View Full Version : Breaking News! PBA is out and FOP in

09-10-2020, 04:54 PM
Breaking News! FDLE kicks PBA out.
FDLE agents have had enough of PBAs shenanigans and non performance and kicked PBA out. In a resounding butt kicking nearly three to one, FDLE has ended their long time relationship and went FOP.
They cited cowardly and weak leadership among the PBAs as one of the reasons for leaving.
Currently there are approximately 10 agencies in the formal process of replacing PBA

09-10-2020, 10:32 PM
We should follow their lead.

09-11-2020, 11:06 AM
We are more than ready. I went on the Fl perc site and was surprised to see so Many departments waiting to vote PBA out.

09-13-2020, 01:50 PM
We are more than ready. I went on the Fl perc site and was surprised to see so Many departments waiting to vote PBA out.

That's only reference Jacksonville FDLE office has nothing to do with us. FDLE agents got pissed at an individual and left. There is no comparison anywhere to the South Florida PBA. We have the most members, most money to defend you most experience and best attorneys also most money for expert witnesses etc

09-14-2020, 09:08 AM
Sorry man but your attorneys sux. You can’t get them to return calls. They have adopted Steadmans’ fear factor and don’t want to fight.

09-18-2020, 02:22 PM
Sorry man but your attorneys sux. You can’t get them to return calls. They have adopted Steadmans’ fear factor and don’t want to fight.

All these responses are the same poster probably John or Domingo because they wish they could be like Steadman Stahl

Stahlession: When someone is obsessed with Steadman Stahl, they've lost control of their feelings about the object of their obsession; Steadman. The adjective obsessed is often used to simply mean "very interested," but when someone is truly obsessed, their interest has become compulsive, and they've begun to lose control over it. They really need help and a life!

Steadman Induced Borderline Personality Disorder (SIBPD) is a mental illness which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral issues blogging lies about Steadman. Symptoms include emotional instability, abandonment issues, feelings of emptiness and problems in relationships. These are accompanied by intense experiences of anger, depression and anxiety that can last hours, days or even months.

Please as always go to dcpba.org for truth or call us at 305-593-0044.

09-25-2020, 12:43 PM
We should do the same and kick PBA to the curbside and get a real union in here

09-27-2020, 02:46 PM
We should do the same and kick PBA to the curbside and get a real union in here

lol stop lying and repeating lies. The PBA is by far the best bang for the buck and best representative of cops and corrections!!!

09-29-2020, 12:45 PM
If that were true, and thankfully it’s not, our profession would be in deep shitz. Man you couldn’t find a more inept, cowardly organization than the PBA. The honchos are too busy backstabbing each other to be effective. This, the reason other organizations has surpassed the PBA in success and effectiveness. The other organizations are not afraid to fight. The PBA embraces anti-police politicians and bends over hoping that somehow they will change their view. But, in the meantime dues paying members suffer.

09-29-2020, 08:29 PM
If that were true, and thankfully it’s not, our profession would be in deep shitz. Man you couldn’t find a more inept, cowardly organization than the PBA. The honchos are too busy backstabbing each other to be effective. This, the reason other organizations has surpassed the PBA in success and effectiveness. The other organizations are not afraid to fight. The PBA embraces anti-police politicians and bends over hoping that somehow they will change their view. But, in the meantime dues paying members suffer.

PBA doing great!!! Under Stahl’s leadership PBA Membership up by 1200 dues paying members. PBA took over Monroe county deputies and correction deputies. Negotiated and settled many contracts like MDCR and MDPD,
Step plan for officers in Miami Gardens, City of Doral and Pinecrest. Negotiated solid contract for Miami-Dade County employees; John Rivera never even wanted to meet with mayor leaving the members flat for many years. Constant push back to management and the SAO!!!

09-30-2020, 12:19 PM
PBA doing great!!! Under Stahl’s leadership PBA Membership up by 1200 dues paying members. PBA took over Monroe county deputies and correction deputies. Negotiated and settled many contracts like MDCR and MDPD,
Step plan for officers in Miami Gardens, City of Doral and Pinecrest. Negotiated solid contract for Miami-Dade County employees; John Rivera never even wanted to meet with mayor leaving the members flat for many years. Constant push back to management and the SAO!!!

