View Full Version : Laughing stock of Miami

01-03-2021, 05:52 PM
Im at Clevelander last night celebrating my friend's engagement and Code rolls in and pulls the plug saying the music was too lazy and against Covid policies.So instead of your city worrying about murders, rapes, robberies with firearms, and more imprtsnt things: you have your Code goons shut down several establishments because of the risk of Corona being sprayed into the air caused by yelling and screaming from high volumes? If that's the case, you might as well close down the entire beach! And how funny is it that Channel 7 catches video of a female guest walking through the shot smoking a weed blunt. 🤦🏾*♂️ Your city is a joke.

Warmed regards,

County Cop

01-03-2021, 06:46 PM
Im at Clevelander last night celebrating my friend's engagement and Code rolls in and pulls the plug saying the music was too lazy and against Covid policies.So instead of your city worrying about murders, rapes, robberies with firearms, and more imprtsnt things: you have your Code goons shut down several establishments because of the risk of Corona being sprayed into the air caused by yelling and screaming from high volumes? If that's the case, you might as well close down the entire beach! And how funny is it that Channel 7 catches video of a female guest walking through the shot smoking a weed blunt. 🤦🏾*♂️ Your city is a joke.

Warmed regards,

County Cop

Hey County Cop (aka whiney *****)

1. If you are really a cop,then you know that PD is not the entity that shuts down any parties, it is code. If we are dispatched to assist, then that is our job.

2. In one sentence you mention that we should be worried about robberies,rapes and murders and then in another sentence you want us to take action against a woman with a "weed blunt" (never heard a real cop call it that...but whatever).

3. Thank you for putting us in our place. You may want to look at your own forum before calling ANYONE a joke.

01-03-2021, 09:49 PM
I feel your pain brother. Like back in May when I was the last boat to be cut off at Black Point and the County PO could not let me go. You must have just gotten off of FTO because you sound like a Certified Sapingo.

01-03-2021, 09:50 PM
No Rufus, you're the joke. You see, the city has become a sh!t hole since a certain segment of society decided to make this their toilet. Go celebrate at your moms house, cause I'm sure you have no clue who pops is

01-04-2021, 06:09 AM
No Rufus, you're the joke. You see, the city has become a sh!t hole since a certain segment of society decided to make this their toilet. Go celebrate at your moms house, cause I'm sure you have no clue who pops is

Well one of our own got into an accident in the City of Miami hot dogging with several other Beach peeps and ran into a parked car. Way to shine ladies