View Full Version : Explain this

04-30-2021, 05:19 PM
How on earth does a dep with only one year on get chosen for district 1 c.i.?????????? Especially chosen over someone from the district smfh.
Must be nice to be dating brass!

04-30-2021, 09:20 PM
How on earth does a dep with only one year on get chosen for district 1 c.i.?????????? Especially chosen over someone from the district smfh.
Must be nice to be dating brass!

Are you sure that the person whom you think is more qualified from the district on the CI list? And if so, who are the people you speak of (the one who got it and who was skipped)?

04-30-2021, 09:44 PM
Are you sure that the person whom you think is more qualified from the district on the CI list? And if so, who are the people you speak of (the one who got it and who was skipped)?

EC from district 12 got it from what I heard. The big spanish kid from district 1 has wanted to get in for a while and I heard he did good on the interview..... still how does someone with one year on get it. Don’t you need at least two to even apply lol this place 🤡

05-01-2021, 04:50 AM
EC from district 12 got it from what I heard. The big spanish kid from district 1 has wanted to get in for a while and I heard he did good on the interview..... still how does someone with one year on get it. Don’t you need at least two to even apply lol this place 🤡

Who cares about district CI. Have you met half the idiots who work it rofl

05-01-2021, 05:23 AM
EC from district 12 got it from what I heard. The big spanish kid from district 1 has wanted to get in for a while and I heard he did good on the interview..... still how does someone with one year on get it. Don’t you need at least two to even apply lol this place 🤡

I am sure the "big spanish kid" has worked hard at it by doing thorough investigations on reported crimes, makes good solid arrests, and is overall a team player. He has just learned the hard way the way this agency has been the last decade and is the worst now with the current command staff. If I were him, I'd completely shut down. Just collect the paycheck every two weeks and pad it with OT and details doing nothing. The announcement hasn't been posted on the DLE tab of the informant yet but the Tree Force is going accepting applications for the eligibility list.

05-01-2021, 05:52 AM
I am sure the "big spanish kid" has worked hard at it by doing thorough investigations on reported crimes, makes good solid arrests, and is overall a team player. He has just learned the hard way the way this agency has been the last decade and is the worst now with the current command staff. If I were him, I'd completely shut down. Just collect the paycheck every two weeks and pad it with OT and details doing nothing. The announcement hasn't been posted on the DLE tab of the informant yet but the Tree Force is going accepting applications for the eligibility list.

That’s the point here I think. How’s a one year deputy with no experience get the spot over him. That’s BS. I never even heard of her before probably coz she has one year on but how does that even happen??????? It should go to danilo

05-01-2021, 02:29 PM
Before you start opening that big trap of yours. Who is ec. Second eho is the one year deputy that was chosen for ci. As for everything that goes on in bso. More than likely the d12 command knew who they wanted in ci before interviews were ever done. There are many lazy garbage bags in ci.

05-01-2021, 04:36 PM
Before you start opening that big trap of yours. Who is ec. Second eho is the one year deputy that was chosen for ci. As for everything that goes on in bso. More than likely the d12 command knew who they wanted in ci before interviews were ever done. There are many lazy garbage bags in ci.

Bro ec is the one year deputy from d12 who got chosen for d1 ci. Picked over an actual d1 guy who busts his ass to do work. What a joke!!!

05-01-2021, 05:20 PM
Before you start opening that big trap of yours. Who is ec. Second eho is the one year deputy that was chosen for ci. As for everything that goes on in bso. More than likely the d12 command knew who they wanted in ci before interviews were ever done. There are many lazy garbage bags in ci.

Just like they picked some blonde chick over one of their own district guys. Shocking.

05-01-2021, 07:07 PM
Rotella’s GF? That explains it.

This place is so full of nonsense sh-t talkers. His girl placed first by a landslide and has several years on not just one lol

05-01-2021, 07:18 PM
Just like they picked some blonde chick over one of their own district guys. Shocking.

Who is the blonde chick? And who did they pick her over?

05-01-2021, 09:40 PM
Who is the blonde chick? And who did they pick her over?

