View Full Version : VOTE FOR... the stand up people

11-12-2020, 04:07 PM
P. OZEATA, V.STELLA , E.GARCIA, P.SOCARRAS, M.ANGULO, M.POMARES , H.FERNANDEZ....... Others might be okay, but these are the best of the best. 100% , **100% of the time.

11-12-2020, 06:49 PM
FOP Melanie would be great.

11-12-2020, 06:55 PM
Vote Delasalas he’s a fighter.

11-12-2020, 07:36 PM
Place is going down the tubes

11-12-2020, 08:37 PM
President Melanie O will be a great First Lady. She will attempt to run the union and tell you exactly what she wants you to do. She will tase and arrest the city commission at the drop of a hat. If she is the First Lady she will be more controlling and more untouchable than she thinks she is now. Vote smart a vote for him is vote for her !!!

11-12-2020, 10:16 PM
President Melanie O will be a great First Lady. She will attempt to run the union and tell you exactly what she wants you to do. She will tase and arrest the city commission at the drop of a hat. If she is the First Lady she will be more controlling and more untouchable than she thinks she is now. Vote smart a vote for him is vote for her !!!

What a joke

11-12-2020, 11:10 PM
Drain the swamp get kevin out.

11-13-2020, 12:27 AM
A vote for Paul is a vote for that mad cow.... I'm with Kevin!

11-13-2020, 12:47 AM
Kevin is my choice. And why did Paul have to drag in one of his subordinates to nominate him.? Disappointed in Gus but hey have to nominate the guy who QRU’s him and the one that gives him off-duty.

11-13-2020, 01:23 AM
I like Paul also. But let’s keep it 💯. Melanie is going to tell Paul what to do. And that my friend is scary.

11-13-2020, 02:22 AM

11-13-2020, 03:34 AM
Let’s discuss a few glaring reasons why we need some changes.
An un named sergeant Who is now in the IA spot light that has been a complete disaster from the day she was promoted. Now that she is hooked up with a member of the FOP board I’m sure a special deal will be cut to save her. Once this IA case is completed I’m sure you will see that the punishment will not even come close to the violations committed. This will be just another example of the FOP mafia board being taken care of. What a joke. Let’s watch how hard the union fights for the two involved in this mess because one is on the board. If it was someone else they would have been fired by now. Chief grow a set and handle this mess the right way not the let’s cover it up and hope it goes away way.

11-13-2020, 12:46 PM
I like Paul also. But let’s keep it 💯. Melanie is going to tell Paul what to do. And that my friend is scary.

She is a cancer, and he her puppet

11-13-2020, 01:14 PM
Papo. If you want the lady who takes pictures of PO’s sleeping then vote for team Pablo Carps. What happened to Toby?

11-13-2020, 02:20 PM
Kevin is exactly what we need right now. Not a guy with an axe to grind. Also, when’s the last time we had such a great relationship with Fire? And yes, MC Is going to hand pick who the FOP fights for. Feel sorry for the guy who brought a cake to roll call when she was fired.

11-13-2020, 02:24 PM
Papo. If you want the lady who takes pictures of PO’s sleeping then vote for team Pablo Carps. What happened to Toby?

TR Folded like usual. All talk. Put your hopes in people who have been there. The best contract in recent history. Stop buying into the the rhetoric. AND FOR GOD SAKES STOP EATING YOUR OWN. We are worse than a middle school.

11-13-2020, 02:53 PM
Swapping out Kevin right before negotiations might not be the best move but put people on the board who will challenge him and the status quo. He only wants his yes men around.

11-13-2020, 03:04 PM
Milan and Stella are the best balance. Arley said the forced days off during Super Bowl was not an issue. Bye Bye.

11-13-2020, 04:56 PM
What experience does Stella have with any type of union operations?

11-13-2020, 05:10 PM
Kevin Milan? They have never seen him in a roll call except when he ran for office last time. I think he retired , you guys may have bad information. If you see William B. area 2 , ask him what he thinks, I was told to reach out to him and ask him his thoughts on how the FOP experience was. I know what ever happened was not good but , I am more concerned that his due process was ignored and the police officers bill of rights may have been violated. I want my due process to be honored and my police officers bill of Rights respected, who is the better candidate for that??? I don't like or dislike either person.

