View Full Version : Massive Waste in DOD

02-03-2021, 03:00 AM
WTF is going on Tony? You have massive waste in DOD. You have that massive fat slob Benjamin hooking up her buddies and making them XO's! You know she's got 2 XO's in the jail. The DLE districts operate with one XO and the jail needs two? You need to remove more dead wood from DOD namely that fat slob Benjamin. Instead of leaving one competent LT. as an XO she gives the job to two incompetent ones. A job that has been done by one XO for the past 25 years and still handled by one XO in DLE But Benjamin needs 2. You know they operate short staffed at North Broward and the Main Jail, while Benjamin has Four(4) Lt.s on duty, sitting around taking care of personal business and sending out for food. Meanwhile the jails are in shambles and that fat slob Benjamin is setting up a food truck extravaganza in the parking lot, so she can get free food. Fire that fat slob. You need to eliminate Lt. jobs not create more where they never existed smarten up!

02-03-2021, 03:50 AM
And thanks to Sgt. Marciano our union leader the bailiffs are going to be replaced by detention deputies. Thanks Sarge

02-03-2021, 05:26 AM
And thanks to Sgt. Marciano our union leader the bailiffs are going to be replaced by detention deputies. Thanks Sarge

That’s funny, he sits around real quiet when the administration removes deputy jobs in the jail. The sheriff will not take any advice from him. He doesn’t care how many jobs are lost as long as he doesn’t have to report to work.

02-03-2021, 02:24 PM
WTF is going on Tony? You have massive waste in DOD. You have that massive fat slob Benjamin hooking up her buddies and making them XO's! You know she's got 2 XO's in the jail. The DLE districts operate with one XO and the jail needs two? You need to remove more dead wood from DOD namely that fat slob Benjamin. Instead of leaving one competent LT. as an XO she gives the job to two incompetent ones. A job that has been done by one XO for the past 25 years and still handled by one XO in DLE But Benjamin needs 2. You know they operate short staffed at North Broward and the Main Jail, while Benjamin has Four(4) Lt.s on duty, sitting around taking care of personal business and sending out for food. Meanwhile the jails are in shambles and that fat slob Benjamin is setting up a food truck extravaganza in the parking lot, so she can get free food. Fire that fat slob. You need to eliminate Lt. jobs not create more where they never existed smarten up!

Having never worked a real position, and always asking others what to do, Benjamin was never any good at running a unit a shift or a jail. But, you can be sure when that fat slob enters a jail she’s got about four trays of food. There were a lot less problems around here when Palmer and Neely were running the show. Come on Pumpkin Head get this know nothing fat slob out here, before her fat ass gets us in the news again.

02-03-2021, 04:13 PM
Having never worked a real position, and always asking others what to do, Benjamin was never any good at running a unit a shift or a jail. But, you can be sure when that fat slob enters a jail she’s got about four trays of food. There were a lot less problems around here when Palmer and Neely were running the show. Come on Pumpkin Head get this know nothing fat slob out here, before her fat ass gets us in the news again.

Isn’t she that fat pig that got arrested in Port St. Lucie for breaking into a store and stealing Jamaican patties?

02-03-2021, 06:08 PM
Having never worked a real position, and always asking others what to do, Benjamin was never any good at running a unit a shift or a jail. But, you can be sure when that fat slob enters a jail she’s got about four trays of food. There were a lot less problems around here when Palmer and Neely were running the show. Come on Pumpkin Head get this know nothing fat slob out here, before her fat ass gets us in the news again.

When who was running the show? Seriously? Those 2 couldnt run into a tree in the middle of the forest!!!

02-03-2021, 06:42 PM
When who was running the show? Seriously? Those 2 couldnt run into a tree in the middle of the forest!!!

True and they taught Benjamin everything she knows. Like how to not work and score free food. We'd be a lot better off if Pumpkin Head fired her ass with those other two losers. Four Lt.s on day shift, how many lunch runs they make for her.

02-03-2021, 08:01 PM
fkn retards

02-04-2021, 01:51 AM
Isn’t she that fat pig that got arrested in Port St. Lucie for breaking into a store and stealing Jamaican patties?

