View Full Version : Riot Gear

07-30-2021, 10:34 PM
Make sure your riot gear is ready. If you don't have any report to SP ASAP.
A/B starting Monday till further notice.

07-30-2021, 10:59 PM
Theres not going to be any arrests Drama Queen. And we are not going A/B. But what needs to happen is the Chief be held accountable for creating these “crime fighters” with only a few years of experience. He failed them.

07-30-2021, 11:17 PM
Theres not going to be any arrests Drama Queen. And we are not going A/B. But what needs to happen is the Chief be held accountable for creating these “crime fighters” with only a few years of experience. He failed them.

Stop hating on those officers. What work have you done? Those guys took the hits for the department. What experience you have that would have prevented this? This could be you also you dweeb!

07-30-2021, 11:22 PM
Make sure your riot gear is ready. If you don't have any report to SP ASAP.
A/B starting Monday till further notice.

Well the guy must have been black or brown. Smh 🤦🏻*♂️ This is 2021. I’m not apart of field force anymore anyway. No line for me.

07-30-2021, 11:28 PM
This is what happens when the new guy took over Toby’s program. Op Collins thunderstorms

07-31-2021, 04:24 AM
Make sure your riot gear is ready. If you don't have any report to SP ASAP.
A/B starting Monday till further notice.

there is not going to be any riots. you are a joke.

stop instigating bad rumors. you are probably the same guy that said SET was over. (it may very well come to that, but they were running around today with their cool T-shirts still)

if you were to be in a riot and took action you would be right there next to these 5 guys that were set up for failure from the start.

I have been around for a very long time and can tell you that I do not know of any other Police Dept that places Rookies into Specialized Units with ZERO Street or Police experience. In other dept's it takes upwards of 10 yrs til they would even think of considering a cop for a specialized detail or unit.

07-31-2021, 06:42 AM
there is not going to be any riots. you are a joke.

stop instigating bad rumors. you are probably the same guy that said SET was over. (it may very well come to that, but they were running around today with their cool T-shirts still)

if you were to be in a riot and took action you would be right there next to these 5 guys that were set up for failure from the start.

I have been around for a very long time and can tell you that I do not know of any other Police Dept that places Rookies into Specialized Units with ZERO Street or Police experience. In other dept's it takes upwards of 10 yrs til they would even think of considering a cop for a specialized detail or unit.

Maybe I don’t want has beens like yourself in my unit! Our millennial generation of cops run circles around you all. They are not scared to do police work when the cameras are out. Age and years of service is irrelevant. Also you guys act like you actually try to guide the rookies in this department. You all criticize them. Lt. RD can get any rookie in this department to work for him. He not one that practice Seagull Management. Learn how to lead.

07-31-2021, 12:15 PM
Stop hating on those officers. What work have you done? Those guys took the hits for the department. What experience you have that would have prevented this? This could be you also you dweeb!

You must be a rookie if you do not comprehend what he/she is saying. The Chief has a duty to protect us from ourselves. Any Chief in the USA will agree that teams like SET/CST can get officers in a jam. These “rookies” are great cops that were not protected by the leadership at the MBPD. Our leadership failed all of us by thinking that an illegally parked scooter was a priority. Our leadership could not let the scooter flee and avoid this tragedy that we ended up with. One of the officers involved was involved in a pretty dramatic event just a little over a year ago. Was this a unit that he should have been put on? Perhaps, but I don’t think so. The Chief amped these guys up, created a division within us with his “crime fighter” statements in rollcalls in front of all of us.

It’s time to appoint an interim Chief. Hopefully, whomever they choose, will sit back, listen and remember what made us the best PD in the County at one point. It wasn’t our leadership calling off BS crap and yelling at everyone.

07-31-2021, 02:15 PM
Actually being a rookie should be an advantage. They went thru the academy with newer guidelines. I remember back in the day when "rookies" with 2-3 years on the PD were taken to specialized units and no issues.

07-31-2021, 03:09 PM
You must be a rookie if you do not comprehend what he/she is saying. The Chief has a duty to protect us from ourselves. Any Chief in the USA will agree that teams like SET/CST can get officers in a jam. These “rookies” are great cops that were not protected by the leadership at the MBPD. Our leadership failed all of us by thinking that an illegally parked scooter was a priority. Our leadership could not let the scooter flee and avoid this tragedy that we ended up with. One of the officers involved was involved in a pretty dramatic event just a little over a year ago. Was this a unit that he should have been put on? Perhaps, but I don’t think so. The Chief amped these guys up, created a division within us with his “crime fighter” statements in rollcalls in front of all of us.

