View Full Version : PBA displays disloyalty to cava who has been loyal

11-09-2020, 09:10 AM
Did you read the info from PBA?
So, I came back from my vacation to my normal routine on midnights. I was going through my emails when I came across PBA info message.
The message, in part, basically says not to worry because the PBA has always had a good relationship with mayor-elect Daniella Cava.
If Cava and PBA had a good relationship then why did the PBA turn their backs on her. Why did they stab her in the back, while practically calling her satan?
I know I’m relatively young but my parents taught me you give loyalty where you get loyalty. They instilled in me and my brothers to never be disloyal to those who take care of us; watch over us; give us chances and opportunities; bring us into their sphere.
Why then would PBA not abide by that mantra?
Does PBA expect others to be loyal to them when they are not loyal in return? It speaks volumes of the characters of those running the PBA.
Sad that we have people in our profession with such poor values.
Is it because she supports black people and Bovo didn’t?

11-12-2020, 11:51 AM
It has become apparently clear that the heads at the PBA are racists who care absolutely nothing about corrections except our money so they can use for Their own greedy desires. I sent my resignation in. I could no longer participate in a group who hates corrections, blacks, and Latins.
I just saved my self like $1,000 a year by doing so. It’s more Than we got with the 1% raise.

01-19-2021, 07:19 PM
PBA leaders don’t know the word loyalty. They fly by the seat of their pants and we suffer the wrath of their missteps.