Anger management issues. She was arrested for destruction of private property, after destroying someone’s vehicle with a cement block.

02-04-2021, 02:52 PM
Isn’t she that fat pig that got arrested in Port St. Lucie for breaking into a store and stealing Jamaican patties?

All kidding aside, has anyone ever seen big Benji when she wasn’t carrying at least two trays of food or going to a facility that is having a food event? Asking for a friend.

02-05-2021, 12:09 PM
All kidding aside, has anyone ever seen big Benji when she wasn’t carrying at least two trays of food or going to a facility that is having a food event? Asking for a friend.

Benjamin’s incompetence is legendary and well known in the jail. Look at the Captains she has in place, not a competent one in the mix. What’s going on at North Broward? That place is an accident waiting to happen. Hey Benjamin, why don’t you add another Captain and maybe another XO or two LOL.

02-05-2021, 03:30 PM
Benjamin’s incompetence is legendary and well known in the jail. Look at the Captains she has in place, not a competent one in the mix. What’s going on at North Broward? That place is an accident waiting to happen. Hey Benjamin, why don’t you add another Captain and maybe another XO or two LOL.

Hey pumpkin Head you got another big surprise coming from North Broward. You should have listened and bounced that slob Benjamin and that brain dead Captain.

02-06-2021, 04:28 AM
Hey Pumpkin Head, what about that worthless north Major Judon. You know the one who files false stolen cars reports and can’t run a jail. Babies being born in jail mental health inmates being beat to death, you promote real winners. You need to fire that slob Benjamin and demote that false report writing Judon to Captain. Judon created the atmosphere of incompetence in the North end. You need to chop off some heads Pumpkin Head. I warned you before your problem is easily fixed, the problem is Benjamin and Judon weak losers, smarten the hell up.

02-06-2021, 01:39 PM
Judon is a total waste. She walks around the jails like she is something special, but she is a huge piece of sheet. She wasn’t even qualified to be a Sgt. For you newer people she was the academy class advisor. She couldn’t afford the payments on her car because she lived above her means. So she moved it away from her apartment and filed a false report saying it was stolen, a criminal offense! She was removed from the academy and put on midnights. You or I would have been fired. On midnights she met a dirtbag named Ira Goldberg, Scott Israel’s butt buddy. When Israel won the election Goldberg had power. So she starts doing “favors” for Goldberg and gets special assignments and promotion to Captain and cake jobs, all for doing that slime bag Ira, who most people stay 20 feet away from. So basically she knows how to lie, file false reports and trade sexual favors for promotions, but anything about jails, not so much. And Pumpkin head is so stupid he promotes Goldberg’s girlfriend to Major! Any place that employs her is doomed!

02-06-2021, 01:45 PM
Hey Pumpkin Head, what about that worthless north Major Judon. You know the one who files false stolen cars reports and can’t run a jail. Babies being born in jail mental health inmates being beat to death, you promote real winners. You need to fire that slob Benjamin and demote that false report writing Judon to Captain. Judon created the atmosphere of incompetence in the North end. You need to chop off some heads Pumpkin Head. I warned you before your problem is easily fixed, the problem is Benjamin and Judon weak losers, smarten the hell up.

All true, hopefully someone who is listening is in a position to do something. DOD is being led by as bunch of low I.Q. criminals

02-06-2021, 01:49 PM
Judon is a total waste. She walks around the jails like she is something special, but she is a huge piece of sheet. She wasn’t even qualified to be a Sgt. For you newer people she was the academy class advisor. She couldn’t afford the payments on her car because she lived above her means. So she moved it away from her apartment and filed a false report saying it was stolen, a criminal offense! She was removed from the academy and put on midnights. You or I would have been fired. On midnights she met a dirtbag named Ira Goldberg, Scott Israel’s butt buddy. When Israel won the election Goldberg had power. So she starts doing “favors” for Goldberg and gets special assignments and promotion to Captain and cake jobs, all for doing that slime bag Ira, who most people stay 20 feet away from. So basically she knows how to lie, file false reports and trade sexual favors for promotions, but anything about jails, not so much. And Pumpkin head is so stupid he promotes Goldberg’s girlfriend to Major! Any place that employs her is doomed!

