View Full Version : Hypocrisy at its best. I’m voting to rid PBA from our lives

06-27-2020, 02:12 AM
Funny how during session we don’t matter. We don’t matter as we work daily BUT the moment they believe they will lose dues money we have their attention.
Hypocrites to the core. Time to move in and don’t send that midget narcissistic President around any more.

06-27-2020, 04:30 PM
You know you make a good point. Where were these same people who know are traveling the state to keep us from leaving? Where were they? Where were they when session was screwing again?
Don’t come now with a new line of BS just because you don’t want to lose your dues money. That’s a poor excuse.
We are leaving because of your poor performance the last couple of years. Don’t waste your time with your smiles and and BS trinkets and some shitty food. We can afford
Our own food and more so when we stop paying the dues that we are currently paying.

06-29-2020, 06:02 AM
FDLE PBA is in bed with FDLE command, this has been well known and established for years. About as pathetic as any PBA/FOP could get, and just like everything else, FDLE is the worst around.

This IS the theme and atmosphere that Swearingen has created to protect himself and make sure he has aboslute power even over what is right or wrong.

06-29-2020, 12:09 PM
FDLE PBA is in bed with FDLE command, this has been well known and established for years. About as pathetic as any PBA/FOP could get, and just like everything else, FDLE is the worst around.

This IS the theme and atmosphere that Swearingen has created to protect himself and make sure he has aboslute power even over what is right or wrong.

THIS IS VERY TRUE! So many examples! Do not use PBA if you are under investigation, they talk behind your back to your I/A investigator to undermine you on YOUR case

06-29-2020, 08:14 PM
What about the agents that have a valid concern or grievance but choose to not pursue it? Unless the issue was related to termination I observed on several occasions lots of b&tching and moaning but not taking a stand. I understand the fear of retaliation but I also know, from personal experience, that sometimes you must take the fight to them. I'm sure you guys will rip into this but just my two cents

07-04-2020, 01:10 AM
What about the agents that have a valid concern or grievance but choose to not pursue it? Unless the issue was related to termination I observed on several occasions lots of b&tching and moaning but not taking a stand. I understand the fear of retaliation but I also know, from personal experience, that sometimes you must take the fight to them. I'm sure you guys will rip into this but just my two cents

The reason why: "Fear of retaliation" is a MASSIVE understatement. Each time I've tried to bring a valid concern forward, the bigger the hole that is being dug for me. I have never in my career worked in a more toxic environment than this. Trust me, it is much better to just keep your mouth shut.

07-04-2020, 04:54 AM
Just goes to prove what a giant piece of shit this entire administration is under Swearingen

07-04-2020, 07:58 PM
Just goes to prove what a giant piece of shit this entire administration is under Swearingen

Another reason why in RS’s beloved member survey results were that approximately 47% of people said they have no confidence in leadership. There IS NO leadership in the agency anymore. No one trusts command staff at any level because they don’t deserve it.

07-15-2020, 11:45 PM
PBA has become a lame duck. We need a new and improved start otherwise we will continue to get crumbs, if that. PBA is more concerned about state corrections.
We are not in their game plan.

07-16-2020, 12:49 PM
The reason why: "Fear of retaliation" is a MASSIVE understatement. Each time I've tried to bring a valid concern forward, the bigger the hole that is being dug for me. I have never in my career worked in a more toxic environment than this. Trust me, it is much better to just keep your mouth shut.
I understand that feeling completely. However, to complain about the toxicity to the degree that you are and not be willing to do anything about it is the problem. Your answer is to take PBA out of the equation. If you think that helps then have it. But do something. I spent my career at FDLE listening to people b$tch but refusing to do anything. My stupid blue team entries due to my not taking the absolute inane B.S that some supervisors spew show I tried to fight the beast. PBA helped me take the fight to them and I won. That may not be the case for most people. If you hate where you work....leave or do something about it

07-17-2020, 10:04 PM
Maybe the guy is on his 2nd department and needs to worry about retirement. Have 23 years in and have to make it to 25 year without "stirring the pot" and come talk to me.....F YOU!

07-17-2020, 11:00 PM
Maybe the guy is on his 2nd department and needs to worry about retirement. Have 23 years in and have to make it to 25 year without "stirring the pot" and come talk to me.....F YOU!

No wonder you're miserable 😡

07-17-2020, 11:40 PM
No wonder you're miserable 😡

You are NOT under the same FRS he is.....Remember to eat some cake on his way out, being paid forever, while you show up to this shit show everyday! Look how many of us at 25 years are bailing without DROP.....DROP is easy money but this place suck so much they bail.......F You! Good luck getting to 30 or enough in the pension plan!