View Full Version : Another Black man killed by Cops

06-14-2020, 01:19 PM
Atlanta GA. Another black man killed by police he was shot in the back. This is wrong just cause you have a badge doesn't make you judge jury and executioner.
Black lives matter. We will continue to be data ready and make sure to resist.
We will vote Pollock to help our cause.
#dreamdefenders #BLM

06-14-2020, 02:05 PM
Atlanta GA. Another black man killed by police he was shot in the back. This is wrong just cause you have a badge doesn't make you judge jury and executioner.
Black lives matter. We will continue to be data ready and make sure to resist.
We will vote Pollock to help our cause.
#dreamdefenders #BLM

You dumb **** Israel supporters are desperate to use a mans death to for your political agenda. POS.

06-14-2020, 03:34 PM
It’s called a fleeing felon that attempted to injure two law enforcement officers attempting to do their lawful, justified duties.

06-14-2020, 03:55 PM
Looks like he my have fired the stolen taser at a pursuing cop

https://www.instagram.com/p/CBZPs0wg18R/embed/captioned/?cr=1&v=12&wp=1080&rd=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com&rp=%2F2020%2F06%2Fvideo-second-video-released-shows-rashard-brooks-pointing-taser-gun-police-deadly-shooting%2F#%7B%22ci%22%3A0%2C%22os%22%3A564%2C%22 ls%22%3A232%2C%22le%22%3A232%7D

Fighting two cops and taking a taser away:


06-14-2020, 04:20 PM
Atlanta GA. Another black man killed by police he was shot in the back. This is wrong just cause you have a badge doesn't make you judge jury and executioner.
Black lives matter. We will continue to be data ready and make sure to resist.
We will vote Pollock to help our cause.
#dreamdefenders #BLM

Another white cop killed by a black man. #BlueLivesMatter

Officers capture man suspected of killing Mississippi deputy

The Associated Press
June 14, 2020 12:00 PM

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/article243528172.html#storylink=cpy

06-14-2020, 04:24 PM
Atlanta GA. Another black man killed by police he was shot in the back. This is wrong just cause you have a badge doesn't make you judge jury and executioner.
Black lives matter. We will continue to be data ready and make sure to resist.
We will vote Pollock to help our cause.
#dreamdefenders #BLM

SORRY you white privilege FAILED college student propaganda snowflake, but Wendy's VIDEO security's cam and police body cam, clearly shows suspect ripping taser from arresting officer.
Then seen running away and suddenly turning and FIRING the teaser directly at the officer. Under the rules of engagement any suspect who punches and kicks an officer , refuses to submit to verbal commands, grabs his taser and fires the taser at an officer attempting an arrest, is fair game to shoot in self defense STUPID.

06-14-2020, 04:32 PM
Another white cop killed by a black man. #BlueLivesMatter

Officers capture man suspected of killing Mississippi deputy

The Associated Press
June 14, 2020 12:00 PM

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/article243528172.html#storylink=cpy

Thank you for posting that. Please keep up the good work proving there's a lot of examples of this very thing but the Obama Democrat media lapdogs don't want you to see it!

06-14-2020, 04:47 PM
Atlanta GA. Another black man killed by police he was shot in the back. This is wrong just cause you have a badge doesn't make you judge jury and executioner.
Black lives matter. We will continue to be data ready and make sure to resist.
We will vote Pollock to help our cause.
#dreamdefenders #BLM

Whatever 😂 ...What is your cause TURD SNIFFER!???I

What are Alvins plans to help YOU white little cry babies who have no JOB, no life, no girlfriends, no car, no house, no black friends , no health industry and NO balls.

Your just a quivering puddle of white privileged soy and lady estrogen! 😂GFY America Hater!!!

06-14-2020, 05:14 PM
Whatever 😂 ...What is your cause TURD SNIFFER!???I

What are Alvins plans to help YOU white little cry babies who have no JOB, no life, no girlfriends, no car, no house, no black friends , no health industry and NO balls.

