View Full Version : Let’s stop the hate and show support for Sheriff Anderson

03-16-2021, 09:08 PM
Let’s please brake this cycle of hate and support our new Sheriff. Nicole Anderson is a good person and never hurt anyone. Let’s give her a chance.

03-16-2021, 09:24 PM
That would be the best decision the Governor could ever make. This convicted felon needs to be removed.

03-16-2021, 09:38 PM
The same Anderson who wrote an op ed saying how wonderful tony was? That he was bringing transparency and accountability?

03-16-2021, 10:01 PM
Do t ever forget, no one will stand for you without being told to do so. You’ve earned nothing from us.

03-16-2021, 11:16 PM
never happen

03-16-2021, 11:28 PM
Do t ever forget, no one will stand for you without being told to do so. You’ve earned nothing from us.

English please...

03-16-2021, 11:33 PM

03-17-2021, 12:43 AM
So it’s not gonna be Jared Moskovitz ?

03-17-2021, 02:35 AM

That cop made a huge mistake. He pulled her over. First off let the black community police their own. Second find a good hiding spot & STAY THERE. Cops = guilty until proven how guilty!

03-17-2021, 02:36 AM
Let’s please brake this cycle of hate and support our new Sheriff. Nicole Anderson is a good person and never hurt anyone. Let’s give her a chance.

Is she gonna show support for the heart beat of this agency? The boots on the ground get no respect. We are all just a CCN number

03-17-2021, 02:38 AM
The same Anderson who wrote an op ed saying how wonderful tony was? That he was bringing transparency and accountability?

What else was she supposed to say? She knows who signed her pay checks

03-17-2021, 03:54 AM
Let’s please brake this cycle of hate and support our new Sheriff. Nicole Anderson is a good person and never hurt anyone. Let’s give her a chance.

Nobody, is going to make that moron a Sheriff. Her reputation for incompetence is well known. Besides Tony is going nowhere.

03-17-2021, 01:22 PM
How many arrests did she make as a road deputy?

All you ever hear is: She was a trooper for fhp.
Wow! 😳

03-17-2021, 03:16 PM
Let’s please brake this cycle of hate and support our new Sheriff. Nicole Anderson is a good person and never hurt anyone. Let’s give her a chance.

I agree let's brake the cycle of hate. But support Nichole Anderson for Sheriff....NEVER!!!! You want to go from one incompetent person to another just so she can continue to pad her resume (the first black female Capt, the first black female Major, Colonel, Undersheriff) absolutely not, no thank you, we need someone more qualified. Why does she have to use something so stupid "the first black..." why do you have to use a race in your title? If you've earned the position nobody can take that away from you, but if you've been given the position because of your race and or gender, then did you really earn it? The new hires in the FTD program have already made more career arrest than her, which translates into she didn't do anything, except move up the ranks and how did she do that I wonder? She had her chance to be a leader, she openly supported Tony, she's not a leader, she's a follower, always has been, always will be.


03-17-2021, 03:42 PM
Fire the wanded command staff. Put in the most qualified & experienced personnel based on job performance & not the color of their skin. That’ll be a good start to earning respect.

03-18-2021, 05:09 AM
I heard that Mark got the boot from SID because he closed his office door while Anderson was walking around SID. immediately transferred to OP! She’s a POS

03-18-2021, 07:26 AM
I agree let's brake the cycle of hate. But support Nichole Anderson for Sheriff....NEVER!!!! You want to go from one incompetent person to another just so she can continue to pad her resume (the first black female Capt, the first black female Major, Colonel, Undersheriff) absolutely not, no thank you, we need someone more qualified. Why does she have to use something so stupid "the first black..." why do you have to use a race in your title? If you've earned the position nobody can take that away from you, but if you've been given the position because of your race and or gender, then did you really earn it? The new hires in the FTD program have already made more career arrest than her, which translates into she didn't do anything, except move up the ranks and how did she do that I wonder? She had her chance to be a leader, she openly supported Tony, she's not a leader, she's a follower, always has been, always will be.


I agree with everything you said but we must face the reality that in the very near future when Tony is criminally charged and removed Anderson will become Sheriff by default.
The Governor is not going to try and pick someone again. Anderson will be Sheriff until the special election.
I get it she has no arrest or accomplishments to speak of, yes she has filled for bankruptcy more times then Benny has been magic wanded. But she isn’t a bad person and let’s just support her for the short time she is Sheriff and start the healing process in this place.

03-18-2021, 11:42 AM
There is no healing this agency with incompetent morons in charge. She is useless and one of the worst to be in charge. She has no clue about police work or the dynamics of personnel. Just another affirmative action hire.

I believe in women's lib, they can all liberate some kitchen utensils!
Leave policing to the grownups.

