View Full Version : Valdes I'll remind your later on why you will loose

09-26-2020, 05:33 PM
The judge is going to agree with the city that you should had brought this out during the arbitration. You didn't say anything about any wrong doing. You F your own self. You don't stand a chance in court. Your weight gain in massive, get on a diet for your next job.

09-26-2020, 06:01 PM
Whortiz exposing criminals acts is never a loss, remember that! Judge or no judge. You wanted to be a thing cop, hows that working out for you?

09-26-2020, 06:23 PM
The judge is going to agree with the city that you should had brought this out during the arbitration. You didn't say anything about any wrong doing. You F your own self. You don't stand a chance in court. Your weight gain in massive, get on a diet for your next job.

I was thinking the same thing,you a bit too LATE.

09-26-2020, 06:32 PM
The judge is going to agree with the city that you should had brought this out during the arbitration. You didn't say anything about any wrong doing. You F your own self. You don't stand a chance in court. Your weight gain in massive, get on a diet for your next job.

late or not Colina, Ortiz, Ramos, Perez and others are corrupt. Win or lose thier so called clean image, except for Ortiz, is dirty. He showed the corrupt ways of thw Cuban mafia.

09-26-2020, 06:43 PM
late or not Colina, Ortiz, Ramos, Perez and others are corrupt. Win or lose thier so called clean image, except for Ortiz, is dirty. He showed the corrupt ways of thw Cuban mafia.yea yea yea. Corrupt this and that. Others before you have tried the same theory. Little by little it's proven you have nothing to back it up. Loose weight you like lime an egg

09-26-2020, 08:50 PM
yea yea yea. Corrupt this and that. Others before you have tried the same theory. Little by little it's proven you have nothing to back it up. Loose weight you like lime an egg

What are you talking about he has an audiotape recording detailing the violations. Matias and Valdes were were considered rats for snitching on Raul. But you know what they were right. Raul was out of control planting drugs and stealing money from people. No different then what jump out were doing in the early 90s and on the 395 shootings. We all know what and who were doing it. People were getting killed and we were covering it up.

It's no different then what happen on the rickenbacker motorcycle investigation or the north Miami / 36 street fatality where 6 officers are still rod.

We cover up sh.t to protect our friends and co workers hoping that the day you screw up you would be taken care of the same way.

Umset and Colina got caught. Let's see what happens. I guess they will try to cover this up as well.

09-26-2020, 09:33 PM
So I guess the moral of the story is don’t report corruption because look at what will happen????? This is crazy!!! Like some mafia organization

09-26-2020, 09:44 PM
So I guess the moral of the story is don’t report corruption because look at what will happen????? This is crazy!!! Like some mafia organization

They got lucky they didn't get killed. You don't cross the blue line. There is no place for Snitches here.

09-26-2020, 09:49 PM
You ain't got shit. Nothing. The recording didn't say anything. I'll remind you don't worry. Get an diet chucky boy you look terrible. Mold mediation attorneys. Wow.

09-26-2020, 11:56 PM
That was a weak ass report Valdes. No chance. Home Depot is hiring.

09-28-2020, 03:02 AM
Trump 2020

09-28-2020, 07:32 AM
The involved Major and now Chief, must resign immediately. Unethical and biased treatment of a subordinate. Corruption at its most. Officer collaborated as a whistleblower to the Feds and in retaliation to him, events are fabricated and he then gets arrested and terminated. This violates basic principles of moral and the duty to do right as a human being. Another of so many recent events which dictate that there is corruption within the Internal Affairs Bureau. Citizens Investigative Panel must be placed to review cases before officers are sanctioned. We members are now more than ever, pushing for CIP to review and oversee what these detectives and supervisors are doing in the bureau. We must and shall have transparency and equality for all. The ROD Captain has cost our city hundreds and thousands of dollars in settlements and has racked up more complaints than a quarter of the department, and in return, he gets rewarded and laughs at members and citizens. We are tired of this abuse. He and those corrupt others need to go, so we can avoid defunding our city and prestigious police department.

09-28-2020, 08:04 AM
The corruption in this place it out of control. I remember who they would cover up simple discourtesy complaints and abusive treatments but they have reached new highs with murder and traffic accident fatalities. You think its games and no big deal but wait till one day it happens to you or a loved one.

I've have seen it but you are crazy if I'm going to say something so I could be a victim of retaliation. Sorry!!!

09-28-2020, 11:34 AM
The corruption in this place it out of control. I remember who they would cover up simple discourtesy complaints and abusive treatments but they have reached new highs with murder and traffic accident fatalities. You think its games and no big deal but wait till one day it happens to you or a loved one.

I've have seen it but you are crazy if I'm going to say something so I could be a victim of retaliation. Sorry!!!this is funny. Hilarious