View Full Version : Ortiz puts out a vision the others just attack him

12-05-2020, 03:09 PM
Love him or hate him at least he has laid out a vision on what needs to be done and is certainly not afraid to act to get it done. The other here don’t like how he says it or how he it’s it done but guess what he gets the jobs done. He’s been threatened with arrest on shooting scenes and never backed down. I dontt like all he does and say but damn he have a better track record than the other.

12-05-2020, 05:54 PM
Ortiz, what happened to the " Freedom of information" request that you asked for, involving the politcians and staff releasing 39's that were legally arrested??? Officers were embarrased, laws were broken and you have forgotten about it!!!! You want my vote, get the audio tapes out there..