View Full Version : Staffing issues

08-28-2021, 03:12 PM
Chief Morales:

It is obvious that we can agree there is an issue with patrol staffing.

I think if we can try at figuring out the issue as a whole rather than just yourself. You may not know the solution and that’s ok because we aren’t perfect.

I can tell you that morale amongst the troops is down. Imagine if you continue to kick the guys down while they are down. Eventually you are going to have the issues that you are having now. Some of your troops aren’t happy, and aren’t coming to work.

Now I don’t think this will be fixed overnight, but it will take time.

Here is one way to begin lifting the stress of patrol, when we they are below minimum have PST, Beats, NROs or any other units on a 50 assist in answering calls for service.

At the end of the day, aren’t we all police officers?

Please don’t take this as a sign of disrespect.

Thank you.

08-28-2021, 03:26 PM
Lol clearly your solution is garbage. No wonder why you are in patrol cause you have a mojon in your cabeza.

08-28-2021, 03:39 PM
Morale is low because patrol is sick and tired of all the micromanagement by Lieutenants trying to get promoted, by lack of supervision by sergeants who seem to only care about keeping the Lt off their back, and because this administration has already shown that it doesn't care about truth, only about public perception.
Chief: dissolve a PST team from each NET area that boasts having 2 teams. Return them to Patrol, raise the minimum staffing by 1 officer and assign more spots to each NET. If Downtown minimum goes from 4 to 5 and the number of patrol officers assigned goes from 5 to 7, it doesn't matter who is out sick or just plain lazy. Having 2 PST teams per NET is where all the problems started.

08-28-2021, 05:11 PM
Lol you clowns are hilarious. Let’s add more officers to patrol and that will solve the problem? No. They won’t get rid of those PST units because they are the units that can be told to go get stats. Chief, you want morale to come up and officers to respond to work? Improve the quality of work. everything you have implemented has been a kick in the ****/***** to the patrol officer. The way you punish officers, the way you demand officers to do your bidding. Patrol officers sole purpose is to respond to calls for service. If they want to be proactive then let them. They want to wait around for calls then let them. Stop believing that the cops today are the same as your time. We are not. You had the people, the courts, and the department backing you up. We have no one backing us up. Except that police is not what you want it to be. We will not work to make you look good. We will work to provide for our families. And no, the community and the police are not family.

08-28-2021, 05:59 PM
It's his way or the highway. Patrol has been the step-child of the department, for years. Patrol in any department, is the backbone of that agency, except here. You right about supervisors, on up. Going from call to call, cause of staffing problems, will only lead to a rise in crime. These so-called special units, when calls are holding should be made to handle and clear them. Staffing patrol, doesn't take a whole lot of brain power, you just need to cut these special unit and rework the net problem.

I remember years ago, we had the same problem on "C" shift. 10 sector would only have on many nights, 1 Sgt and 3 officers, below min staffing. Officer from other sector sent in to clear calls and all b!tched. At least most of the time the Sgt would clear calls but wouldn't write a report, which did help. Overlap, night's thru out the city, officers were sent to 10. Which did help but again, most b!tched. We were always told, a academy class will be out soon and they will get placed here. Yet, other sectors were sending officers, to special units almost every other month and those promised were sent to areas, that had more, interest from city hall or staff. You can only do what you can, fu@k the rest. Proactive, became a thing of the past for awhile. One of the ways we, the officers addressed the problem. In 10 sector, you couldn't walk 5 feet without seeing drug sales. So on night when we got tired of the departments bullsh!t. All of us made arrest and staff started to see a issue with placement there. Cause supervisors want those stats, they really couldn't tell you to not make arrest. Just do what you can, as best as you can. Back each others up and go home at the end of your 10.

08-28-2021, 06:15 PM
Lol clearly your solution is garbage. No wonder why you are in patrol cause you have a mojon in your cabeza.

Rather than insulting me, why don’t you give an idea on how to solve the issue?

