View Full Version : St. Petersburg, Florida Has A Great “New Normal”

07-23-2020, 01:06 PM
BOLO, APB, Calling all Atlanta Police Officers who have the brains to realize we are in for a “New Normal” when it comes to doing our jobs. Dealing with community based calls for us to solve problems that frequently result in unresolved or use of force problems, the St. Petersburg PD on Oct. 1 will start a new way to handle calls. A specially trained civilian teams hired to handle the BS calls PO’s have handled in the past.

Why would any of us care if in the future BLM or some other community hugging group responds to calls of initially reported “Non Violent Community Problems” and we don’t have to?

If the BLM Team reports violence problems....we respond and only take the action we have to. I’m ready tomorrow to give that a try. Screw going to BS calls and have people cell phoning everything I do. We go as a team with a Sgt. and use only the force necessary to control the subject. Cell phone all they want. We follow established procedures. We go home safe and sound. No ROD, no IA, no charges....we keep our jobs.

This will help rule out “Contempt of Cop” incidents, listening to trash talk, trying to solve problems that are frequently unsolvable and putting up with most of the assholes.

Let’s band together and make this happen!

07-23-2020, 09:59 PM
That will work out so well until one of their social workers gets raped or carjacked and sues for millions. These people are idiots, but you're right, throw the liability all back in their laps and find a tree to hide under.