View Full Version : Whose getting rolled back

09-30-2020, 06:25 PM
1 captain 2 Lts 10 Sgts

09-30-2020, 06:54 PM
Captain Padron and I don't know the others

09-30-2020, 07:03 PM
1 captain 2 Lts 10 Sgts

BS these are civil service position.

09-30-2020, 07:13 PM
No Bull. They will be rolled back upon the layoffs. I don't know where you get your information but it's a fact. Ask civil service how true. Call. Hopefully your not one of them.

09-30-2020, 08:16 PM
All right, let me understand according to you they are going to roll back a capt , Lt's and 10 sgt which by the way are all civil service positions and the city can't do that without at least at a minimum declaring financial urgency and opening themselves for a lawsuit , unlike rookies in probation that have no civil service status but let's get back to your theory , according to you they will roll back those civil service positions without even touching commanders or above which are appointed position which they can legally do that . sailor don't panic first they have to declared financial urgency in order to do that they have to exhaust all means of obtaining revenues by order of the courts remember the last lawsuit that we won , don't panic change your pamper now and get back in line

09-30-2020, 08:36 PM
All right, let me understand according to you they are going to roll back a capt , Lt's and 10 sgt which by the way are all civil service positions and the city can't do that without at least at a minimum declaring financial urgency and opening themselves for a lawsuit , unlike rookies in probation that have no civil service status but let's get back to your theory , according to you they will roll back those civil service positions without even touching commanders or above which are appointed position which they can legally do that . sailor don't panic first they have to declared financial urgency in order to do that they have to exhaust all means of obtaining revenues by order of the courts remember the last lawsuit that we won , don't panic change your pamper now and get back in linewrong once they layoff they can roll back. It's goi g to happen because I ain't given up my raise. F all of you. Roll them back. Yes you can.

09-30-2020, 09:29 PM
wrong once they layoff they can roll back. It's goi g to happen because I ain't given up my raise. F all of you. Roll them back. Yes you can.

Sir , are you delusional or on drugs , they are laws and procedures in places , you can't rolled back sgts that are civil services without first at a minimum declaring financial urgency , may i remind you that we have services like the employer assistant program that can anonymous help you with your mental crisis , contact me and i will scheduled you on city time

09-30-2020, 10:00 PM
Who are they rolling back. I heard soon

09-30-2020, 11:44 PM
If they have rookie, still on probation. They will be the first to go. It's not as easy as you think to roll back, some ranks. The only way is to cut the alluded number of openings for that rank. If they are only 4 captains and they roll one back, they must change the number of slots for that rank. Beside if one captain is ROD, collecting full pay. He should join the hit parade. before any captains get hit. The city is playing hard ball, to get you to, fork over something. Watch and learn! They done this before and found to be lying. There is much the city can do to avoid layoffs and rollbacks. The can change the retirement from 30 to 25 (yes that would suck too) that alone will save the city a lot. Combine departments, cut staff Opps wasn't sure if I could say that :) Commanders are not needed roll then all back FIRST! Some Major ranks should go too! Combine those units under one. Why are civil service officers being hit but so far nothing on those appointed? This, city is a joke and the FOP seems to bend over and smile and take what they are offering. They could also cut units for now and they either get laid off or send back to patrol, where people are needed. I know none of what I'm saying is going to be accepted by many. If a city lay's off police and fire, they are putting all those who remain at risk and the community will suffer. Miami will turn into Chicago. I don't see anyone at city hall being laid off. Will their pay be cut or be charged more for benefits? What other department in the city being hit? Yes, police and fire cost the city much but the people are needed.

09-30-2020, 11:44 PM
Who are they rolling back. I heard soon

I heard is you

10-01-2020, 12:55 AM
If they have rookie, still on probation. They will be the first to go. It's not as easy as you think to roll back, some ranks. The only way is to cut the alluded number of openings for that rank. If they are only 4 captains and they roll one back, they must change the number of slots for that rank. Beside if one captain is ROD, collecting full pay. He should join the hit parade. before any captains get hit. The city is playing hard ball, to get you to, fork over something. Watch and learn! They done this before and found to be lying. There is much the city can do to avoid layoffs and rollbacks. The can change the retirement from 30 to 25 (yes that would suck too) that alone will save the city a lot. Combine departments, cut staff Opps wasn't sure if I could say that :) Commanders are not needed roll then all back FIRST! Some Major ranks should go too! Combine those units under one. Why are civil service officers being hit but so far nothing on those appointed? This, city is a joke and the FOP seems to bend over and smile and take what they are offering. They could also cut units for now and they either get laid off or send back to patrol, where people are needed. I know none of what I'm saying is going to be accepted by many. If a city lay's off police and fire, they are putting all those who remain at risk and the community will suffer. Miami will turn into Chicago. I don't see anyone at city hall being laid off. Will their pay be cut or be charged more for benefits? What other department in the city being hit? Yes, police and fire cost the city much but the people are needed.
That's not what the manager wants. He wants our raises or layoffs with demotions. No third option. I won't give up my raise. I say demote.

10-01-2020, 12:03 PM
Captain Padron and I don't know the others

Karma doesn’t like ugly and this character is empty.

10-01-2020, 03:47 PM
That's not what the manager wants. He wants our raises or layoffs with demotions. No third option. I won't give up my raise. I say demote.

I wouldn't either, after the last lie, they gave us. So, you demote one and at the same time your laying them off? Something seems wrong with that and is it legal, to do so? Is city hall, giving up anything or anyone? Now our union is useless as T!TS on a bull but before any thing is offered to us, what other departments have been hit and for how much or many! That's the first thing, we should know and since the city is great at lying and hiding things. As I read for another the city can save money, with changing the retirement time and putting more units under one command and get rid of the fu@ken commanders. A 6 figure salary to over see a small area and command less units then a patrol LT does. Now, none of this will happen! If 66 get laid off, they will look sad and sorry to see you go but once out of sight, smiles again. Everyone and I mean everyone here is out only for themselves. Nothing wrong with that, we all have families. The city will create a nightmare, for those remaining. 66 doesn't seem like a lot, given how many sworn were have but it will be felt and noticed. Those under 5 years bail to the County or elsewhere that has the same retirement as us, if any do.