11-13-2020, 05:21 PM
Papo. If you want the lady who takes pictures of PO’s sleeping then vote for team Pablo Carps. What happened to Toby?
LOL that guy is ONE WAY 24/7 you will NEVER get a fair shake from (insert name ) unless it benefits him , in my opinion, from what I have seen.

11-13-2020, 05:34 PM
Kevin has been good. He came around during the chiefs attempts to change our shifts. Paul is also good but he needs to pay his dues (no pun) and get to know the inner workings of the E-board. He never came to meetings before and his using bad judgment QRUing a rookie officer on mids was one way on his part.

Is Kevin perfect? No, but he’s the better choice. Stella has my vote because of what was referenced above about Arley defending the chiefs swapping of days off to avoid OT. Makes you wonder who’s side she on. So far Stella seems like he wants to do what’s best for the good of the order.

11-13-2020, 05:49 PM
Kevin Milan? They have never seen him in a roll call except when he ran for office last time. I think he retired , you guys may have bad information. If you see William B. area 2 , ask him what he thinks, I was told to reach out to him and ask him his thoughts on how the FOP experience was. I know what ever happened was not good but , I am more concerned that his due process was ignored and the police officers bill of rights may have been violated. I want my due process to be honored and my police officers bill of Rights respected, who is the better candidate for that??? I don't like or dislike either person.

Wasn’t asking about Kevin. I know who Kevin is.. Who is Stella? What has he done for the union? What committee’s is he a part of? Just curious bc when Kevin goes on vacation he’s at the helm.. what experience does he have??

11-13-2020, 11:45 PM
Your only allowed to serve on committees when chosen by the president. The moment he thought Stella was going to be a challenger he shut him out.

Stella is a stand up guy who’s concerned about the inner workings of the union. Arley is Kevin’s cheerleader that attacks members at meetings and is responsible for bringing forward this horrible “promotional” alternative.

Give the guy a shot. He’s just one body on a board of many. He will keep Kevin honest. He will challenge Kevin to be better. His ideas are sound and if he’s able to bring some change maybe people will stop screaming for the PBA

11-13-2020, 11:51 PM
Thanks Eddie for those kind words. Tell Sergio that Art’s is going to win. Even though he’s “not in patrol”

11-14-2020, 12:15 AM
Your only allowed to serve on committees when chosen by the president. The moment he thought Stella was going to be a challenger he shut him out.

Stella is a stand up guy who’s concerned about the inner workings of the union. Arley is Kevin’s cheerleader that attacks members at meetings and is responsible for bringing forward this horrible “promotional” alternative.

Give the guy a shot. He’s just one body on a board of many. He will keep Kevin honest. He will challenge Kevin to be better. His ideas are sound and if he’s able to bring some change maybe people will stop screaming for the PBA

You are making this a popularity election rather than what it should be.. Stella is way in over his head.. it’s not just a title..he will be in charge of the president is not around.. and he has no knowledge of anything union related.

We are about to start one of the most difficult of not the most difficult negotiations in the history of our union and you want brand new people at the top with no experience?? Come on..

It’s obvious your beef is with Arley. But you are way off my man. As she said in the meeting, everyone was invited to attend those promotional meetings.. EVERYONE. Problem is you weren’t at the Union meeting where it was announced or if you were you decided not to go.. you might disagree with her but you have to admit she is always there when something comes.. that might bother some people but at the end of the day you need to show up and Arley shows up.

Stella wants to be top dog, let him show some dedication to the membership and learn. You can be involved as much as you want to. Then he gets some experience under his belt then who knows, he can be president.. Now is not the right time. Now more than ever we need to act like a union instead of bein so divided by these planned take overs. García and Blanco, do they have any idea to organize a meeting? That’s what Art does?? Think about the people you are speaking up for.. do you think they will give you 100% for free, without getting paid a cent, only a FOP polo and chicken kitchen. Come on people.. lets work together and get educated then you can take these spots.. No experience means we get f*cked next contract period.

11-14-2020, 12:18 AM
I love how people prefer drama instead of focusing on getting a good contract. Now is not the time for this. Wait until next election where we aren’t so close to negotiations..

11-14-2020, 12:29 AM
Drain the swamp

11-14-2020, 12:30 AM
Drain the swamp

Drain the swamp=Drain our contract

11-14-2020, 01:46 AM
Thanks Eddie for those kind words. Tell Sergio that Art’s is going to win. Even though he’s “not in patrol”

That was pretty stupid for Sergio to say.

