View Full Version : GPS supervisors

12-15-2020, 03:01 PM
I guess everyone is accountable for their whereabouts via GPS while on duty except for certain supervisors, cannot wait till she tries to give someone a hard time , I guess admin got tired if seeing supervisors car south if college parkway 90 percent if the day. Mingling personal business with fundraising. Do as I say not as I do

12-15-2020, 10:31 PM
That person has been joke since their days in patrol since working Delta Shift going way back. I'm talking about the 5PM-3AM Delta. Screwed over countless officers and used tragic events to promote themselves. Things come around full circle!!!!!!!!!!

12-16-2020, 01:03 PM
Is PBA looking into why supervisors are no longer on the mark 43 GPS? Isn’t it amazing it was always touted as “officer safety” for the need for it. Now supervisors can’t be tracked, are you saying supervisors don’t do any police work that is actual dangerous and officer safety is never an issue??

Any answers from Plumber boy and dispatch would be greatly appreciated

12-16-2020, 01:35 PM
Where is PSB to investigate her scam program? Constantly out of city limits during her 8 hour day. Constantly harping on her subordinates to be at their assigned duty until the very minute of their shift. Now she cannot be tracked? Where are you Ramos or Oriely???

12-16-2020, 02:08 PM
What has she ever done. Nothing! While the short time she spent on the road. Monopolized a tragic event into a promotion. Tried to do it a second time. Cost the city big $ in a high profile bad arrest. Has jammed up several officers in BS IA's. Treats people she supervises like garbage. Natural disasters, she is only good for letting you know when food is served. Her BS programs where she has scammed how much it unaccounted OT. And let's not forget if anything is dangerous, who was spotted fleeing from an authorized pursuit a while back. And I am not talking about the suspect! And she has gotten away with it for years. JG, if you want attention and to push people around in wheel chairs, check out Granny Nanies. Just saw the commercial, they are hiring.

12-16-2020, 03:13 PM
One of the businesses stated she gave a sob story... claiming she does it for free and out of the kindness of her heart. Also ragged on Willie and how much more she does than him.

12-16-2020, 03:24 PM
The Principal at Franklin Park Elementray kicked Sgt. JG feeding program out of her school because she felt it was a scam. Now the feeding program is hosted at Fort Myers High. Poor SRO Pallissard is wearing an apprend most of his shift bagging food.

12-16-2020, 03:29 PM
One of the businesses stated she gave a sob story... claiming she does it for free and out of the kindness of her heart. Also ragged on Willie and how much more she does than him.

Sorry I mispoke. I meant to say she constantly raggs on Lamar stating how lazy he is and how much more she does than him.

12-16-2020, 03:40 PM
Sorry I mispoke. I meant to say she constantly raggs on Lamar stating how lazy he is and how much more she does than him.

Yep, heard it first hand from her mouth at a FMHS football game this year how she does much more than Lamar & Willie , but won’t be promoted because command does not like her.

12-16-2020, 04:06 PM
Yep, heard it first hand from her mouth at a FMHS football game this year how she does much more than Lamar & Willie , but won’t be promoted because command does not like her.

This is her same song and dance with any group of supervisors she works with. When she worked with Art and Freeman she stated she did more work than them and that the command staff does not like her. She has a Delusional disorder. She constantly complaint that the SRO's assigned to her are all lazy exspecially Kassandra, but Pallissard is her favorite.

12-16-2020, 04:14 PM
Is PBA looking into why supervisors are no longer on the mark 43 GPS? Isn’t it amazing it was always touted as “officer safety” for the need for it. Now supervisors can’t be tracked, are you saying supervisors don’t do any police work that is actual dangerous and officer safety is never an issue??

Any answers from Plumber boy and dispatch would be greatly appreciated

Why should supervisors be visible to officers on the GPS system. It’s not the officers business to know where the supervisors are.

12-16-2020, 04:14 PM
Would not surprise me if there are not multiple work harassment complaints filed with Human Resources against Jackie for her behavior over the past few months.

12-16-2020, 04:26 PM
Have you ever heard anyone say they like JG? She claims everyone loves her.

12-16-2020, 04:58 PM
Have you ever heard anyone say they like JG? She claims everyone loves her.

She also claims that she works hader than any other officer, sergeant, lieutenant or captain. The woman is insane.

12-16-2020, 06:23 PM
Ha leave it to the Wicked Witch of FM to find a way to deactivate her GPS. Doesn’t surprise me one bit... I’m surprised she waited this long! Watch out SRO’s she’s on the LT list and what better way than to say she wrote y’all up for petty shit!

12-16-2020, 06:24 PM
Why should supervisors be visible to officers on the GPS system. It’s not the officers business to know where the supervisors are.

Because the gps tracking was pitched to officers as “officer safety” and for easy dispatching.

So are supervisors never going to have an officer safety situation or can supervisors not take a call if they are in the area????

12-16-2020, 06:33 PM
Ha leave it to the Wicked Witch of FM to find a way to deactivate her GPS. Doesn’t surprise me one bit... I’m surprised she waited this long! Watch out SRO’s she’s on the LT list and what better way than to say she wrote y’all up for petty shit!

She’s always on the list.... she’ll start screwing people over because she’s evil and needs to keep her sketchy a$$ off the radar.

12-16-2020, 07:18 PM
She’s always on the list.... she’ll start screwing people over because she’s evil and needs to keep her sketchy a$$ off the radar.