Your just a quivering puddle of white privileged soy and lady estrogen! 😂GFY America Hater!!!

I have no black friends and I am okay with that. I never have to worry about anything missing from my crib!!!

Just sayin.

06-14-2020, 07:43 PM
Atlanta GA. Another black man killed by police he was shot in the back. This is wrong just cause you have a badge doesn't make you judge jury and executioner.
Black lives matter. We will continue to be data ready and make sure to resist.
We will vote Pollock to help our cause.
#dreamdefenders #BLM

And of course, the other side of this is, another black man, with no respect for authority or the law resisting arrest. You have to tell both sides of the story for there to be truth. And the truth is this same scenario continues to play out time after time again and again. You don’t want to get shot don’t hit a cop don’t resist arrest. But apparently some people don’t understand that. And it’s not just black people doing this sh!t nowadays. We have a society in general right now with no respect for the law,and no respect for the rights of others.

06-14-2020, 09:02 PM
I have no black friends and I am okay with that. I never have to worry about anything missing from my crib!!!

Just sayin.

Lol, sticky finger’s.

06-14-2020, 09:28 PM
That’s right all you racist cops- keep it up. You don’t have the right to kill. You are lower than the so called “scum” you are supposed to be protecting the public from. Truth is- you are armed thugs with badges. Those few good officers had better start speaking out or it’s going to get a lot worse for you. The public is turning against the cops because they are tired of this. You protect evil, bad cops and they are the bad apples that have poisoned the barrel. Sad that a once honored profession has become worse than the mafia. You are a badged street gang. You need to be eliminated- cut out the cancer that infected our community That is know as a cop.

06-14-2020, 09:55 PM
Sorry if the facts upset you but a cop has a 16 times greater chance of being killed by a black than a black being killed a cop. Michael Brown has drugs in his system and resisted and attacked the cop. George Floyd had drugs and had to be subdued. The guy in Georgia was above the legal limit and attacked the police. Drugs and vionce seem to go hand in hand and it leads to bad things. 6,000 blacks were murdered last year and 5400 were killed by other blacks. How many drive bys are done in the hood by whites?
But it’s a daily occurrence and accounts for most of the famously publicized “mass shootings “.
Do police sometimes get it wrong sure
But why did protesters burn the Wendy’s to the ground where it happened. That’s the big rub. Your rage wants to punish ANYONE you can whether they did anything or not. That continued rage is fashionable to the liberals now but in the end it will sink BLM and set you back 50 years

06-14-2020, 10:51 PM
That’s right all you racist cops- keep it up. You don’t have the right to kill. You are lower than the so called “scum” you are supposed to be protecting the public from. Truth is- you are armed thugs with badges. Those few good officers had better start speaking out or it’s going to get a lot worse for you. The public is turning against the cops because they are tired of this. You protect evil, bad cops and they are the bad apples that have poisoned the barrel. Sad that a once honored profession has become worse than the mafia. You are a badged street gang. You need to be eliminated- cut out the cancer that infected our community That is know as a cop.

The oxygen you’re small brain is consuming is worth too much to be wasted on what you’re giving back.

06-14-2020, 11:03 PM
Atlanta GA. Another black man killed by police he was shot in the back. This is wrong just cause you have a badge doesn't make you judge jury and executioner.
Black lives matter. We will continue to be data ready and make sure to resist.
We will vote Pollock to help our cause.
#dreamdefenders #BLM

This is all your fault! Educate people to abide by the laws and get a job instead of being criminals.

Do you know the best way to get rid of cops, stop committing crimes, then there will be no need for cops. Or does that go against everything you've been taught?

#workforaliving #stopcrime

06-14-2020, 11:41 PM
That’s right all you racist cops- keep it up. You don’t have the right to kill. You are lower than the so called “scum” you are supposed to be protecting the public from. Truth is- you are armed thugs with badges. Those few good officers had better start speaking out or it’s going to get a lot worse for you. The public is turning against the cops because they are tired of this. You protect evil, bad cops and they are the bad apples that have poisoned the barrel. Sad that a once honored profession has become worse than the mafia. You are a badged street gang. You need to be eliminated- cut out the cancer that infected our community That is know as a cop.