11-14-2020, 02:01 AM
This is the clown somebody wants representing the Union as the Vice President and as being a better choice than AF! Give me break!! AF has bigger B**** than this clown ever will have..Garbage bags on his feet because it’s flooded and can’t get his little privileged feet wet. Ridiculous!!..laughing stock on social media!! Total embarrassment to the MBPD.


11-14-2020, 02:30 AM
Bottom line is we need experience in the union right now. We need people who have formed relationships with city hall and have work with them on past issues. Stella is a good guy who works hard but my feeling is start at an entry level position in the union know and understand the inner workings of the union and the responsibility of each elected position. Kevin has done that and our last contact although 001 had incentive pays that everyone was able to benefit from if not right away very soon. Take the CJIS pay for instance at look what it did for out base pay and pension. This Has been a difficult year for all of us and the upcoming contract will be Challenge but city hall is full of curry and lying Snakes who will do all the can to cry they have no money. We need people who know they are hiding money. People who can call them out on all the sacrifices we have already made as a union and agency to save them money. So I feel now is not the time to vote in new union people who will have to start from square 1. I do however hope the union brings in LT Rabelo as a consultant and a senior sounding board to assist. He is smart and has worked hard to correctly submit the FEMA paperwork to get the city paid back. His knowledge on this process and the amount of return will help our cause tremendously.

11-14-2020, 04:20 AM
Viva VS,EG and SD

11-14-2020, 12:54 PM
It does not matter who is in charge when contract talks come around. Do you really think police have a shot at a good contract? The rhetoric and hate is beyond imaginable. No one is going to give police a good contract in these hostile times.

11-14-2020, 01:17 PM
It does not matter who is in charge when contract talks come around. Do you really think police have a shot at a good contract? The rhetoric and hate is beyond imaginable. No one is going to give police a good contract in these hostile times.

Lmao.. of course it matters. Experience is what will prevail. A person with no experience whatsoever will do more damage. Common sense if you ask me.

11-14-2020, 01:38 PM
Arley defends the Administration more than she does the R&F. Vincent is good kid. I rather have an inexperienced VP that looks out for me. Come on people it’s the FOP. I am sure he can figure it out. This isn’t a Presidential election and no transition team is necessary GMAFB.

Kevin has done a great job and is always accessible. Paul will be manipulated or bullied to write IT violating emails.

I also love Art and have no idea why Sergio being in Patrol with me assures us that he will do a better job. He’s just doing it so him and Eddie can hang out on the FOP’s dime.

11-14-2020, 01:47 PM
Milan and Stella are the best balance. Arley said the forced days off during Super Bowl was not an issue. Bye Bye.

Balance? Yeah, they are Dumb and Dumber? And you are Dumbest for making such a stupid comment.

11-14-2020, 01:56 PM
Arley defends the Administration more than she does the R&F. Vincent is good kid. I rather have an inexperienced VP that looks out for me. Come on people it’s the FOP. I am sure he can figure it out. This isn’t a Presidential election and no transition team is necessary GMAFB.

Kevin has done a great job and is always accessible. Paul will be manipulated or bullied to write IT violating emails.

I also love Art and have no idea why Sergio being in Patrol with me assures us that he will do a better job. He’s just doing it so him and Eddie can hang out on the FOP’s dime.

True that. Why does Arley interrogate you when you want to file a grievance? Are you suuuuuure you want to file this? You would think you were talking to the Chief. Milan/Stella 2020.

11-14-2020, 02:03 PM
True that. Why does Arley interrogate you when you want to file a grievance? Are you suuuuuure you want to file this? You would think you were talking to the Chief. Milan/Stella 2020.

She’s not there to tell you want you want to hear. If that’s what u want then why have a union.. we can all be a group that support each other when we think we are wrong instead of just being stand up and say I messed up..

11-14-2020, 02:09 PM
She’s not there to tell you want you want to hear. If that’s what u want then why have a union.. we can all be a group that support each other when we think we are wrong instead of just being stand up and say I messed up..

Like she told us that the days off swap to save OT was “not to avoid OT. It is so we could not be over worked”? Please. Vincent for VP.

11-14-2020, 02:18 PM
Like she told us that the days off swap to save OT was “not to avoid OT. It is so we could not be over worked”? Please. Vincent for VP.