No doubt. She will try and make an example out of one of her subordinates to make her self look good... all while violating every city policy there is! The book is out on you Jackie, even the 2 year officers under you know you’re evil tricks and games

12-16-2020, 07:46 PM
Because the gps tracking was pitched to officers as “officer safety” and for easy dispatching.

So are supervisors never going to have an officer safety situation or can supervisors not take a call if they are in the area????

Here’s a thought. If your affraid of being on GPS don’t do shady stuff. If you don’t want to be on GPS then become a supervisor.

12-16-2020, 11:53 PM
Point is transparency and equal treatment of all employees

12-17-2020, 12:43 AM
That’s where your wrong. Equal treatment? It’s the supervisors job to know where you are and what your doing. It’s not your job to know what and where your supervisor is

12-17-2020, 05:09 PM
Spoken like one of our entitled douchebag supervisors . I couldn't give damn where my supervisor is, dont want them or need them. What can someone who has been here a few years have to say that I don't already know.dont preach to me rules and policy while you violate the same ones, that's why half our supervisors have no respect, its earned not given

12-17-2020, 05:11 PM
Not aware of exemption in policy that GPS only is for certain officers, if you are going to make a policy then stick to it.

12-17-2020, 05:13 PM
Look at roster of recent retirements, firing and admin leave for last several years, two captains

12-17-2020, 05:14 PM
Lieutenant's and multiple sergeants, perhaps if they had GPS they would have behaved themselves ,just saying

12-17-2020, 05:30 PM
Really, captain on admin leave for over 2 years getting paid drop money and benefits, also IA sergeant fired along with Rick, mike abdul, rebecca, Jay great examples of supervision

12-17-2020, 05:44 PM
JG needs a GPS she is never within city limits... huge safety issue if something were to happen. Too occupied taking kids to Dr. appts. Getting boat work done... Also once her investigation is set into motion it’ll be immensely useful.

12-17-2020, 07:59 PM
Is billy the plumber and his new junk a$$ mark 43 going to answer why supervisors are no longer tracked on GPS? Or does PBA have to get involved ???

12-17-2020, 10:23 PM
Is billy the plumber and his new junk a$$ mark 43 going to answer why supervisors are no longer tracked on GPS? Or does PBA have to get involved ???

It’s quite easy actually. Ask your supervisor to see there screen. Supervisors can see other supervisors and officers. Officers can’t see supervisors. No policy violation there. No where in the policy does it say officers have to see supervisors on gps.

12-17-2020, 11:18 PM
Look at roster of recent retirements, firing and admin leave for last several years, two captains

This admin has chased away some really good people. There have also been some misfits run out or left. Can anyone explain with any logic why JG was ever promoted and on the list again. And then people who were proven and should have been promoted like Aides, Beiner, Reynolds or Thornton. No wonder they all left and good for them. This admin has just hit the 5th iceberg that the Titanic missed. But at least they know where the peasants are on the computer.

12-18-2020, 12:14 PM
Our supervisors and admin are unable to abide by standards they hold officers to

12-18-2020, 02:29 PM
Our supervisors and admin are unable to abide by standards they hold officers to

Exactly.. what happened to “change the mindset”.

The same distrust from officer to supervisor still exist as it did the day Diggz took over for Baker. Same do as I say, not as I do attitude from the supervisors.

12-18-2020, 04:08 PM
Why should officers be able to track their supervisors?

Let me ask you this, how many of you have your wife and kids on find my iPhone app but block them from tracking you. Probably 99% of you.

12-18-2020, 05:37 PM
Why should officers be able to track their supervisors?

Let me ask you this, how many of you have your wife and kids on find my iPhone app but block them from tracking you. Probably 99% of you.

Gps tracking was said to be for officer safety and easy dispatching. Supervisors need to play by same rules as officers.

Also, why don’t road Lt’s Wear body cameras? Aren’t they running calls? Aren’t they involved in fighting crime within their districts?

12-18-2020, 06:06 PM
Gps tracking was said to be for officer safety and easy dispatching. Supervisors need to play by same rules as officers.

Also, why don’t road Lt’s Wear body cameras? Aren’t they running calls? Aren’t they involved in fighting crime within their districts?

So your upset because your supervisors track you and you can’t track them. So upset you called your union. That’s why your union has no teeth or respect. Grow up. Welcome to real life. Do you think Amazon drivers can track their supervisors? Ups? There is no policy violation what so ever supervisors are on the gps you just can’t see them.

12-18-2020, 06:22 PM
So your upset because your supervisors track you and you can’t track them. So upset you called your union. That’s why your union has no teeth or respect. Grow up. Welcome to real life. Do you think Amazon drivers can track their supervisors? Ups? There is no policy violation what so ever supervisors are on the gps you just can’t see them.

Why were supervisors on gps for the first 3-4 months of mark 43?

One is to believe that the sudden removal is supervisors (mainly Jackie and others) were getting upset that people saw them violating city policy going out of the city and parked for a while at station/substations and they couldn’t be their normal hypocritical self by disciplining their subordinates for the same violations?

12-18-2020, 06:24 PM
So your upset because your supervisors track you and you can’t track them. So upset you called your union. That’s why your union has no teeth or respect. Grow up. Welcome to real life. Do you think Amazon drivers can track their supervisors? Ups? There is no policy violation what so ever supervisors are on the gps you just can’t see them.

Wrong. Officers can still view supervisors whose GPS are still activated. Certain supervisors have figured out how to deactivate their GPS.

