View Full Version : Criminal Sheriff Tony Ad

06-16-2020, 02:46 AM

So this criminal Sheriff puts out a campaign ad about so called bad Deputies that haven’t gone to trial yet and cleared by IA but he forgets to mention he murdered a teenager, used drugs and lied in ALL his police applications.

06-16-2020, 04:14 AM

So this criminal Sheriff puts out a campaign ad about so called bad Deputies that haven’t gone to trial yet and cleared by IA but he forgets to mention he murdered a teenager, used drugs and lied in ALL his police applications.

How PATHETIC is it that the first African American (he wouldn't last five minutes in Africa ) psychopathic sheriff of Broward County, is an admitted liar and major con artist !

Greg Toney will ALWAYS be known for Murder, illegal drug use, bisexual orgies with rich white people, and drug dealing .

The documented perjury and deliberate fraud crimes he confessed to by repeatedly lying on all his sworn police applications , will follow him for life.Whatever

Even If he is never criminally charged (I think he will be), with any crimes committed against the State of Florida, his FAKE mask of respectable family man turned respectable sheriff, has been ripped away forever.

With all of his nervous twitchy jitter bug jive double talk, gotee and gold collar brass he may not show it but his public humiliation is killing him inside. Nobody was supposed to ever find out the secrets he hid for 27 years. Toney knew he was not a real man, just an ignorant fake wannabe tough guy ,
who is really nothing more than a sniveling, slick talking , worthless scumbag and executioner of an unarmed Philadelphia teenager. Period!

06-16-2020, 04:27 AM
Temper Tantrum Tony is nothing more than a total POS. He does nothing but lie, just like he takes credit for all the programs that were started before he arrived. Also, this racist only fires the white cops, without due process, that will bite him in the azz and the county will have to pay. If he is such a good leader, why hasn't he terminated himself for ALL the crimes he's committed, including the one he committed to get this job! Tony is an unqualified criminal con man at best! Thanks Andrew and Hunter for pushing this garbage on us for your monetary gain.

I hope Tony is proud of himself, he was given the keys to the kingdom, and failed! He just made it that much harder for the next black sheriff.
