View Full Version : Thank you Will and Matt

02-14-2021, 03:12 PM
I would like to officially thank Matt Parker and Will Christensen for their friendship and leadership while in CCIB. This week, the SCSO will lose two of the best leaders I have ever had the privilege to work for. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, but neither one of them deserved what they got. There is a big difference between leaders and managers, and those two are true leaders. A manager serves his self-interest first, the interest of the company (SCSO) second, and the interest of his people last. A leader puts the interest of his people first, the interest of the company (SCSO) second, and their self-interest last. Every decision those two made, they made with the interest of their people and agency in mind. Ask Dan Faggard and Manny Guarch how many late-night conversations they had with us trying to keep the agency safe from liability. How many operations or warrants we refused to do just so we don’t expose the agency to liability? Unfortunately, none of that mattered. They got screwed over by self-interest snakes that will fit perfectly in DL’s administration. It makes me mad to think of how many times the agents put their lives in danger for an agency that does not deserve it. Will head a heart-attack, latterly gave his heart, for the SCSO. I wish them both the best, and I am sure they will do amazing in whatever they decide to do next. Thank you both.