You are making stuff up.. you keep bringing up the Super Bowl where she supposedly said that. That makes no sense. We worked 2 days straight without a day off. The last 2 times we had our schedule changed the union fought that on both occasions and she was right there.. where was your guy at? Let’s just say she said what you are claiming she said... at least she said it.. everyone wants to speak up now all of sudden. Where have these people been the last 2 years. When have they showed up to a meeting on their own time and not while on duty. What is his pitch?? He’s running for Vice President and unless he gives you a 59 no one knows him or what he’s about. He might be a good guy but he has to learn. Once he learns, if he is so stand up like you say he is, the people of this u ion will follow.

11-14-2020, 02:19 PM
You are making stuff up.. you keep bringing up the Super Bowl where she supposedly said that. That makes no sense. We worked 2 days straight without a day off. The last 2 times we had our schedule changed the union fought that on both occasions and she was right there.. where was your guy at? Let’s just say she said what you are claiming she said... at least she said it.. everyone wants to speak up now all of sudden. Where have these people been the last 2 years. When have they showed up to a meeting on their own time and not while on duty. What is his pitch?? He’s running for Vice President and unless he gives you a 59 no one knows him or what he’s about. He might be a good guy but he has to learn. Once he learns, if he is so stand up like you say he is, the people of this u ion will follow.

2 weeks straight***

11-14-2020, 02:41 PM
She’s not there to tell you want you want to hear. If that’s what u want then why have a union.. we can all be a group that support each other when we think we are wrong instead of just being stand up and say I messed up..

Whoever this guy is, see if he can be on a few things too. But I bet he is an old timer.

11-14-2020, 02:48 PM
Whoever this guy is, see if he can be on a few things too. But I bet he is an old timer.

Facts are facts

11-16-2020, 08:22 PM
Vote Sergio. He’s a fighter

11-19-2020, 03:33 AM
So the main reason to not vote for Stella is lack of experience? Shocking coming from MAGA supporters 🥴.

11-20-2020, 01:29 AM
I’m voting for sergeant JS she owns the command staff and the city. What ever she wants she gets. If she was FOP president no one could ever get disciplined or the trump card would come out.

11-20-2020, 05:29 AM
Millan is having a rough time. Are we sure PO could do a better job?

11-20-2020, 11:43 PM
Millan is having a rough time. Are we sure PO could do a better job?

This FOP is useless KM is a do nothing claiming to be doing it all.

PO will not be in charge if elected it will be MO with even more untouchable power over everyone

Basically, unless someone else runs its a lose lose election.

11-21-2020, 12:59 AM
Should have voted for Stella to keep both of them straight.

11-21-2020, 08:16 PM
Millan is having a rough time. Are we sure PO could do a better job?

You mean can MO do a better job? We really know who runs that pathetic shatshow

11-21-2020, 08:36 PM
Karma, love it

11-21-2020, 10:45 PM
You mean can MO do a better job? We really know who runs that pathetic shatshow

Micky vagasile stop your crying already, and leave them alone already .... it’s getting old. Every night to hear you talking shit .... get over it. You complained about Kevin, the Chief, the department, if your not happy just leave already. And take Frank V with you too. How much complaining can one person do.

11-23-2020, 11:20 PM
So Manager is leaving to the county and now we have a new president. I think the great reset is coming in this next contract. Two people that don’t know each other or the history. We might be in for an even steeper battle than we thought. This is going to suck.

11-24-2020, 12:34 PM
Funny how KM and RA only show up when its to benefit them. SMH

11-24-2020, 09:00 PM
Funny how KM and RA only show up when its to benefit them. SMH

Wtf are you talking about?! Other being detached as President, wtf are the benefits?! Less money, more politics, having cowards like you come on here to talk shit about them anonymously, having entitled a$$holes demand that they fight for them to have pieces of the weekend off with a year on, amd then ask them to fight every decision the Chief makes even though it does not go against the contract.

Man...that sounds great. Sign me up. Jack ass...

11-24-2020, 11:04 PM
You mean can MO do a better job? We really know who runs that pathetic shatshow

Imagine the even bigger inflated sense of self they will have

11-27-2020, 12:22 AM
When does the new FOP President officially take over? When will he be addressing the troops?

11-28-2020, 07:12 PM
When does the new FOP President officially take over? When will he be addressing the troops?

No pa tanto Acere. This is not the Presidential Inauguration. Do you get startled when you see a prick in the mirror?