View Full Version : PBA facing exposure of illegal and improper behavior

06-30-2020, 11:44 PM
PBA employees threaten to expose theft and unethical behavior
The latest employees who got fired for speaking out are considering legal action against the PBA.
Insiders inform us that the tall lady who did the PBA newspapers complained of constant sexual harassment and was dismissed for bringing the issue forward.
And, in an unrelated case a committee member Sgt-at-arms Davis from corrections spoke up when he noticed that Steadman was improperly using the PBA credit card. He mentioned it about the same time Stahl was caught red handed stealing toilet paper (of all things) and liquor for his personal use. Davis asked for Stahl to step down and was chastised for making such a request and was removed from the committee.
These are just add ones to a long list of employees who have voiced their concern over the unethical practices at the PBA.
The ethical lapses began with the hiring of Steve Shiver, personal friend of Steadman Stahl to run the PBA, in spite of the fact that Shiver Had horrible business failures, was investigated countless times for corruption, domestic violence and drug abuse. Later it was discovered that he was a government informant as well. Those of us in law enforcement know how a person becomes an informant.
As a result of the blatant thefts and scams, the top PBA employees have left. Then, Stahl, in his infinite wisdom, hired a Publix cashier as the office Manager by-passing long time employees who know the operation through and through.
Davis said that we make fun of the friends and family plan within the department but the PBA has become far worse.
As a result, the PBA is left with rookie staff, including the lawyers, and people who have no ties to law enforcement. They know not what we do and are learning as they go.
There is no wonder why the PBA cannot go on the offensive protecting the members when their time is consumed fighting one another and covering up their improper actions.

07-02-2020, 11:26 AM
I’m sorry, I can’t help but laugh. Hopefully, they will sue for the PBA gross behavior. We had an opportunity to rid ourselves of that crap but the the old timers felt otherwise.
As they retire the new breed will be more resilient and do what is right.