View Full Version : Beach residents want to know from pd..

01-18-2021, 03:32 PM
"COVID19 has destroyed many of our families health and did much more damage to our income, rental properties, closed family businesses and has been such a major impact on everyone still hurting .... "WHY DO YOU ISSUE SO MANY TRAFFIC TICKETS NOW TO ALL OF US WHO ARE ALL HURTING FROM COVID-19?? WE USED TO BACK THE BLUE , BUT IF ANY VOTE COMES UP TO REDUCE YOUR PAY AND BENIFITS, WE WILL SUPPORT THAT MOTION NOW SADLY , IT IS ONLY FAIR . STOP HURTING US WHEN WE ARE DOWN WE ARE ALL TALKING ABOUT THE HUGE TICKET WAR AGAINST THE. CITIZENS". HELP US < this conversation was with a long time beach resident, she started to tear up on her face. THEY ASKED ME TO SHARE THIS WITH PD.

01-18-2021, 04:26 PM
Because residents overwhelmingly want more traffic enforcement on visitors but then want to be excluded.

Don’t get me wrong I try my hardest to help the residents out, but you want me to stop visitors speeding south of fifth and then complain when you get stopped for the same infraction?

Most or all the officers here appreciate and go above and beyond for our residents. This does not exclude you from the law enforcement you wish to impose on others.

01-18-2021, 05:18 PM
"COVID19 has destroyed many of our families health and did much more damage to our income, rental properties, closed family businesses and has been such a major impact on everyone still hurting .... "WHY DO YOU ISSUE SO MANY TRAFFIC TICKETS NOW TO ALL OF US WHO ARE ALL HURTING FROM COVID-19?? WE USED TO BACK THE BLUE , BUT IF ANY VOTE COMES UP TO REDUCE YOUR PAY AND BENIFITS, WE WILL SUPPORT THAT MOTION NOW SADLY , IT IS ONLY FAIR . STOP HURTING US WHEN WE ARE DOWN WE ARE ALL TALKING ABOUT THE HUGE TICKET WAR AGAINST THE. CITIZENS". HELP US < this conversation was with a long time beach resident, she started to tear up on her face. THEY ASKED ME TO SHARE THIS WITH PD.
First off, there is no "war" against the citizens. While I agree with the first response to an extent, that is not all there is to it. I can tell you that there are many people who ask why I don't give breaks to anyone. That's a stupid question. Especially since they are only experiencing a 10-15 minute encounter with me. All night long I drive around and see cars with broken or malfunctioning equipment, texting, speeding, running stop signs, you name it. The fact that I don't stop every one of them is a testament to the "breaks" that I give. They just aren't being made aware of it. Usually we are going to other more pressing matters and can't take the time to stop them. When I do stop you (resident) I will sometimes give a break and sometimes not give a break. Not everyone is having a hard time and there is no way for any of us to know your personal situation. People were having a hard time before COVID. They still got tickets. Here is a novel idea. Maybe you drive better. Don't do things to draw attention to yourself. How would you feel if a family member got hurt or killed in a crash and we said, "sorry for your loss but the other driver is having a hard financial time because of COVID so we're just gonna give them a break on this one"? Maybe you could give us a break and not start a stupid conversation like this.

01-18-2021, 05:24 PM
Are you seriously threatening to reduce our pay and benefits if we don't ignore your violations of the law? I'd advise rethinking and retracting what you just posted.

You may want to take a look at Florida Statue 838.021.

Another one you should check out is Florida Statue 836.05.

If you don't violate traffic laws, the cost of tickets isn't an issue...and we wouldn't have to spend so much time answering your neighborhood's complaints about traffic problems.

01-18-2021, 05:27 PM
Oh my God. They are threatening to vote for a pay cut because they got a ticket. Get the union. We need to take care of this. NO MORE TICKETS TO ANYONE. My paycheck depends on it. While we're at it.....NO MORE ARRESTING PEOPLE. They may get upset that the went to jail for commiting crimes and vote to reduce my salary. Please guys! This could be the end for all of us.

01-18-2021, 07:59 PM
Lmbo a “resident” shared this with me and wanted me to pass it along so I brought it to this website. This has to be the dumbest post yet. Who is being asked to step up their enforcement that this is where they complain?

01-18-2021, 08:21 PM
Hello Original Poster that is posting here for someone else that is in tears and upset they received a ticket.

Here is a very simple way to fix this issue in the future.

Obey the Traffic Laws.

Motorists/Residents are not "exempt" from Traffic Rules. There are so many residents that complain on the beach there is not enough Traffic Enforcement and when the department steps up and accommodates these complaints, residents start crying that they were caught themselves breaking the same traffic laws they want the Police to enforce, stop feeling like you as a resident are exempt or entitled to special treatment, because guess what, you are all not. I personally enjoy giving residents tickets when I catch them violating traffic rules in the area that they tell the Chief where they want the enforcement done at near their homes.

Be careful what you ask for. You might just get what you asked for.

Drive safely and Obey the Law and you will not have to worry about posting here on LEO Affairs anymore.

01-19-2021, 08:53 PM
Hello Original Poster that is posting here for someone else that is in tears and upset they received a ticket.

Here is a very simple way to fix this issue in the future.

Obey the Traffic Laws.

Motorists/Residents are not "exempt" from Traffic Rules. There are so many residents that complain on the beach there is not enough Traffic Enforcement and when the department steps up and accommodates these complaints, residents start crying that they were caught themselves breaking the same traffic laws they want the Police to enforce, stop feeling like you as a resident are exempt or entitled to special treatment, because guess what, you are all not. I personally enjoy giving residents tickets when I catch them violating traffic rules in the area that they tell the Chief where they want the enforcement done at near their homes.

Be careful what you ask for. You might just get what you asked for.

Drive safely and Obey the Law and you will not have to worry about posting here on LEO Affairs anymore.

Awesome post!