12-18-2020, 07:51 PM
Wrong. Officers can still view supervisors whose GPS are still activated. Certain supervisors have figured out how to deactivate their GPS.

Which supervisors are doing this? Has billy the plumber looked into this? Anyone violating his precious mark 43 system needs be brought to justice.

12-19-2020, 06:23 PM
Ha leave it to the Wicked Witch of FM to find a way to deactivate her GPS. Doesn’t surprise me one bit... I’m surprised she waited this long! Watch out SRO’s she’s on the LT list and what better way than to say she wrote y’all up for petty shit!

I have been with FMPD for over 20 years. My best days out of the 20 plus years is when I log on to CAD and Sgt. JG is not on the roster.

12-19-2020, 07:00 PM
i have been with fmpd for over 20 years. My best days out of the 20 plus years is when i log on to cad and sgt. Jg is not on the roster.

amen, i agree also

12-19-2020, 07:19 PM
amen, i agree also
Wait but everyone under her supervision loves her??? 😂 she said that on Alpha shift constantly... “everyone loves me but TM.” FYI JG NO ONE CAN STAND YOU!

12-19-2020, 07:37 PM
Wait but everyone under her supervision loves her??? 😂 she said that on Alpha shift constantly... “everyone loves me but TM.” FYI JG NO ONE CAN STAND YOU!
If she EVER gets LT (we all know she never will!) but FMPD is run by *****’s who are afraid of her suing.... she constantly speaks of her lawyer friends.
But IF she gets it, I hope they boot her con artist a$$ straight to night shift!! She already mentioned taking over SRO’s, claiming she does a much better job than WT and truly believes SRO’s and the chief love her COACH program...
ps: DZ loves her she’d be a great asset to Bravo shift!

12-19-2020, 07:54 PM
I can’t believe you guys are ripping on someone who spends countless hours volunteering and working harder than any of you!!! Sgt. JG is the hardest worker!... who minds her own business! She doesn’t try to jam ANYONE up and in fact backs her Officers up 100 percent.... Hahahahahahahaha. Sorry but she’s NOT welcome back on the road.

12-19-2020, 09:14 PM
She filed a complaint on Sgt. Art Gonzalez to IA when she worked with him. She complained that Art was lazy and never did any work. She stated Art for 12 hours drove to drive thru restaurants staring at menu's. Next She complained on LT Valdivia because Roger stopped Bryan from delivering all of her food for her feeding program to various locations. She made a complaint on Bryan because it took him 7 hours of overtime to build and install a swing set for a family. She has advised Yvette Dominique on several occasions she needs to loose weight and was usless to agency. But she states everybody loves her

12-19-2020, 09:24 PM
I got some bad news for patrol she is headed back to the road but not as a LT. Back as a Sgt. She will be getting kicked out of Community Relations real soon.

12-19-2020, 09:36 PM
Each morning she hangs out at Bennett's Fresh Roast. While at the business she buys individuals coffee and donuts using donated COACH money. The only qualifying factor for the free items is that you must either know Mayor Anderson or a Council person. After receiving your free items she politely advises you to send an email to the Mayor or Council person and advise them that she is a great candidate for Lieutenant.

She also has been running her mouth on the 3rd floor begging the Command Staff to promote WT to a Community Relations Captain so therfoere she could be the Lieutenant in Community Relations. What a major kiss A$$ she is. If she was the LT in Community Relations their would be a mass exodus from Community Relations.

12-19-2020, 09:45 PM
She also has been running her mouth on the 3rd floor begging the Command Staff to promote WT to a Community Relations Captain so therfoere she could be the Lieutenant in Community Relations. What a major kiss A$$ she is. If she was the LT in Community Relations their would be a mass exodus from Community Relations.

If that scenario did occur why does she feel that she would automatically get that position as a LT. There are other well qualified Lieutenants to take the position. The may give the position to LT Conticelli.

12-19-2020, 11:14 PM
If that scenario did occur why does she feel that she would automatically get that position as a LT. There are other well qualified Lieutenants to take the position. The may give the position to LT Conticelli.

That is the FMPD way. Monday morning meeting. How many shootings did we have this week. Oh I don't know, a bunch. But violent crime is down. Yes men all agree. I think JG should be promoted. The whole room agrees. Now where we going for lunch after our third floor naps?

12-19-2020, 11:40 PM
That is the FMPD way. Monday morning meeting. How many shootings did we have this week. Oh I don't know, a bunch. But violent crime is down. Yes men all agree. I think JG should be promoted. The whole room agrees. Now where we going for lunch after our third floor naps?

Patrol Captain JF is the biggest yes man. Remember in 2017 it was him hanging the famous signs around the station "CHANGE THE MIND SET". This guy cannot make a decision unless D.C. Pepermint is near by to make the decision for him.

12-20-2020, 01:21 AM
If that scenario did occur why does she feel that she would automatically get that position as a LT. There are other well qualified Lieutenants to take the position. The may give the position to LT Conticelli.
Some people feel their entitled. Just like BK all mad he had to go to patrol as a new sgt instead of directly to community relations then training.

12-21-2020, 04:32 AM
One week ago a business donated a very nice kid’s swing set for a deserving family. Sgt. JG found a way to exploit the donation given by the business. She does not want to do any work but she wants to get all the praise. She cons poor Bryan from supply to assist her by constructing and installing the swing set. BS did all the work Sgt. JG did nothing to assit? She originally asked for the MCops to brought to the residence were the swing was being installed so therefore she and her immediate family could have a clean restroom to use. I guess herself and her immediate family were too good to use the restroom of the black family that lived at the residence were the swing set was being installed.