03-18-2021, 12:43 PM
She will not be the sheriff by default. Recently, everytime a sheriff has been removed in florida, they are replaced by someone from the outside. That will be the case here as well. We will not have a sheriff weezy.

03-18-2021, 02:55 PM
I agree with everything you said but we must face the reality that in the very near future when Tony is criminally charged and removed Anderson will become Sheriff by default.
The Governor is not going to try and pick someone again. Anderson will be Sheriff until the special election.
I get it she has no arrest or accomplishments to speak of, yes she has filled for bankruptcy more times then Benny has been magic wanded. But she isn’t a bad person and let’s just support her for the short time she is Sheriff and start the healing process in this place.

Listen, she may be a nice person, I say the jury is still out on that, but if she's never been a cop and doesn't have any accomplishments in the field how do you put her in charge of an agency? Especially an agency this size? Too many things can go wrong. I don't think the Governor will make that mistake twice. He will appoint someone Temporarily until a special election can take place.

03-22-2021, 02:43 PM
Listen, she may be a nice person, I say the jury is still out on that, but if she's never been a cop and doesn't have any accomplishments in the field how do you put her in charge of an agency? Especially an agency this size? Too many things can go wrong. I don't think the Governor will make that mistake twice. He will appoint someone Temporarily until a special election can take place.

Absolutely there is no way Nicole Anderson gets the Sheriff position after writing an Op-Ed article in the Sun Sentinel about what a great and trust worthy guy Gregory Tony is.

Hey Nicole you are well aware or you should have been aware that Gregory Tony is a convicted Felon and Murderer. Gregory Tony was locked up for a couple of years as a teenager. And you write an article defending him??? You want to be in charge of a 900 million dollar budget when you can even balance your check book and claimed bankruptcy numerous times???

Yeah we heard your excuse "He made me do it & he signs my paycheck" well if you are that weak then you do not deserve to be Sheriff. Stop calling Tallahassee you are not getting the position.

03-22-2021, 02:45 PM
Absolutely there is no way Nicole Anderson gets the Sheriff position after writing an Op-Ed article in the Sun Sentinel about what a great and trust worthy guy Gregory Tony is.

Hey Nicole you are well aware or you should have been aware that Gregory Tony is a convicted Felon and Murderer. Gregory Tony was locked up for a couple of years as a teenager. And you write an article defending him??? You want to be in charge of a 900 million dollar budget when you can even balance your check book and claimed bankruptcy numerous times???

Yeah we heard your excuse "He made me do it & he signs my paycheck" well if you are that weak then you do not deserve to be Sheriff. Stop calling Tallahassee you are not getting the position.


03-22-2021, 06:53 PM
Absolutely there is no way Nicole Anderson gets the Sheriff position after writing an Op-Ed article in the Sun Sentinel about what a great and trust worthy guy Gregory Tony is.

Hey Nicole you are well aware or you should have been aware that Gregory Tony is a convicted Felon and Murderer. Gregory Tony was locked up for a couple of years as a teenager. And you write an article defending him??? You want to be in charge of a 900 million dollar budget when you can even balance your check book and claimed bankruptcy numerous times???

Yeah we heard your excuse "He made me do it & he signs my paycheck" well if you are that weak then you do not deserve to be Sheriff. Stop calling Tallahassee you are not getting the position.

I didn't realize you too were from Philadelphia and moved to Tallahassee in order to be an eyewitness.

03-22-2021, 07:05 PM
I didn't realize you too were from Philadelphia and moved to Tallahassee in order to be an eyewitness.

You don’t have to be from Philadelphia to know the guy is a criminal

03-22-2021, 07:24 PM
There are only two scenarios. 1) you wrote the op-Ed because you believe what you wrote or 2) someone wrote it for you and you went along with it because your job depended on it. Either scenario demonstrates the lack of character recognition and the lack of morales to take a stand a represent what this profession really is. You sold your soul and the Deputies would never respect Nicole. The ship sailed when you allowed your name to be on that article

03-23-2021, 04:02 AM
Weezey needs to stay in the kitchen and bake us a pie!

03-23-2021, 05:02 PM
Weezey needs to stay in the kitchen and bake us a pie!

That’s right make me a ham Samich biatch.

03-23-2021, 10:16 PM
Weezey needs to stay in the kitchen and bake us a pie!

She’s too stupid to bake a pie!

03-24-2021, 03:34 AM
Soon very soon


03-24-2021, 03:08 PM
Soon very soon


Nothing going to happen! He cannot and will not be held accountable for his actions.

03-24-2021, 04:34 PM
Nothing going to happen! He cannot and will not be held accountable for his actions.

LOL of course he will