View Full Version : Sad a Union Prez has to go on video to defend himself. Weak

11-07-2020, 01:00 PM
Apparently you have thin skin MR Prez. Stop doing defensive video you look weak

11-07-2020, 01:59 PM
Apparently you have thin skin MR Prez. Stop doing defensive video you look weak

Very unprofessional from both End,Ghetto.

11-07-2020, 02:12 PM
Apparently you have thin skin MR Prez. Stop doing defensive video you look weak

A real fop President like Ortiz;

11-07-2020, 02:48 PM
Looks like The current Presidents nuts are in someone's mouth. No balls.

11-08-2020, 12:39 PM
Tommy the shit they are saying about you at roll calls is off the chain. Come on. Come by.

11-08-2020, 07:47 PM
You crybabies. For everything I have done for everyone here. You back stabbing jerks. I would there rather be no layoffs snd take a cut in raises to protect all of us. Some of you are self serving greedy fools. Vote yes and we can unite together to save everyone's job.

11-08-2020, 08:14 PM
You crybabies. For everything I have done for everyone here. You back stabbing jerks. I would there rather be no layoffs snd take a cut in raises to protect all of us. Some of you are self serving greedy fools. Vote yes and we can unite together to save everyone's job.

So is staff taking any cuts? Those employed at city hall? You want us to give and lose again but as usual the rank-n-file have to carry the department. Doesn't make us greedy anything. Cuts could be made, that would be better them asking us to lose again.

Commanders, cut them in half, cover more zones. Money saved,
Major's same thing, combine more responsibility under one command. Money saved.
Do away with those high paid Ex. Sgt's and replace them with civilians. Lot's of money saved.
Cut staff, opps forgot where I work. Make the A/C of operations the #2 rank and do away with the D/C position. He's useless anyway and has shown that for pu$$y he will fu@k over anyone else.
Maybe make net commander, net Lt's. Money saved.

Stop blaming us or calling us cry babies. When you haven't even looked out for us but yourself and buddies. Show me where staff, city hall and other top ranking officials, has taken any step to balance the budget. Hey, the guy that lives across the street from me, give me the willies. Can I get 24 hour protection for my home and family too? Is the mayor's life and family more important, then anyone else's? Are we now living in the middle east, that city hall is scared and needs us to hold their hands and tuck them in at night? In all the years I've been employed here NEVER has anyone taken a shot or damaged city hall or the mayor's home but they want 24 hour protection. From who????? So cry baby my azz, you POS!

11-08-2020, 08:51 PM
Crybaby cry me a river