12-21-2020, 04:34 AM
One week ago a business donated a very nice kid’s swing set for a deserving family. Sgt. JG found a way to exploit the donation given by the business. She does not want to do any work but she wants to get all the praise. She cons poor Bryan from supply to assist her by constructing and installing the swing set. BS did all the work Sgt. JG did nothing to assit? She originally asked for the MCops to brought to the residence were the swing was being installed so therefore she and her immediate family could have a clean restroom to use. I guess herself and her immediate family were too good to use the restroom of the black family that lived at the residence were the swing set was being installed.

End result Her request for the MCops was denied

12-21-2020, 02:10 PM
One week ago a business donated a very nice kid’s swing set for a deserving family. Sgt. JG found a way to exploit the donation given by the business. She does not want to do any work but she wants to get all the praise. She cons poor Bryan from supply to assist her by constructing and installing the swing set. BS did all the work Sgt. JG did nothing to assit? She originally asked for the MCops to brought to the residence were the swing was being installed so therefore she and her immediate family could have a clean restroom to use. I guess herself and her immediate family were too good to use the restroom of the black family that lived at the residence were the swing set was being installed.

Was there anyone at the residence that was elderly so she could push them around in a wheelchair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-21-2020, 02:17 PM
One week ago a business donated a very nice kid’s swing set for a deserving family. Sgt. JG found a way to exploit the donation given by the business. She does not want to do any work but she wants to get all the praise. She cons poor Bryan from supply to assist her by constructing and installing the swing set. BS did all the work Sgt. JG did nothing to assit? She originally asked for the MCops to brought to the residence were the swing was being installed so therefore she and her immediate family could have a clean restroom to use. I guess herself and her immediate family were too good to use the restroom of the black family that lived at the residence were the swing set was being installed.

Who was all there to witness this? I’d like to hear more details

12-21-2020, 06:24 PM
Who was all there to witness this? I’d like to hear more details

Sgt. JG sent photgraphs of her and her family standing next to the completed swing set to Mayor Anderson and other council memebers. She openly talks bad about the chief and the Command staff To the new mayor because she hasn't received a LT bar.

12-21-2020, 08:41 PM
True. I’ve witnessed it first hand while down town at an event.... always playing victim.

12-21-2020, 10:08 PM
How about the year she cut in line at the back to school backpack hand out event downtown too get free school supplies!!!!!!!!

12-21-2020, 11:27 PM
How about the year she cut in line at the back to school backpack hand out event downtown too get free school supplies!!!!!!!!

Very disgusting women. no morals, no ethics andsSelf-entitled

12-21-2020, 11:45 PM
What is Sgt. JG relation to ADAMS family? Two or three officer flew up north to escort some of Adams family memebers to Florida for the funeral. An this sociopath Sgt J.G went along for the plane ride. Did she think upon arriving back at the Southwest Florida Regional Airport that the Command staff was going to meet her on the runway to give her Lieutenant Bars. God help me, she's that last person I want at my funeral.

12-22-2020, 02:21 PM
What is Sgt. JG relation to ADAMS family? Two or three officer flew up north to escort some of Adams family memebers to Florida for the funeral. An this sociopath Sgt J.G went along for the plane ride. Did she think upon arriving back at the Southwest Florida Regional Airport that the Command staff was going to meet her on the runway to give her Lieutenant Bars. God help me, she's that last person I want at my funeral.

Well again, if she isn't there who will push one of your grand parents around in their wheelchair?

12-22-2020, 03:08 PM
Society is in disarray. The cowardly actions of a very few number of officers is partially to blame. Our culture matters and this garbage you all write anonymously on the internet is not helping the situation. The low class hook up/Instagram culture on display with new and veteran officers alike is not helping. Do we want to take pride in this profession once again? In some states social workers and hired security are doing our jobs, and despite the 'good luck with that' attitude many LEO's have, they are actually pulling it off for less money, less politics, and with considerable bravery. Self restraint and nerve in the most dire of circumstances is what won our community respect, genuine respect, and separated the adults from the children. Maintaining some dignity might serve the greater good in the long run.

12-22-2020, 04:06 PM
Society is in disarray. The cowardly actions of a very few number of officers is partially to blame. Our culture matters and this garbage you all write anonymously on the internet is not helping the situation. The low class hook up/Instagram culture on display with new and veteran officers alike is not helping. Do we want to take pride in this profession once again? In some states social workers and hired security are doing our jobs, and despite the 'good luck with that' attitude many LEO's have, they are actually pulling it off for less money, less politics, and with considerable bravery. Self restraint and nerve in the most dire of circumstances is what won our community respect, genuine respect, and separated the adults from the children. Maintaining some dignity might serve the greater good in the long run.
Written by a person who actually HAS
a clue. THANK YOU!!!

12-22-2020, 05:43 PM
I have an unopened letter in my safe and I encourage you all to do the same. "In case of my in the line of duty death, my dying wish is to not have JG participate any way in my services ".

12-22-2020, 05:54 PM
Society is in disarray. The cowardly actions of a very few number of officers is partially to blame. Our culture matters and this garbage you all write anonymously on the internet is not helping the situation. The low class hook up/Instagram culture on display with new and veteran officers alike is not helping. Do we want to take pride in this profession once again? In some states social workers and hired security are doing our jobs, and despite the 'good luck with that' attitude many LEO's have, they are actually pulling it off for less money, less politics, and with considerable bravery. Self restraint and nerve in the most dire of circumstances is what won our community respect, genuine respect, and separated the adults from the children. Maintaining some dignity might serve the greater good in the long run.