08-28-2021, 07:54 PM
Make PST transport and babysit their own B.S arrests (crack pipe, drinking in public and milk crates) because all their arrest end up at JMH as a babysitting detail and guess who gets stuck with those details PATROL.
Get rid off the transport wagon since they don’t transport anymore cause they are testing every 39 that goes in, that process takes 45 to 1 hour per 39. The wagon transports one or two 39 and they are done for the night.
FYI there isn’t a staffing problem is just that patrol officer are sick and tired of all the B.S that goes on in this City.
Dumb a$$ commanders want every officer to send an email for every part 1 crimes to them, because they are so dumb that they can’t even check on their own on any desktop or laptop.
Now we have to categorize our own videos because our $hitty BWC system doesn’t do it automatically.

Take care all those issues mention above and you will see more officer coming to work more often.

08-28-2021, 08:16 PM
Make PST transport and babysit their own B.S arrests (crack pipe, drinking in public and milk crates) because all their arrest end up at JMH as a babysitting detail and guess who gets stuck with those details PATROL.
Get rid off the transport wagon since they don’t transport anymore cause they are testing every 39 that goes in, that process takes 45 to 1 hour per 39. The wagon transports one or two 39 and they are done for the night.
FYI there isn’t a staffing problem is just that patrol officer are sick and tired of all the B.S that goes on in this City.
Dumb a$$ commanders want every officer to send an email for every part 1 crimes to them, because they are so dumb that they can’t even check on their own on any desktop or laptop.
Now we have to categorize our own videos because our $hitty BWC system doesn’t do it automatically.

Take care all those issues mention above and you will see more officer coming to work more often.

Thank you for your input.

All this is true.

Bro, the part 1 crime email at the end of the night to the commander is a
waste of time. It just reinforces that the commander is plain ignorant. 🤦🏻*♂️

I have yet to use the wagon for a transport. No one supervises them. They are always at TGK, and by the time we make there they are leaving. 🤦🏻*♂️

All the units that constantly dump their transport on us is an issue. Now I understand transporting or babysitting a worthy felony arrest, but most of the arrest we get stuck babysitting are misdemeanor Mickey Mouse arrests. This is a lack of leadership from their supervisors. They let this happened.

Well keep it going. The leadership reads this forum.

08-28-2021, 09:10 PM
Rather than insulting me, why don’t you give an idea on how to solve the issue?

Sorry my brother but it is not our fault whats going on. Its the people upstairs. Keep yourself safe

08-29-2021, 04:27 AM
Hey morales why don’t you put the wagon detail on the off duty track too, since they don’t transport anymore and they just come to collect a check and sleep.

08-29-2021, 04:48 AM
Why not build a better class of citizens.
It may be a better investment

08-29-2021, 05:22 AM
Hey morales why don’t you put the wagon detail on the off duty track too, since they don’t transport anymore and they just come to collect a check and sleep.

Hey fat boy.. why don't you just quit already and stop being a worthless piece of fod chief. We all can't stand you and you have driven patrol to the ground. #letitgoyouwillneverCOP

08-29-2021, 01:56 PM
For those signing up for the patrol OT, make sure your off duty hours are not being added. is it Off duty or OT? Beware

08-29-2021, 03:50 PM
Leave Morales out , he's trying his best to find a solution which is almost impossible because is a culture thing , you see this generation just does not want to work , you puss#$ think police work is like all fun and games, let me tell you is a fu$k up job which is horrible for the next 20 years you have no life no weekends or holidays you can be mobilized anytime they want and they can imposed whatever the f#ck they want ,you will be judge in and out of the job , why do you think the life average is 5 years after you retired , do you want know how many officers had heart attack or suffer from high blood pressure , you pus$@ have choose the wrong job so come to work or get the f#ck out .
Morales these people just don't want to work , whoever calls sick make sure they get a doctors noticed if there's a patterned then fired their ass for not been fit to duty , whoever calls sick too many times transfer their ass to midnight north end , start firing people is the only way .
Morales nothing else is going to work ,these young people don't even want to sign for off duties , you can't destroy a dept to allocated a bunch of pus#es