And before all that ...was a mail room clerk, worked as a deputy in master control (no inmate contact)..promoted to a do nothing position (no inmate contact)...went to class advisor, filed false report...went to midnights...sucked there...promoted... useless garbage not qualified for Mcdonalds

02-06-2021, 03:33 PM
And before all that ...was a mail room clerk, worked as a deputy in master control (no inmate contact)..promoted to a do nothing position (no inmate contact)...went to class advisor, filed false report...went to midnights...sucked there...promoted... useless garbage not qualified for Mcdonalds

She belongs behind bars!

02-06-2021, 11:35 PM
Are you idiots seriously *****ing about a gang banging felon not fixing a jail? Come on!

02-07-2021, 04:06 AM
Are you idiots seriously *****ing about a gang banging felon not fixing a jail? Come on!

Which felon you talking about Benjamin, Judan or Pumpkin 🎃 Head?

02-07-2021, 05:51 AM
The A-hole posting this garbage is obviously a misinformed dumbass malcontent troll. If you really new Benjamin, you would know she is one of the best leaders in DOD. She actually cares about people, she makes it around to the facilities and shifts - unlike Gary The Ghost. She seeks input from line staff and is always sharing information for the betterment of the department. So please, either get a clue about what is really going, submit an idea or suggestion to improve something, or simply STFU and GTFA!

02-07-2021, 01:28 PM
The A-hole posting this garbage is obviously a misinformed dumbass malcontent troll. If you really new Benjamin, you would know she is one of the best leaders in DOD. She actually cares about people, she makes it around to the facilities and shifts - unlike Gary The Ghost. She seeks input from line staff and is always sharing information for the betterment of the department. So please, either get a clue about what is really going, submit an idea or suggestion to improve something, or simply STFU and GTFA!

Here’s an idea for you, the only people she care’s for are food truck operators. She is incapable of making a good decision and can not manage man power. Again DLE operates facilities with 1 XO. What does big Benji do when an XO fails she puts in two more of her incompetent friends as XO. So if an incompetent Lt. can’t do a job, she wastes money and puts two incompetents in, who still can’t do the job. 4 Lt.s on day shift and we’re short deputies, idiotic. She seeks input from her brain dead flunkies, jut like her hero Gary the Ghost. How about you clear up where is the misinformation about when she threw a concrete block through an innocent victim’s windshield and was arrested in Port Saint Lucie? She should have been fired with the other two pieces of garbage. But you keep kissing her incompetent ass, maybe she’ll make a three XO’s at North Broward and it will be you Lt Asskisser.

02-07-2021, 02:18 PM
The A-hole posting this garbage is obviously a misinformed dumbass malcontent troll. If you really new Benjamin, you would know she is one of the best leaders in DOD. She actually cares about people, she makes it around to the facilities and shifts - unlike Gary The Ghost. She seeks input from line staff and is always sharing information for the betterment of the department. So please, either get a clue about what is really going, submit an idea or suggestion to improve something, or simply STFU and GTFA!

You must be one of the worthless Lt.s looking for one of those extra XO jobs. Don’t bother Tony received a memo about her incompetence. Benjamin’s days are numbered.

02-08-2021, 05:34 AM
Even if you pathetic trolls were presented with actual facts that you are so obviously ignorant to, you would just dismiss them and continue to cast juvenile rants and insults, as (you) are incapable of posting any intelligent responses or substantive arguments. Please prove me wrong.

02-08-2021, 11:03 AM
Even if you pathetic trolls were presented with actual facts that you are so obviously ignorant to, you would just dismiss them and continue to cast juvenile rants and insults, as (you) are incapable of posting any intelligent responses or substantive arguments. Please prove me wrong.