It's a great idea to not have law enforcement involved in dealing with any mentally ill cases. Just let the families deal with it. It's also a great idea to have the 5-02, 110 pound Brittany, fresh out of Hodges with her psych degree and no life experience respond to the crazy 6-04, 300 pound naked man in a Circle K. When Brittany gets destroyed what will all the protestors be screaming, "Where were the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

12-22-2020, 06:02 PM
Society is in disarray. The cowardly actions of a very few number of officers is partially to blame. Our culture matters and this garbage you all write anonymously on the internet is not helping the situation. The low class hook up/Instagram culture on display with new and veteran officers alike is not helping. Do we want to take pride in this profession once again? In some states social workers and hired security are doing our jobs, and despite the 'good luck with that' attitude many LEO's have, they are actually pulling it off for less money, less politics, and with considerable bravery. Self restraint and nerve in the most dire of circumstances is what won our community respect, genuine respect, and separated the adults from the children. Maintaining some dignity might serve the greater good in the long run.

Here it is, the solution. All law enforcement no longer responds to any mentally ill related calls. Let the families handle their own issues. It's also a great idea to have Homer the Security Guard and Coronado High School drop out and Brittany, the tiny Hodges grad with psych degree and no life experience handle these issues. So when the 6-05, 300 pound naked crazy man is in the Circle K, call Homer and Brittany. When the two of them get destroyed, what will the protestors be screaming, "Where were the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

12-22-2020, 09:18 PM
Society is in disarray. The cowardly actions of a very few number of officers is partially to blame. Our culture matters and this garbage you all write anonymously on the internet is not helping the situation. The low class hook up/Instagram culture on display with new and veteran officers alike is not helping. Do we want to take pride in this profession once again? In some states social workers and hired security are doing our jobs, and despite the 'good luck with that' attitude many LEO's have, they are actually pulling it off for less money, less politics, and with considerable bravery. Self restraint and nerve in the most dire of circumstances is what won our community respect, genuine respect, and separated the adults from the children. Maintaining some dignity might serve the greater good in the long run.

Go suck a wrotten transient penis

12-22-2020, 11:15 PM
IMAGINE if JG supervised the traffic unit, I'd love to see her and Neurotic interact with each other...see Neurotic get served with a drug test by SGT. JG two weeks in a row...but Saaaaarge I already took my drug test, plus there all psychotropic drugs...but Saaarge!!!

12-23-2020, 01:56 AM
"But Sarge, "Amber needs a muffin."

12-23-2020, 01:57 AM
Written by a person who actually HAS
a clue. THANK YOU!!!

Well written by a idiot. Time to take your meds

12-23-2020, 02:40 AM
IMAGINE if JG supervised the traffic unit, I'd love to see her and Neurotic interact with each other...see Neurotic get served with a drug test by SGT. JG two weeks in a row...but Saaaaarge I already took my drug test, plus there all psychotropic drugs...but Saaarge!!!

Need more post like this, good comedy

12-23-2020, 03:30 AM
Need more post like this, good comedy

You want a good laugh put GPS on delta guys bikes and see how much time they spend watching tv in their office.

12-23-2020, 08:35 AM
Society is in disarray. The cowardly actions of a very few number of officers is partially to blame. Our culture matters and this garbage you all write anonymously on the internet is not helping the situation. The low class hook up/Instagram culture on display with new and veteran officers alike is not helping. Do we want to take pride in this profession once again? In some states social workers and hired security are doing our jobs, and despite the 'good luck with that' attitude many LEO's have, they are actually pulling it off for less money, less politics, and with considerable bravery. Self restraint and nerve in the most dire of circumstances is what won our community respect, genuine respect, and separated the adults from the children. Maintaining some dignity might serve the greater good in the long run.

Sounds like something someone from the LGBTQ..YXYZ community would say.

12-23-2020, 01:47 PM
Society is in disarray. The cowardly actions of a very few number of officers is partially to blame. Our culture matters and this garbage you all write anonymously on the internet is not helping the situation. The low class hook up/Instagram culture on display with new and veteran officers alike is not helping. Do we want to take pride in this profession once again? In some states social workers and hired security are doing our jobs, and despite the 'good luck with that' attitude many LEO's have, they are actually pulling it off for less money, less politics, and with considerable bravery. Self restraint and nerve in the most dire of circumstances is what won our community respect, genuine respect, and separated the adults from the children. Maintaining some dignity might serve the greater good in the long run.

Society is in disarray, and it's not from Police or policy. It's from the Society of people who won't take responsibility for their own actions."The Woke people". It's from parents wanting to be friends with their children instead of showing displine and respect. It's from people who will agree with whatever someone says so they can get a like or a heart on social media.
For you social workers doing our jobs comment. The loss of life already from the mental health calls where the subject ends up taking the workers life then their own is mind blowing. Turn off CNN and do some research for yourself.
Now I know this comment I'm replying to was not written by someone in the profession of Law and Order. It was written by a liberal who would rather race bait and divide people.
You speak of dignity and the greater good. Then stop comparing this job to any other job. There's no comparison. It's a job where the interactions you have with civilians are over scrutinized if something goes wrong and where the admin will hang you out for the wolves if the don't agree. Even though admin typically have never worked as a road officer in many years if at all.
So please stop commenting on a profession you've never seen from the inside. And if some chance you have worked in the profession. Don't be that person who talks about a job you couldn't handle and now sit on internet blog, forums or ted talks trashing in.

