View Full Version : The Evil Reyes Bunch!

10-02-2020, 07:31 PM
It’s time to vote the Reyes Slobs out of office. Their letting officers get demoted and 66 officers get terminated. They love the extravagant life with no gps make their own schedule work unlimited off duties! Why are these two incompetent fools so special I nominate Perez for PreZ!!!!!!!!! Marana is awesome I don’t care all the shit mat Reyes talks about him to rookies etc....

10-02-2020, 07:51 PM
Every union president here has been garbage, you just have to pick the one with less garbage and least likely to drain the union funds

10-02-2020, 08:09 PM
Tommy Reyes, Matt the bully Reyes do your job and make sure AJ gets full honors stop trying to deflect about what others are not doing last I checked you guys are the FOP go do your job you have done nothing in the last two years here is a list of your accomplishments.

* GPS on Cars
* No gear or logistics during protests
* No masks for Covid till after two months
* 66 officer getting laid off.
* 10 Sgt’s 1 LT 1 CAPT getting demoted
* settlement checks delayed
* members rod 6 months with no help from the flop
* members go to IA with reps
* and now labor relations blocks days off months in advance and no word from the flop

Tommy , Matt do your jobs that haven’t been done in two years and make sure he gets full honors and stop using this as a political gain we are morning the loss of a brother let him Rest In Peace .