Perhaps you could present us with actual facts about the arrest of your beloved incompetent leader in Port St. Lucie? Maybe you can post the mugshot? You have posted no defense for Benjamin’s criminal activity and have completely ignored the fact, that she eliminated deputy jobs while creating more unnecessary Lt. Positions. Please post the need for multiple XO’s and incompetent Captains at the two most high risk jails. Benjamin may have hooked you up, but she shows no resemblance to a leader or a competent administrator.

02-08-2021, 12:53 PM
Even if you pathetic trolls were presented with actual facts that you are so obviously ignorant to, you would just dismiss them and continue to cast juvenile rants and insults, as (you) are incapable of posting any intelligent responses or substantive arguments. Please prove me wrong.

Impressive, no truth to the above post whatsoever. Did both Judon and Benjamin write this fictitious response? We know Judon is adept at filing false police reports and lying so obviously she was involved in this phony response. Here’s another true fact for you. All the deaths, rampant disregard of pregnant inmates and terrible selection of incompetent Captains at North Broward are because of Benjamin and Judon’s poor leadership, incompetence and past criminal history. Don’t like it too bad the truth hurts. Just don’t have Benjamin throw any concrete blocks through my windshield, I know how she reacts when the “truth” gets out.

02-08-2021, 01:18 PM
Please post the mugshot of criminal colonel.

02-08-2021, 02:24 PM
Even if you pathetic trolls were presented with actual facts that you are so obviously ignorant to, you would just dismiss them and continue to cast juvenile rants and insults, as (you) are incapable of posting any intelligent responses or substantive arguments. Please prove me wrong.

The condition of the Jails prove you wrong in everything. However, you neglected to address the the Port St. Lucie arrest and Judon’s relationship with Goldberg. Both are actual facts, prove me wrong.

02-08-2021, 04:04 PM
judon and goldberg???wow thats a stretch. but i guess if you close your eyes and let the moment pass, you can climb the ladder. they're not the first nor the last.

02-08-2021, 05:02 PM
What other scholars are in the pipe line to take over???


02-08-2021, 05:05 PM
The A-hole posting this garbage is obviously a misinformed dumbass malcontent troll. If you really new Benjamin, you would know she is one of the best leaders in DOD. She actually cares about people, she makes it around to the facilities and shifts - unlike Gary The Ghost. She seeks input from line staff and is always sharing information for the betterment of the department. So please, either get a clue about what is really going, submit an idea or suggestion to improve something, or simply STFU and GTFA!

Sure thing there, suk azz. Not 1 piece of truth in your rant.

02-08-2021, 05:10 PM
What other scholars are in the pipe line to take over???


Moe, Larry, Curly, Ronnie, Bobby, Ricky and Mike.

02-09-2021, 02:49 PM
Even if you pathetic trolls were presented with actual facts that you are so obviously ignorant to, you would just dismiss them and continue to cast juvenile rants and insults, as (you) are incapable of posting any intelligent responses or substantive arguments. Please prove me wrong.

Please enlighten us about the Port St. Lucie arrest. Also, is Judon still seeing Goldberg. I voted for Tony and can’t believe he didn’t get rid of Israel’s incompetent promotions, like Benjamin and Judon. Both should never have made it past mail clerk. Look at the shambles the jail is in because of these two self promoting idiots!

02-09-2021, 04:26 PM
Please enlighten us about the Port St. Lucie arrest. Also, is Judon still seeing Goldberg. I voted for Tony and can’t believe he didn’t get rid of Israel’s incompetent promotions, like Benjamin and Judon. Both should never have made it past mail clerk. Look at the shambles the jail is in because of these two self promoting idiots!

Tony is having a meeting with Benjamin this week. Seems he’s not happy with North Broward. Who do you think gets the ax, Benjamin or Goldberg’s girl?

02-09-2021, 06:11 PM
Tony is having a meeting with Benjamin this week. Seems he’s not happy with North Broward. Who do you think gets the ax, Benjamin or Goldberg’s girl?

hopefully both

02-09-2021, 06:13 PM
While we are at it, how about the "new" , useless p.o.s. lt in training?...another eeo, "woke" position

02-15-2021, 08:44 AM
Change is needed badly in DOD and the entire agency

02-15-2021, 04:07 PM
What happened to BSO? What a shame