12-23-2020, 02:26 PM
You want a good laugh put GPS on delta guys bikes and see how much time they spend watching tv in their office.

Sara get over it, you didn’t get bikes, we all know you would have been such a superstar going above and beyond and working tons of overtime to help police downtown but you didn’t get the spot. Please stop.

12-24-2020, 02:49 AM
Society is in disarray, and it's not from Police or policy. It's from the Society of people who won't take responsibility for their own actions."The Woke people". It's from parents wanting to be friends with their children instead of showing displine and respect. It's from people who will agree with whatever someone says so they can get a like or a heart on social media.
For you social workers doing our jobs comment. The loss of life already from the mental health calls where the subject ends up taking the workers life then their own is mind blowing. Turn off CNN and do some research for yourself.
Now I know this comment I'm replying to was not written by someone in the profession of Law and Order. It was written by a liberal who would rather race bait and divide people.
You speak of dignity and the greater good. Then stop comparing this job to any other job. There's no comparison. It's a job where the interactions you have with civilians are over scrutinized if something goes wrong and where the admin will hang you out for the wolves if the don't agree. Even though admin typically have never worked as a road officer in many years if at all.
So please stop commenting on a profession you've never seen from the inside. And if some chance you have worked in the profession. Don't be that person who talks about a job you couldn't handle and now sit on internet blog, forums or ted talks trashing in.

Starts at the top...Look at tRUMP. Agreat example to ethocal behavior

12-25-2020, 03:57 AM
Starts at the top...Look at tRUMP. Agreat example to ethocal behavior

Relax Gomez

12-26-2020, 07:52 PM
Relax Gomez

Gomez or Freeman.. both would be offended that cops point out their lack of tracking on gps and of course trump...

12-27-2020, 05:47 PM
Gomez or Freeman.. both would be offended that cops point out their lack of tracking on gps and of course trump...

Don’t forget JG she is very pro Biden and clearly Anti GPS. They need to come up with their own 3 letter unit. The chief would love it! Two black Officers (one gay) and one lesbian female.

12-28-2020, 01:36 AM
Why should officers be able to track their supervisors?

Let me ask you this, how many of you have your wife and kids on find my iPhone app but block them from tracking you. Probably 99% of you.

I left for another department. All patrol cars are tracked on a map system that all sworn and dispatchers have access to. Sergeants at this agency actually work the road and are tracked like everyone else. Their job is to work calls and lead the shift. It is against policy to go out somewhere in uniformed marked patrol without logging your location with dispatch. Sergeants, detectives, command staff, liaison, and SRO’s all at my agency give locations whether it’s for BS or not. All wear bodycams as well. If you’re leaving jurisdiction you need permission; sergeant or officer. The chief even monitors radio traffic and sometimes comes out with a bodycam and GPS map and interacts with his officers on calls. What’s the matter Sarg? Got something to hide? Don’t for a second inhale this bullsh*t about how grunts don’t need access to sergeants locations. Not that officers DO need it, but there’s no reason to NOT need it either. The idea behind it is officer safety. If sergeants are SWORN, they shouldn’t be excluded. You’re not normal “bosses” and “supervisors” as mentioned be a previous comment comparing them to other jobs. You’re a COP who was happened to have been selected to manage and lead other officers and at any second you can get your brain matter blown out on your dashboard just like the rest of us; before you even key up on your radio. Stay safe, embrace changes, do your job and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

12-28-2020, 03:37 AM
I left for another department. All patrol cars are tracked on a map system that all sworn and dispatchers have access to. Sergeants at this agency actually work the road and are tracked like everyone else. Their job is to work calls and lead the shift. It is against policy to go out somewhere in uniformed marked patrol without logging your location with dispatch. Sergeants, detectives, command staff, liaison, and SRO’s all at my agency give locations whether it’s for BS or not. All wear bodycams as well. If you’re leaving jurisdiction you need permission; sergeant or officer. The chief even monitors radio traffic and sometimes comes out with a bodycam and GPS map and interacts with his officers on calls. What’s the matter Sarg? Got something to hide? Don’t for a second inhale this bullsh*t about how grunts don’t need access to sergeants locations. Not that officers DO need it, but there’s no reason to NOT need it either. The idea behind it is officer safety. If sergeants are SWORN, they shouldn’t be excluded. You’re not normal “bosses” and “supervisors” as mentioned be a previous comment comparing them to other jobs. You’re a COP who was happened to have been selected to manage and lead other officers and at any second you can get your brain matter blown out on your dashboard just like the rest of us; before you even key up on your radio. Stay safe, embrace changes, do your job and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

Your so happy at your new department yet you still troll here? Mmmmmmmmm?

12-28-2020, 04:55 AM
Your so happy at your new department yet you still troll here? Mmmmmmmmm?

Yes. It’s fun to watch this ship rock back and forth in the ocean. But please don’t call me a troll, that’s for the people who can’t stop talking about the same two people! Simply stating facts so clueless minds don’t get clouded: supervisors are capable of being cops too and the third floor should enforce this. But then again whose enforcing the third floor hahaha

12-29-2020, 02:19 AM
To answer your question as to why Jackie Garret is allowed to "Get Away" with so much crap because she is a **** SUCKING DYKE. No one wants to be exposed that "JACK the DYKE was sucking their PIPE" lol.