Omg! Thank you for the humor Steadman. I know you invented the automobile and the vaccine for COVID too. But sadly you are the only one that believes your own BS.

Most professionals in the study of mental disorders recognize that there is a dark side to narcissism. Narcissists, like Steadman Stahl, are emotionally isolated and highly distrustful. Perceived threats can trigger rage. Achievements can feed feelings of grandiosity. That’s why Freud thought narcissists were the hardest personality types to analyze. Consider how an executive at The PBA describes his narcissistic Steadman Stahl: “The difference between God and Steadman is that God does not believe he is Steadman.” That observation is amusing, but it is also troubling. Not surprisingly, most people think of narcissists in a primarily negative way. After all, Freud named the type after the mythical figure Narcissus, who died because of his pathological preoccupation with himself.
The danger is that narcissism can turn unproductive when, lacking self-knowledge and restraining anchors, narcissists become unrealistic dreamers. They nurture grand schemes and harbor the illusion that only circumstances or enemies block their success. This tendency toward grandiosity and distrust is the Achilles’ heel of narcissists. Because of it, even brilliant narcissists can come under suspicion for self-involvement, unpredictability, and—in extreme cases—paranoia.

10-02-2020, 11:40 AM
Omg! Thank you for the humor Steadman. I know you invented the automobile and the vaccine for COVID too. But sadly you are the only one that believes your own BS.

Most professionals in the study of mental disorders recognize that there is a dark side to narcissism. Narcissists, like Steadman Stahl, are emotionally isolated and highly distrustful. Perceived threats can trigger rage. Achievements can feed feelings of grandiosity. That’s why Freud thought narcissists were the hardest personality types to analyze. Consider how an executive at The PBA describes his narcissistic Steadman Stahl: “The difference between God and Steadman is that God does not believe he is Steadman.” That observation is amusing, but it is also troubling. Not surprisingly, most people think of narcissists in a primarily negative way. After all, Freud named the type after the mythical figure Narcissus, who died because of his pathological preoccupation with himself.
The danger is that narcissism can turn unproductive when, lacking self-knowledge and restraining anchors, narcissists become unrealistic dreamers. They nurture grand schemes and harbor the illusion that only circumstances or enemies block their success. This tendency toward grandiosity and distrust is the Achilles’ heel of narcissists. Because of it, even brilliant narcissists can come under suspicion for self-involvement, unpredictability, and—in extreme cases—paranoia.

PLEA is IUPA and IUPA is AFL-CIO your PLEA dues goes up to AFL-CIO
Beware of PLEA

Here is what PLEA IUPA AFL-CIO ( all 3 the same) thinks of us:

Wake up your hard earned dues money filtered by PLEA/IUPA but kicked up to AFL-CIO. Do you want your dues money supporting the scum robber who attacked a good cop ? How about your dues money supporting scum anti-law enforcement politicians well guess what if you join that’s exactly what will happen.

See below:








10-02-2020, 01:02 PM
The PBA is in real trouble. More and more units are leaving the PBA all across the state simply because the PBA representation is so poor and weak. It has become that because of its weak and dysfunctional leaders.
IUPA is picking up the lions share of the units. Currently, we have more than two dozen units starting the process to make the switch. After all it’s their careers on the line and frankly they are tired of paying for luxury SUVs that they themselves can’t drive, tired of paying for lavish trips that they themselves cannot enjoy, and tired of paying dues so that the leaders can enrich themselves and the members get nothing in return.
Today, your PBA is being run by incompetent bafoons whose personal and professional lives have been a disaster and a disgrace. Yet, they wish to convince you that they will handle your affairs perfectly. Sadly, some people believe them but the proof is in the facts.
For more facts contact Isabella Soto, Mr. Howard, or just call the IUPA headquarters. We won’t lie to you like the PBA has been doing!