Oh STFU!!! Blacks are as big, if not bigger, racist than the whites!! They say BLM and want the world to respect it. If someone else says White Lives Matter, we would never hear the end of it. Worry less about police reform and worry more about Black reform. Blacks are slaughtering each other daily around the country , but want to burn down cities and loot for one criminal black resisting arrest. GTFOH

06-15-2020, 12:09 AM
That’s right all you racist cops- keep it up. You don’t have the right to kill. You are lower than the so called “scum” you are supposed to be protecting the public from. Truth is- you are armed thugs with badges. Those few good officers had better start speaking out or it’s going to get a lot worse for you. The public is turning against the cops because they are tired of this. You protect evil, bad cops and they are the bad apples that have poisoned the barrel. Sad that a once honored profession has become worse than the mafia. You are a badged street gang. You need to be eliminated- cut out the cancer that infected our community That is know as a cop.


06-15-2020, 12:18 AM
That’s right all you racist cops- keep it up. You don’t have the right to kill. You are lower than the so called “scum” you are supposed to be protecting the public from. Truth is- you are armed thugs with badges. Those few good officers had better start speaking out or it’s going to get a lot worse for you. The public is turning against the cops because they are tired of this. You protect evil, bad cops and they are the bad apples that have poisoned the barrel. Sad that a once honored profession has become worse than the mafia. You are a badged street gang. You need to be eliminated- cut out the cancer that infected our community That is know as a cop.

Hey Cletus. Why is it that everytime you roll off your sister, you feel the need to post here? We aren't going anywhere. Now open a window and air out that dumpster you live in. It smells like Toneys apartment.

06-15-2020, 12:19 AM

This is so true!

06-15-2020, 02:43 AM
Pollock is going to make a statement that this shooting should not have happened and that the officer should not have shot and killed him. Bad choice. Another senseless killing. Pollock you have our vote. Pollockforsheriff2020.

06-15-2020, 02:48 AM
Pollock is going to make a statement that this shooting should not have happened and that the officer should not have shot and killed him. Bad choice. Another senseless killing. Pollock you have our vote. Pollockforsheriff2020.

Every candidate running for Sheriff is gonna say the exact same thing all for votes. You know it. I know it. We all know it.

06-15-2020, 04:17 AM
You dumb **** Israel supporters are desperate to use a mans death to for your political agenda. POS.

Dude wtf are you on? Seriously? You stupid fukk someone died right or wrong you don’t say thst shit. We definitely don’t need shitt like you that’s for sure. One mor time,”You stupid FUKK

06-15-2020, 04:26 AM
Atlanta GA. Another black man killed by police he was shot in the back. This is wrong just cause you have a badge doesn't make you judge jury and executioner.
Black lives matter. We will continue to be data ready and make sure to resist.
We will vote Pollock to help our cause.
#dreamdefenders #BLM

Stupid,”ALL LIVES MATTER.” Not just blacks.
The shooting at Wendy’s was justified 100% black, white and Spanish like it or not. We are the police and demand respect no matter who or what color you are.

The Jews went through hell but that realize it wasn’t our excuse so think about that.

06-15-2020, 05:27 AM
Pollock is going to make a statement that this shooting should not have happened and that the officer should not have shot and killed him. Bad choice. Another senseless killing. Pollock you have our vote. Pollockforsheriff2020.

Then Pollock is as dumb as they come, since our own policy says if someone takes your Taser and attacks us with it, it's deadly force! Let me guess, I smell a Democratic policy change coming soon for votes. At which time I will turn my Taser in and there's nothing they can do as nothing says I have to carry one. They will have a bunch of Tasers sitting around, hopefully they have the storage.

06-15-2020, 06:38 AM
Every candidate running for Sheriff is gonna say the exact same thing all for votes. You know it. I know it. We all know it.