AS from Pompano instead of JI who was Dania CST and now works in Oakland Park

05-02-2021, 08:23 PM
This place is so full of nonsense sh-t talkers. His girl placed first by a landslide and has several years on not just one lol

She has several years on, studied hard, scored #1, several previous supervisors recommended her without solicitation. BUT!!!! That don’t matter in this place coz the ****roaches here will continue to hide in there holes talking smack about someone getting a position they not even interested in. Raise your hand if your a lifetime road deputy with no goals! Ayyyyyyy!!!!! Now go 65 your whole one call for the day in Cooper City and deep throat that box of donuts sitting in your passenger seat! 😂😂😂😂🍩🍩

05-02-2021, 09:50 PM
She has several years on, studied hard, scored #1, several previous supervisors recommended her without solicitation. BUT!!!! That don’t matter in this place coz the ****roaches here will continue to hide in there holes talking smack about someone getting a position they not even interested in. Raise your hand if your a lifetime road deputy with no goals! Ayyyyyyy!!!!! Now go 65 your whole one call for the day in Cooper City and deep throat that box of donuts sitting in your passenger seat! 😂😂😂😂🍩🍩

Quit being salty a qualified pretty female out performed you and is taking your position.

05-03-2021, 12:12 AM
She doesn't deserve it. If she did that good then oakland park would have taken her.

05-03-2021, 02:37 AM
She doesn't deserve it. If she did that good then oakland park would have taken her.

Orrrrrrrr she didn’t want OP but I guess that’s not possible

05-03-2021, 04:50 AM
She doesn't deserve it. If she did that good then oakland park would have taken her.

Uh. D12 filled their vacancy before any of this. Like someone said...stop being salty a pretty female who actually has a brain knows her stuff and earned the spot on her own merit.

05-03-2021, 08:15 AM
Uh. D12 filled their vacancy before any of this. Like someone said...stop being salty a pretty female who actually has a brain knows her stuff and earned the spot on her own merit.

Yeah sure, this just another example of things that don’t pass the smell test at bso. It’s why the agency is such a phuckin mess.

05-03-2021, 09:50 AM
Yeah sure, this just another example of things that don’t pass the smell test at bso. It’s why the agency is such a phuckin mess.

M.N. don’t be mad you been tryin to get into C.I. for the longest and ain’t nobody wanna take you!

05-03-2021, 10:36 AM
She doesn't deserve it. If she did that good then oakland park would have taken her.

Clearly you don’t even know how district level ci interviews work. Your interview isn’t a one shot thing with all districts. The district has to have an opening and they pick people for interviews specifically for their city from the eligibility list. But of course another person blindly fighting a war via keyboard.

05-03-2021, 10:49 AM
Bs if oakland park wanted this individual she would have been there. As previously said, she doesn't deserve the position. If your own district didn't step up to try to keep you then something is wrong especially with some people making the argument she aced the interview. Apparently not so if op didn't take her into ci. The ci sgt in d1 is who made the final decision.

05-03-2021, 11:21 AM
Bs if oakland park wanted this individual she would have been there. As previously said, she doesn't deserve the position. If your own district didn't step up to try to keep you then something is wrong especially with some people making the argument she aced the interview. Apparently not so if op didn't take her into ci. The ci sgt in d1 is who made the final decision.

That’s assuming she even wanted to stay in that district. And exactly, district 1 ci Sgt picked her to interview and she scored the highest.

05-03-2021, 11:29 AM
Bs if oakland park wanted this individual she would have been there. As previously said, she doesn't deserve the position. If your own district didn't step up to try to keep you then something is wrong especially with some people making the argument she aced the interview. Apparently not so if op didn't take her into ci. The ci sgt in d1 is who made the final decision.

Okay genius, how are you so positive Oakland Park didn’t try to keep her? Do you know her? Did she turn them down? Did she accept the position with West Park before Oakland Park even had a chance to ask her to interview with them? Do they even have a vacancy?

Very curious how you seem to know all the facts.

05-03-2021, 12:06 PM
WHO CARES! You all sound like a bunch of cry babies. How does any of this affect your life so much that you have to go online and cry about it?

05-03-2021, 02:56 PM
WHO CARES! You all sound like a bunch of cry babies. How does any of this affect your life so much that you have to go online and cry about it?

Excuse me! This greatly affects me. I am so unhappy with the fact that I have to lift my giant stomach up in order to see my we’re/take my gun belt off so I found an easy target: a female deputy. It makes me feel better about myself to trash talk someone I don’t even know. I also don’t believe in checking on any of the facts because anything someone posts here must be true!

Now leave me alone while I sit under my tree and continue to cry about not getting a position I didn’t even apply for or have interest in.