It’s time to appoint an interim Chief. Hopefully, whomever they choose, will sit back, listen and remember what made us the best PD in the County at one point. It wasn’t our leadership calling off BS crap and yelling at everyone.

It definitely wasnt you that made us the best PD in the County. Shut the fuch up you spineless pu$$y.

07-31-2021, 03:12 PM
Where’s the Screaming Eagles email?

07-31-2021, 03:53 PM
You must be a rookie if you do not comprehend what he/she is saying. The Chief has a duty to protect us from ourselves. Any Chief in the USA will agree that teams like SET/CST can get officers in a jam. These “rookies” are great cops that were not protected by the leadership at the MBPD. Our leadership failed all of us by thinking that an illegally parked scooter was a priority. Our leadership could not let the scooter flee and avoid this tragedy that we ended up with. One of the officers involved was involved in a pretty dramatic event just a little over a year ago. Was this a unit that he should have been put on? Perhaps, but I don’t think so. The Chief amped these guys up, created a division within us with his “crime fighter” statements in rollcalls in front of all of us.

It’s time to appoint an interim Chief. Hopefully, whomever they choose, will sit back, listen and remember what made us the best PD in the County at one point. It wasn’t our leadership calling off BS crap and yelling at everyone.

Hey I’m sorry for my statements I did not fully understand. I understand you clearly. Thank you sir/ma’am. 🤝

07-31-2021, 07:00 PM
Whether we like it or not any Police Chief is there to first protect the department and secondly to protect the officers under his command!

07-31-2021, 07:32 PM
Our officers are responsible for their actions, but the chief is ultimately accountable.
His poor leadership and management style have Contributed to this incident.
The city manager has a responsibility to act immediately and replace this chief. He has become ineffective to lead the department and the citizens of our community are going to pay the price for it. It has been confirmed that the chief locked himself in his office and is avoiding contact with all. This shows his weakness and lack of leadership. Although the new city manager is a personal friend to our chief, she needs to step back and take action.

07-31-2021, 08:41 PM
Our officers are responsible for their actions, but the chief is ultimately accountable.
His poor leadership and management style have Contributed to this incident.
The city manager has a responsibility to act immediately and replace this chief. He has become ineffective to lead the department and the citizens of our community are going to pay the price for it. It has been confirmed that the chief locked himself in his office and is avoiding contact with all. This shows his weakness and lack of leadership. Although the new city manager is a personal friend to our chief, she needs to step back and take action. good point well said , additionally all officers should be riding 2 man to a car for now, if it wasn't for that damn COVID19. This is what the chief gets when you put animated personalities in command status that scream for more stats and more stats and more stats when the officers are all completely compromised by being burned out by all the forced 12 hour shifts that take up 14 hours of their lives. One urban event after another unban event and nothing but violence and drugs non stop all the tourists are NOT comming back.

07-31-2021, 09:20 PM
Our officers are responsible for their actions, but the chief is ultimately accountable.
His poor leadership and management style have Contributed to this incident.
The city manager has a responsibility to act immediately and replace this chief. He has become ineffective to lead the department and the citizens of our community are going to pay the price for it. It has been confirmed that the chief locked himself in his office and is avoiding contact with all. This shows his weakness and lack of leadership. Although the new city manager is a personal friend to our chief, she needs to step back and take action.

So. Let me get this straight. Weren't people complaining because of all the "micro managing". And that's what you are calling for? He should follow every grown ass man in this PD to make sure they don't step on their own cranks?

07-31-2021, 09:37 PM
Our officers are responsible for their actions, but the chief is ultimately accountable.
His poor leadership and management style have Contributed to this incident.
The city manager has a responsibility to act immediately and replace this chief. He has become ineffective to lead the department and the citizens of our community are going to pay the price for it. It has been confirmed that the chief locked himself in his office and is avoiding contact with all. This shows his weakness and lack of leadership. Although the new city manager is a personal friend to our chief, she needs to step back and take action.

Once you carry your own water, you will learn the value of every drop and that is so true!

07-31-2021, 09:52 PM
So. Let me get this straight. Weren't people complaining because of all the "micro managing". And that's what you are calling for? He should follow every grown ass man in this PD to make sure they don't step on their own cranks?

Ernie, mira papo, you need to get a hold of Carlos in PEU so he can start getting your black and white ready. In the meantime take Paul’s therapy dog for a walk and grab Ricky a Bang.