View Full Version : FDLE Upper leadership - on the wrong side of what's right and wrong

01-15-2021, 05:03 AM
They are, for some reason, always on the wrong side of what is right (IE, INTEGRITY) when dealing with employees. Why is that?

I spoke with an employee who was targeted and there was proof that supervisors, and ASAC, and SAC covered for each other and twisted the facts against a long term employee to create chaos, turn others against the employee (this one was incredible, using equal level employees to spy and set up the employee they "didn't like") and create a hostile work environment with no chance of contesting the situation or recourse by the employee.

Really scary that an agency such as FDLE would back and protect dishonest leaders no matter who they were going after!!

It is my opinion and the opinion of others I have talked to that this has happened MANY times.

And why would the commissioner refuse to hear a long term employee who has dedicated their life to the service of the State of Florida? Is the little guy just a worthless number to him? Is being in power and abusing it OK at FDLE?

01-15-2021, 04:07 PM
They are, for some reason, always on the wrong side of what is right (IE, INTEGRITY) when dealing with employees. Why is that?

I spoke with an employee who was targeted and there was proof that supervisors, and ASAC, and SAC covered for each other and twisted the facts against a long term employee to create chaos, turn others against the employee (this one was incredible, using equal level employees to spy and set up the employee they "didn't like") and create a hostile work environment with no chance of contesting the situation or recourse by the employee.

Really scary that an agency such as FDLE would back and protect dishonest leaders no matter who they were going after!!

It is my opinion and the opinion of others I have talked to that this has happened MANY times.

And why would the commissioner refuse to hear a long term employee who has dedicated their life to the service of the State of Florida? Is the little guy just a worthless number to him? Is being in power and abusing it OK at FDLE?

Happened to me and 3 other long term employees... disgusting how we were treated after SO many years of service.

01-17-2021, 08:51 AM
RS is an uncaring POS, I don't care what anyone thinks or the fake face he puts on to anyone. You don't have to look too far to see it.

FDLE used to be like a big family... and one that accepted everyone as such. In my opinion, those values went out the window especially with RS and how he has handled people and ALLOWED people to be treated. Kind of a scared dog with being appointed and unsure of how to gain respect of those that know he was given the job. So fear and carnage is the way of under-qualified to keep everyone quiet.

It's a slow attrition approach.. and usually focused on one employee at a time. That way there's little objection. Turn the employee's co-workers against them, even use them to further isolate/report them if they know the employee isn't liked. Yep, it's happened and been encouraged. I can say that I disliked some people I worked with, I couldn't imagine the staff giving me the actual power to help bury someone! Back in the day I don't think people would have felt right doing others like that... but todays generation and under this leadership... all for one and one for all. The outcast family member has to be sent away or aborted! To hell with them (or you)!

Then after a few people got wacked people realized how messed up it was and that it became a veiled threat for them (Felt good when it was the other guy, not so much later on, but that's part of todays gratification w/o thought of consequence) that if you dared question a Supervisor, ASAC, or higher, you would be dealt with. This, of course, creates the "absolute power" and is usually implemented by small minded leaders who are scared of criticism.. and by criticism, we're talking RIGHT OR WRONG criticism of anything.. how people are handled, job assignments, fairness in treatment, whatever. The king rules the castle and the righteous knights will slay anyone who dares question the king. Combine that with Supervisors that don't know what they are doing, or know someone in Tallahassee, and boy oh boy you're in for a ride.

I can't fathom an Agency that can run out someone who has dedicated their life to the state "just because". Including some that have had their retirements affected! Just unbelievable. RS has no conscience.

if you look at other agencies that are like this, you can look at Pasco County and how they have handled employees... Another leader appointed by Rick Scott who was under-qualified, and similar aggressive tactics to run and and even ruin employees they don't like. Kind of a immature, trailer-park attitude, don't you think? But with the low pay grade FDLE has offered since Chiles, it's no wonder FDLE has ended up with Trailer Park minded leaders!!

01-19-2021, 06:48 PM
FDLE's long-standing weak leadership is a product of the Florida political system. Remember the Sheriff's run the state. Accepting a leadership role in FDLE requires feeding the gossip mill that is called our state's capital. Those critters all feed one another and the flow runs down from there. The agents are just waiting tables and haul luggage for these clowns.