason why many people chose to live away
I loved my job, but when you get hired into a dept that is lead by an F&F -its a nightmare - they hired you to do the job that the F&F isn't able to do and you never get the credit, appreciated, or advancement. Its terrible. Think of a prison sentence.

So, yes I agree this will be an interesting case mostly because of race and gender and that leverage that will be used,
but people are aware of this mis leverage abuse and the case needs to stand on merit and competency and record.

There have been agencies that have the reverse gender/race demotions - Hallandale Beach has a female hispanic chief and she has made demotion
many demotions there - so that should be looked at as a comparative on that leverage use - but not for specific MPD reasons for this agency. Good luck, it will be an interesting precedent.

Yeah okay... and everyone else that got demoted and or fired will return. Again Simmons ain't no shiny coin to brag about. The only thing she has done good in the department was other men with power. The end.

09-08-2021, 11:59 PM
Maybe the others shouldn’t have been afraid and file suit. Again if you’re listening Keandra will win her case. One thing I know MPD don’t have documents on any incompetence or mistakes on her part. In law enforcement if you don’t write it, never happen. Say what you want about her verbally. Don’t count. Keandra WINS.

09-09-2021, 01:26 AM
Maybe the others shouldn’t have been afraid and file suit. Again if you’re listening Keandra will win her case. One thing I know MPD don’t have documents on any incompetence or mistakes on her part. In law enforcement if you don’t write it, never happen. Say what you want about her verbally. Don’t count. Keandra WINS.

Jajajja Simmons just leave. You screwed your way to the top, time to eat humble pie and be grateful that you will get a pension you didn't legitimately earn. 🧎🏿*♀️🍆🍆🍆🍆

09-09-2021, 01:28 AM
🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 yes this is what she earned 🧎🏿*♀️🧎🏿*♀️🧎🏿*♀️🧎🏿*♀️

09-09-2021, 02:19 AM
Yeah she was a pro co(k sucker. Simmons you are a ho and you know it! Let it go. You are nothing but a blow job to an asst chief that is no longer here. Be glad you made it where you did without merit. Thanking the chief that is correcting the corruption!

09-15-2021, 02:44 AM
Hey idiot maybe you need to suck a golf ball through a garden hose. I said it before I stand by the evidence Keandra will return back to her previous rank of Major. Hell she might move even high to assistant Chief after what they put her through. Slandering her name etc. you’re all was warned that this chief will not survive at MPD. To much baggage and it will continue. A lot more to come via the Papier team aka Dream Team. This agency won’t be stabilize for another two years possible. It’s bad because patrol will suffer the most with no leadership and constant command changes. Congratulations to Keandra moving forward.

09-15-2021, 03:58 AM
Hey idiot maybe you need to suck a golf ball through a garden hose. I said it before I stand by the evidence Keandra will return back to her previous rank of Major. Hell she might move even high to assistant Chief after what they put her through. Slandering her name etc. you’re all was warned that this chief will not survive at MPD. To much baggage and it will continue. A lot more to come via the Papier team aka Dream Team. This agency won’t be stabilize for another two years possible. It’s bad because patrol will suffer the most with no leadership and constant command changes. Congratulations to Keandra moving forward.

Remember the song... she ain't nothing but hootchie mama....hood rat 🐀.....hood rat 🐀... hoochie mama....well that's Simmons...

10-15-2021, 08:14 PM
Now that the Chief is removed when will Keandra be restored back to a Major or Assistant Chief. She will get paid and restore. This conversation is for educational employees only. Chief Moo Moo “Do the Right Thing”.

10-15-2021, 08:23 PM

10-15-2021, 08:49 PM
Bro you can’t make this up!!

The corruption here is rampant and no one will do anything about it 🥲

10-16-2021, 08:59 PM
She hot promoted cuz she F@#ked the assistant chief. FACTS

Lucky that Asst. Chief, whoever he was, to have had such a fine, beautiful woman under him.

10-17-2021, 12:16 AM
MPD have some of the gorgeous female officers in state of Florida

10-17-2021, 04:22 AM
We all shall see. She have other legal factors that will prevail. It want be discussed on this site idiot. This case will be a standard for other agencies not to do. MPD did wrong on this demotion. She will be promoted back to her previous rank of Major with back pay. Your chief moved to fast without facts while listening to other jealous staff members. Other wrongful demoted employees maybe able to get theirs back also depending on time cycle. MPD is a mess under this Chief. More problems to come regarding the command. Their is and want be any Unity with command staff, which will hurt patrol services and entire department.

All staff ranks are appointed. You don't have civil service protection and you work at the pleasurer of the chief. Chief's can place anyone back to their last civil service rank. Doesn't need any more of a reason, you don't fit into my plans. She isn't the first demoted nor will she be the last. So, she sues and wins. That means everyone demoted by any chief can sue and win? So, if fat-boy doesn't place her back to her former rank. Is he, to be sued too? Shame the chief did not do more of it to many of the useless staff. How quick, most of you sided with the city hall to save face with them and kicked the chief in the nuts. At least you had the balls to say it on camera but you both sounded like crying little kids.

I don't this place would ever disappoint me on anything. You demand professionalism but you don't know or understand what that is. Well in closing, I got to say this. On my way out when I retire VERY SOON. I'll be taking the American flag down and with me as I head I-95 N and I will make sure I turn off the lights too.

10-17-2021, 01:37 PM
History repeats itself.

What happened to Art happened happened to Exposito and other chiefs in the past. Exposito did in fact speak in front of the commissioners to show the corruption involving some of his command staff and the Cuban Crafters cocaine cowboys. Even after he exposed them all, the city wiped their azz with the evidence and got rid of him.

The lesson to take from all this is you will never be able to change this corrupt place. If you go against their agenda, they will just get you out. So have a clear understanding of what you are getting into if you become appointed to any of the staff positions within the department.

It is why there has always been a saying within the Pd, worry about you and screw everyone else.

10-17-2021, 02:07 PM
History repeats itself.

What happened to Art happened happened to Exposito and other chiefs in the past. Exposito did in fact speak in front of the commissioners to show the corruption involving some of his command staff and the Cuban Crafters cocaine cowboys. Even after he exposed them all, the city wiped their azz with the evidence and got rid of him.

The lesson to take from all this is you will never be able to change this corrupt place. If you go against their agenda, they will just get you out. So have a clear understanding of what you are getting into if you become appointed to any of the staff positions within the department.

It is why there has always been a saying within the Pd, worry about you and screw everyone else.

True statement. Thanks

10-21-2021, 03:26 PM
True statement. Thanks

Is this what Art Acevedo meant by the Cuban Mafia ?

10-29-2021, 06:21 PM
She's a HO HO HO she used to bang Det. Chalumeau

10-31-2021, 02:26 AM
Why is she a ho ho. He probably was no good in bed so she moved on.

11-03-2021, 07:24 AM
Who hasn’t the water rat £u€Ked? Chalumeau Has banged every applicant that he has hired. I’m surprise he’s still up there. The rat should be sitting next to his sergeant in the federal prison. How’s it fee to have done the same thing Iglesias did and get away with it ?

11-03-2021, 12:56 PM
Because I am a BLACK MALE in America

11-03-2021, 12:59 PM
I wonder if he is paying his child support for the child he fathered with Officer Ellington.