View Full Version : FDLE Leadership

08-19-2021, 05:20 PM
FDLE leadership is such a joke! Stupid leading stupid, demoting and firing people left and right. You want perfection from people? That ain't going to happen! STOP harrassing people and micro managing everyone and get rid of your JROC pet and hold him accountable as you would the lower staff (that you treat like crap). Careful what you wish for RS MP and TF one day karma is going to catch up with ya!

08-20-2021, 02:09 PM
FDLE leadership is such a joke! Stupid leading stupid, demoting and firing people left and right. You want perfection from people? That ain't going to happen! STOP harrassing people and micro managing everyone and get rid of your JROC pet and hold him accountable as you would the lower staff (that you treat like crap). Careful what you wish for RS MP and TF one day karma is going to catch up with ya!

Yep, I know 3 demotions and 4 fired. Agree FDLE leaders are horrible

08-23-2021, 04:36 AM
There are no real leaders at FDLE. Just scared, immature power mongers that only care about their current power and how to keep it. Real leaders have employees that would do anything for them, and vice versa. Supervisors used to empower and lead and were not afraid to address individuals and respect each member and their unique contribution to the FDLE team! Now it's all for one and one for all. As a FDLE employee under Swearingen, you are not wanted, needed, respected, or seen as an asset. Just an employee number and filler.. all because you didn't kiss ass like Swearingen.

FDLE is like a high school class- popularity, who's the homecoming king, who is the cool guy and who are the "losers" according to their hierarchy. There is no such thing as a Supervisor defending and helping an employee be a better employee and/or person.. it's all about fear and making them think they are expendable at any moment and that they (the employees) better bend down and worship and be scared if they don't conform to anything and everything that is thrown their way... no original thought!!

You have to ask how FDLE got this way, and we all know. It starts with an appointment of the person in the highest position and not an actual hiring/interview process where the best person is hired. The person in charge feels they need to keep power over everyone because if he had earned it he would have the confidence that he belongs there.

The worst part? Those that have dedicated their lives and careers to FDLE, only to be disrespected by an individual Piece of shit that has applied his personal values to ruin an agency.

There is NO pride or comfort with being a current FDLE member, it's been torn away by guys like RS, TF, and anyone of rank.

08-23-2021, 11:29 AM
There are no real leaders at FDLE. Just scared, immature power mongers that only care about their current power and how to keep it. Real leaders have employees that would do anything for them, and vice versa. Supervisors used to empower and lead and were not afraid to address individuals and respect each member and their unique contribution to the FDLE team! Now it's all for one and one for all. As a FDLE employee under Swearingen, you are not wanted, needed, respected, or seen as an asset. Just an employee number and filler.. all because you didn't kiss ass like Swearingen.

FDLE is like a high school class- popularity, who's the homecoming king, who is the cool guy and who are the "losers" according to their hierarchy. There is no such thing as a Supervisor defending and helping an employee be a better employee and/or person.. it's all about fear and making them think they are expendable at any moment and that they (the employees) better bend down and worship and be scared if they don't conform to anything and everything that is thrown their way... no original thought!!

You have to ask how FDLE got this way, and we all know. It starts with an appointment of the person in the highest position and not an actual hiring/interview process where the best person is hired. The person in charge feels they need to keep power over everyone because if he had earned it he would have the confidence that he belongs there.

The worst part? Those that have dedicated their lives and careers to FDLE, only to be disrespected by an individual Piece of shit that has applied his personal values to ruin an agency.

There is NO pride or comfort with being a current FDLE member, it's been torn away by guys like RS, TF, and anyone of rank.

FACT, well said....

08-23-2021, 07:17 PM
FDLE is a reflection of Florida politicians and what they need. The executive wire from Tally to the Sheriffs who control the state and back up again.