View Full Version : Outside Chief is desperately needed

10-08-2020, 01:56 PM
An outside chief with his own staff must be brought in order to clean up the disaster and the neglect the department has had for several years.

Promotion made cause of friends and family connections.
Promotion made for sexual favors
Promotion made to cover up Crimes
Promotion made because a debt was owed for a cover up.

The list goes on and on.

10-08-2020, 06:29 PM
An outside chief with his own staff must be brought in order to clean up the disaster and the neglect the department has had for several years.

Promotion made cause of friends and family connections.
Promotion made for sexual favors
Promotion made to cover up Crimes
Promotion made because a debt was owed for a cover up.

The list goes on and on.

When I read posts like this one, I hear a loud cry for help from most sworn and civilians Miami PD members dutifully serving and protecting all Miamians. *Am I an unrealistic romantic, no! *A pragmatist, absolutely.

In response, I am almost tempted to say: “Once more unto the breach, [old cop], once more, submit your letter of intent and résumé to Miami's city manager. *What have you to lose? *Then reality smacks, reminding me just how*sordidly*political the police chief's appointing process*is. *

No, an outside candidate need*not bring his own staff; remember how that turned out when Timoney did it. *No, one person with the will to be the change agent Miami PD needs is all that it will take. *But not just any outsider will do; that person must be fluent in the Miami and its PD's history, the experience that can only be accrued by living in this community for almost six decades, serving it for more than thirty years.

Current command officers will be retained and advised what the Chief expects of them. Those that cannot or will not pull in the same direction will be demoted to their civil service ranks, and new personnel will replace them. *New command officers that understand the need for changes, with the will to execute them. *For such paradigm changes to occur, the police chief must have the city manager, mayor, and most commissioners' support. *Otherwise, he will be as meaningless as plowing the ocean.

Each time there is an opening for a new Miami Police Chief, a great opportunity to elevate MPD to the heights it deserves arises. *Politicos cannot brag about leading a "World-Class City" when they officiate over a third world-class police force. Sadly, for sworn and civilian MPD members, your agency's current status is precisely what the political and appointed class want.**More of the same!*