12-29-2020, 10:38 AM
Society is in disarray, and it's not from Police or policy. It's from the Society of people who won't take responsibility for their own actions."The Woke people". It's from parents wanting to be friends with their children instead of showing displine and respect. It's from people who will agree with whatever someone says so they can get a like or a heart on social media.
For you social workers doing our jobs comment. The loss of life already from the mental health calls where the subject ends up taking the workers life then their own is mind blowing. Turn off CNN and do some research for yourself.
Now I know this comment I'm replying to was not written by someone in the profession of Law and Order. It was written by a liberal who would rather race bait and divide people.
You speak of dignity and the greater good. Then stop comparing this job to any other job. There's no comparison. It's a job where the interactions you have with civilians are over scrutinized if something goes wrong and where the admin will hang you out for the wolves if the don't agree. Even though admin typically have never worked as a road officer in many years if at all.
So please stop commenting on a profession you've never seen from the inside. And if some chance you have worked in the profession. Don't be that person who talks about a job you couldn't handle and now sit on internet blog, forums or ted talks trashing in.

Ok you silly little kid...Are you still venting about the ""STOLEN ELECTION"? If you do your job the right way, you wont have anything to worry about.
Remember EVERYBODY is WOKE these days and have always been. Get your head out of the sand.
Remember: tRUMP2024

12-29-2020, 10:40 AM
Gomez or Freeman.. both would be offended that cops point out their lack of tracking on gps and of course trump...
Did tRUMP WIN? LOL..Damn those stolen votes..


12-29-2020, 10:42 AM
Don’t forget JG she is very pro Biden and clearly Anti GPS. They need to come up with their own 3 letter unit. The chief would love it! Two black Officers (one gay) and one lesbian female.

And 1 closeted gay married white male..And few more running around the hallowed halls of FMPD

12-30-2020, 06:33 PM
Why should officers be able to track their supervisors?

Let me ask you this, how many of you have your wife and kids on find my iPhone app but block them from tracking you. Probably 99% of you.

Have 2 turn that app off if u plan on hooking up wit ur favorite dispatch side piece lmfao

12-30-2020, 06:37 PM
Have 2 turn that app off if u plan on hooking up wit ur favorite dispatch side piece lmfao

dont 4get u cant turn off the cameras downtown while ur having lunch they see more than the bike unit lol

01-01-2021, 06:38 AM
Society is in disarray. The cowardly actions of a very few number of officers is partially to blame. Our culture matters and this garbage you all write anonymously on the internet is not helping the situation. The low class hook up/Instagram culture on display with new and veteran officers alike is not helping. Do we want to take pride in this profession once again? In some states social workers and hired security are doing our jobs, and despite the 'good luck with that' attitude many LEO's have, they are actually pulling it off for less money, less politics, and with considerable bravery. Self restraint and nerve in the most dire of circumstances is what won our community respect, genuine respect, and separated the adults from the children. Maintaining some dignity might serve the greater good in the long run.

Sounds like something someone from the LGBTQ..YXYZ community would say. I have yet to recall an incident were a unarmed member from the LGBTQ community was shot an killed standing in their garage holding a 10 inch black Dildo by a white racist cop who thought it was gun. Until that type of incident occurs PIPE it down and shut up.

01-04-2021, 09:43 PM
Sounds like something someone from the LGBTQ..YXYZ community would say. I have yet to recall an incident were a unarmed member from the LGBTQ community was shot an killed standing in their garage holding a 10 inch black Dildo by a white racist cop who thought it was gun. Until that type of incident occurs PIPE it down and shut up.

Sounds like something someone from the LGBTQ..YXYZ community would say. I have yet to recall an incident were a unarmed member from the LGBTQ community was shot an killed standing in their garage holding a 10 inch black Dildo by a white racist cop who thought it was gun. Until that type of incident occurs PIPE it down and shut up.

01-06-2021, 02:27 PM
Jackie, I see you logged on the cad... why can’t I see your GPS tracking but I can see all your SRO’s?

01-06-2021, 03:20 PM
Jackie, I see you logged on the cad... why can’t I see your GPS tracking but I can see all your SRO’s?

Again she is a supervisor you are not. If you wan to know where Jackie is become a supervisor

01-06-2021, 04:03 PM
Again she is a supervisor you are not. If you wan to know where Jackie is become a supervisor

It’s the same with supervisors not calling out meal breaks and gym breaks, it’s not your job to know where they are.

01-06-2021, 04:26 PM
Ever hear of the concept , lead by example?

01-06-2021, 04:28 PM
Exactly why some supervisors get no respect

01-06-2021, 04:36 PM
Exactly why some supervisors get no respect
Change the mindset - STUDY and seek promotion if you’re not satisfied how supervisors handle things.

01-06-2021, 10:17 PM
Again she is a supervisor you are not. If you wan to know where Jackie is become a supervisor

Other supervisors can’t even see her whereabouts

01-09-2021, 03:38 AM
Jackie was recently at fort myers beach scamming a donation... when does the nonsense end?

01-09-2021, 07:35 PM
So previous post advised become a supervisor if you are not satisfied, so I have to become a supervisor just to expect the existing supervisors to have integrity , honesty, and treat subordinates with respect ? Spoken like one of our supervisors

01-10-2021, 02:29 PM
Do as I say not as I do, spoken by managers not leaders.these guys would last about 16 minutes in the business world

01-10-2021, 04:28 PM
This is a paramilitary organization. It’s not your job to k ow what your supervisor is doing and where they are. If you were in the military would you ask your sgt to explain their whereabouts to you?