08-29-2021, 04:11 PM
Leave Morales out , he's trying his best to find a solution which is almost impossible because is a culture thing , you see this generation just does not want to work , you puss#$ think police work is like all fun and games, let me tell you is a fu$k up job which is horrible for the next 20 years you have no life no weekends or holidays you can be mobilized anytime they want and they can imposed whatever the f#ck they want ,you will be judge in and out of the job , why do you think the life average is 5 years after you retired , do you want know how many officers had heart attack or suffer from high blood pressure , you pus$@ have choose the wrong job so come to work or get the f#ck out .
Morales these people just don't want to work , whoever calls sick make sure they get a doctors noticed if there's a patterned then fired their ass for not been fit to duty , whoever calls sick too many times transfer their ass to midnight north end , start firing people is the only way .
Morales nothing else is going to work ,these young people don't even want to sign for off duties , you can't destroy a dept to allocated a bunch of pus#es

Caballo let’s say everyone gets fired, what did you accomplish?

08-29-2021, 07:33 PM
Caballo let’s say everyone gets fired, what did you accomplish?

Environment has a lot to do with getting thru a day of WORK.....when you have diverse personalities but very good police skillsets you need to manage well.
If you have poor police skillsets this is a different animal.
1. First decide who exudes great police skillsets, these are people with passion for this work
Next you understand their personalities, feed them appropriately ( is, someone with more autonomy personality vs social personality vs likes and dislikes. It's not difficult, commander should have an unbiased swot analysis 15 minute elevator report on who his people are, what they like, and what their goals are. If you don't know your team well, you won't be able to.lead them. This is who should know who goes where and for what as a base report to then go up for needs analysis and logistics.
2. Different animals affect team endurance.FACT
Tip,one reason people like Javi is because he makes it his business to KNOW who is who.
If morale is low, it shows, it feels, it flows.

This is a long career, people should have the ability to enjoy it. FACT

Get this worked out bc you are only gonna be an agency that is as strong as your weakest links.

There is room for everyone,s skilllsets in an agency, if you don't know the individuals passion for police work you won't get them fully committed to the day.

Pep talks are band aids, vision and strategy needs reinforcement consistently. FACT

Let's go MPD!!

08-29-2021, 07:59 PM
Leave Morales out , he's trying his best to find a solution which is almost impossible because is a culture thing , you see this generation just does not want to work , you puss#$ think police work is like all fun and games, let me tell you is a fu$k up job which is horrible for the next 20 years you have no life no weekends or holidays you can be mobilized anytime they want and they can imposed whatever the f#ck they want ,you will be judge in and out of the job , why do you think the life average is 5 years after you retired , do you want know how many officers had heart attack or suffer from high blood pressure , you pus$@ have choose the wrong job so come to work or get the f#ck out .
Morales these people just don't want to work , whoever calls sick make sure they get a doctors noticed if there's a patterned then fired their ass for not been fit to duty , whoever calls sick too many times transfer their ass to midnight north end , start firing people is the only way .
Morales nothing else is going to work ,these young people don't even want to sign for off duties , you can't destroy a dept to allocated a bunch of pus#es

Leave Morales out?? Jajajja... obviously you are either one of the criminals in his office or a snot nose rookie that doesn't know shit. Morales use to be the biggest sleeping slacker do nothing on patrol. So he knows how the game is played. He kept the tradition.

08-29-2021, 09:18 PM
Leave Morales out?? Jajajja... obviously you are either one of the criminals in his office or a snot nose rookie that doesn't know shit. Morales use to be the biggest sleeping slacker do nothing on patrol. So he knows how the game is played. He kept the tradition.

Did you mean the one that had civil rights violations or the one woman beatee?

08-29-2021, 09:19 PM
Did you mean the one that had civil rights violations or the one woman beatee?

******** beater. *****

08-29-2021, 11:14 PM
Exactly!!! Either one fits the bill.