05-03-2021, 03:58 PM
Okay genius, how are you so positive Oakland Park didn’t try to keep her? Do you know her? Did she turn them down? Did she accept the position with West Park before Oakland Park even had a chance to ask her to interview with them? Do they even have a vacancy?

Very curious how you seem to know all the facts.

He/she knows all of the facts because he/she is one of three people. Her, the fiancé, or the CI Sgt

05-03-2021, 04:03 PM
He/she knows all of the facts because he/she is one of three people. Her, the fiancé, or the CI Sgt

Makes no sense. Wouldn’t any of the 3 know what actually happened instead of the people blindly throwing accusations and assuming things

05-03-2021, 04:50 PM
Makes no sense. Wouldn’t any of the 3 know what actually happened instead of the people blindly throwing accusations and assuming things

You forgot where your posting. No one on here uses common sense or checks any facts before spewing their garbage. They are mad they never did anything note worthy in their career.

05-04-2021, 02:42 AM
To the Person Who Reported this Thread:

I just wanted to let you know, that only posts that violate the Terms of Use can be deleted. Entire threads can only be deleted if they cannot be salvaged or the first post violates the Terms of Use. This said, it appears to me that all of the posts in this thread have been deleted that violate the Terms of Use at this time. The thread still makes sense, so it is salvageable, and will remain.

If you believe any particular post violates the Terms of Use, please report that post or those posts. Prior to doing so, please read the information located at https://leoaffairs.com/%20abuse-and-violations/. Especially the information about the posting and use of names.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at mod1@leoaffairs.com.

Thank you,

Mod 1

05-04-2021, 03:53 AM
Again to the Person Reporting this Thread:

I don't know who you are. You are reporting it anonymously so I don't know if you are who you claim you are. Please do like I said in the previous post and email me if you have further issues. Your identity will be kept confidential. I do not want to debate the issues you brought up, here on this thread.

Mod 1

05-04-2021, 04:59 AM
You forgot where your posting. No one on here uses common sense or checks any facts before spewing their garbage. They are mad they never did anything note worthy in their career.

This job is not a career. It only takes a minimally educated person with no craft skills to fill a position. Overpaid bunch of self serving GED winners. Even most of the military people are zeros.

05-04-2021, 10:14 AM
Sedawie who runs D1 CI is the issue there. I mean do you really want to work for that guy ??

05-04-2021, 12:41 PM
Sedawie who runs D1 CI is the issue there. I mean do you really want to work for that guy ??

What’s wrong with J.S.????

05-04-2021, 06:05 PM
This job is not a career. It only takes a minimally educated person with no craft skills to fill a position. Overpaid bunch of self serving GED winners. Even most of the military people are zeros.

That’s right and pretty wealthy also…now GFY!

05-04-2021, 09:45 PM
What’s wrong with J.S.????

Cmon you really asking that lol ? First opportunity he gets to axe someone he will.

05-05-2021, 12:13 AM
Cmon you really asking that lol ? First opportunity he gets to axe someone he will.

What does that even mean LOL

11-21-2021, 03:10 PM
Sedawie who runs D1 CI is the issue there. I mean do you really want to work for that guy ??

His all female CI unit seem to like working for him. They get to sit and bat there eyes at CST to go do there work for them. I been in the new office and they got the real estate tiktok cop krik’s old lazy girl and the sgt capt’s mail order bride who has less than a year on lololololol

11-22-2021, 12:11 AM
His all female CI unit seem to like working for him. They get to sit and bat there eyes at CST to go do there work for them. I been in the new office and they got the real estate tiktok cop krik’s old lazy girl and the sgt capt’s mail order bride who has less than a year on lololololol

Who is the real estate tiktok cop??? Mail order bride now that’s funny!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

11-24-2021, 04:01 AM
Cmon you really asking that lol ? First opportunity he gets to axe someone he will.


11-24-2021, 10:36 PM
Who is the real estate tiktok cop??? Mail order bride now that’s funny!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

S Hendrix is the tiktok cop but who is krik’s lazy girl and the mail order bride?

11-25-2021, 01:54 PM
S Hendrix is the tiktok cop but who is krik’s lazy girl and the mail order bride?

“Mail order bride” is Rotella’s wife. She’s cool I like her 👍🏼 The other is Viera she came from Tamarac

11-29-2021, 03:12 PM
wild guess....picked one is a "minority", female, or gay....diversity is great

11-29-2021, 08:38 PM
wild guess....picked one is a "minority", female, or gay....diversity is great

The whole unit is minority women so no diversity