If your so concerned why don’t you go ask Diggs to provide you with an hourly report on what’s he’s doing. We’ll see how long you last here.

01-10-2021, 06:19 PM
This place is nothing like military, they like to think so, but these clowns would never make rank in any branch like i said I couldn't give a rat what they do , just dont act high and mighty like you are better.being a supervisor does not make you a better officer or person

01-10-2021, 08:18 PM
This place is nothing like military, they like to think so, but these clowns would never make rank in any branch like i said I couldn't give a rat what they do , just dont act high and mighty like you are better.being a supervisor does not make you a better officer or person
True true true

01-10-2021, 10:30 PM
This is a paramilitary organization. It’s not your job to k ow what your supervisor is doing and where they are. If you were in the military would you ask your sgt to explain their whereabouts to you?

If your so concerned why don’t you go ask Diggs to provide you with an hourly report on what’s he’s doing. We’ll see how long you last here.

First off, in the military your Sgt. is usually with his/her troops for a lot of the time. Either training or teaching. Second, to get anything out of Diggzy, you either have to find him in Ohio or check the Veranda. Maybe he will buy you a meal on the city credit card. Do not try his third floor penthouse suite. He is never there!!!!!!!!!!!

01-11-2021, 03:28 AM
First off, in the military your Sgt. is usually with his/her troops for a lot of the time. Either training or teaching. Second, to get anything out of Diggzy, you either have to find him in Ohio or check the Veranda. Maybe he will buy you a meal on the city credit card. Do not try his third floor penthouse suite. He is never there!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like you need attention. Do you want a hug from the chief, little pat on the back, or simply yell from the rooftop how great you are?

01-11-2021, 06:16 PM
Sounds like you need attention. Do you want a hug from the chief, little pat on the back, or simply yell from the rooftop how great you are?

Nope, no need for attention. Not a glory hound. Just calling out some of the poor supervisors at the agency. Now go hide in your office. Real cops are working here!

01-11-2021, 07:12 PM
Supervisors and wannabes get but hurt whenever anyone questions their incompetence or lack of leadership skills

01-11-2021, 11:01 PM
How about bobby getting an award today for doing his job. Wow participation trophy at its best.

01-12-2021, 12:00 AM
Was the award for calling in sick the most while working the road?

01-12-2021, 04:37 PM
Was the award for calling in sick the most while working the road?

He either called in sick or was officer shitbreak

01-12-2021, 07:32 PM
Yes, and he has the balls to try to hold officers to a standard he was unable to achieve, like not taking a sick day for 2 pay periods in a row. He was like clockwork

01-13-2021, 12:29 PM
JG now qualifies for a nomination to receive an award! She attended firearms training! Go JG!

01-13-2021, 05:15 PM
JG now qualifies for a nomination to receive an award! She attended firearms training! Go JG!

JG went to training!!!!! You know what this means. She will be out until summer break ends with a mystery injury. I think she is at HR right now. Not sure if it is her car or not though. You know, no GPS!

01-14-2021, 09:41 PM
JG went to training!!!!! You know what this means. She will be out until summer break ends with a mystery injury. I think she is at HR right now. Not sure if it is her car or not though. You know, no GPS!
Rumor has it there was a reporting of injury today. Not sure who but I have a decent guess...

01-15-2021, 01:54 PM
Not a rumor

01-15-2021, 02:13 PM
I called it. Guess who gets the summer off????????????????????????

01-15-2021, 05:43 PM
Wonders why a lieutenant's promotion has not happened

01-16-2021, 02:34 AM
I have been with FMPD 10 years. 99% of us during the course of firearms training may receive minor bruises, cuts or bumps. And with in a couple of days were physically fine and we continue working. But the 1% Sgt JG turns minor bruises, cuts or bumps into a 3 month long Workmans Comp Claim(3-months off from work at the tax payers expense). Never ending with this individual.

01-16-2021, 11:51 AM
I have been with FMPD 10 years. 99% of us during the course of firearms training may receive minor bruises, cuts or bumps. And with in a couple of days were physically fine and we continue working. But the 1% Sgt JG turns minor bruises, cuts or bumps into a 3 month long Workmans Comp Claim(3-months off from work at the tax payers expense). Never ending with this individual.

And the ppl working under her love it when she is off for 3 months

01-16-2021, 02:11 PM
I have been with FMPD 10 years. 99% of us during the course of firearms training may receive minor bruises, cuts or bumps. And with in a couple of days were physically fine and we continue working. But the 1% Sgt JG turns minor bruises, cuts or bumps into a 3 month long Workmans Comp Claim(3-months off from work at the tax payers expense). Never ending with this individual.

You worked here for 10 years. JG has been here 20 plus years. You want to know the sad thing. You only being here half of her time, you have worked more days then she has. The other irony, if she keeps getting injured, she may end up in a wheelchair. It will be fine. She has plenty of experience!

01-16-2021, 03:11 PM
You worked here for 10 years. JG has been here 20 plus years. You want to know the sad thing. You only being here half of her time, you have worked more days then she has. The other irony, if she keeps getting injured, she may end up in a wheelchair. It will be fine. She has plenty of experience!

Do we get promoted by pushing her around?... asking for a friend