No they are not because remember when Vasquez said "You'll not going to like this but All lives matter" and he got boo'ed for saying that. He said that in a pack full of black crowd at the African American Library and it's on video. Jones said I am BLM and Scott said I Agree BLM.

06-15-2020, 06:44 AM
Dude wtf are you on? Seriously? You stupid fukk someone died right or wrong you don’t say thst shit. We definitely don’t need shitt like you that’s for sure. One mor time,”You stupid FUKK

I agree someone died and we all look bad when ANY OF US do something like this justified or not.

06-15-2020, 11:58 AM
Atlanta GA. Another black man killed by police he was shot in the back. This is wrong just cause you have a badge doesn't make you judge jury and executioner.
Black lives matter. We will continue to be data ready and make sure to resist.
We will vote Pollock to help our cause.
#dreamdefenders #BLM
#NightmareDefenders #BlueLivesMatter


06-15-2020, 12:07 PM
SORRY you white privilege FAILED college student propaganda snowflake, but Wendy's VIDEO security's cam and police body cam, clearly shows suspect ripping taser from arresting officer.
Then seen running away and suddenly turning and FIRING the teaser directly at the officer. Under the rules of engagement any suspect who punches and kicks an officer , refuses to submit to verbal commands, grabs his taser and fires the taser at an officer attempting an arrest, is fair game to shoot in self defense STUPID.

Yes, bit why get that involved when you could of said. "Have a good night sir" and leave. Your nutz getting that involved

06-15-2020, 12:17 PM
Those of you who so strongly support Black Lives Matter should go their website and see where all funds donated to their cause go. I'll help you out. They go directly to the democratic party. The democrats support blacks and stand behind all the protests and rioting to keep people feeling sorry for the poor black man. In reality they once again are using the poor black man to get funding through the Black Lives Matter movement. The black population has been used by the democrats for more than half a century. Yet they continue to support the party. The wise blacks have had enough of the lip service and have become Trump supporters. The not so bright continue to be the sheep led by the lying democrats.

06-15-2020, 12:42 PM
I agree someone died and we all look bad when ANY OF US do something like this justified or not.

And why do WE look bad. It was self defense, and it was a justified legal killing. We are not going to stand around and get murdered by criminals. If Pollock condemns a justifiable legal shooting then I condemn Pollock and I’m switching my suppository Israel. Sorry Al Pollock see ya later.

06-15-2020, 12:44 PM
And why do WE look bad. It was self defense, and it was a justified legal killing. We are not going to stand around and get murdered by criminals. If Pollock condemns a justifiable legal shooting then I condemn Pollock and I’m switching my suppository Israel. Sorry Al Pollock see ya later.

That’s right I said suppository because we are taking it in the azz no matter which one of these clowns we get. Vote for Israel he’s the lesser of the evils.

06-15-2020, 12:52 PM
#NightmareDefenders #BlueLivesMatter


That was funny but true. When vasquez said that at a blm meeting with over 300 people in it I thought that he was going to get killed that day but he made it by talking about what we both need to solve the problem. Jones said : I AM BLM!!! The crowd roared for him. Pollock is defending the movement talking about - protecting dream defenders. WTF.

06-15-2020, 01:05 PM
That was funny but true. When vasquez said that at a blm meeting with over 300 people in it I thought that he was going to get killed that day but he made it by talking about what we both need to solve the problem. Jones said : I AM BLM!!! The crowd roared for him. Pollock is defending the movement talking about - protecting dream defenders. WTF.

The leader of dream defenders is the campaign manager for Bernie Sanders and Andrew Gillum's best friend.

06-15-2020, 01:21 PM
Atlanta GA. Another black man killed by police he was shot in the back. This is wrong just cause you have a badge doesn't make you judge jury and executioner.
Black lives matter. We will continue to be data ready and make sure to resist.
We will vote Pollock to help our cause.
#dreamdefenders #BLM

Very simple solution. STOP RESISTING ARREST. Almost all fatal encounters have an element of resisting the arrest.

06-15-2020, 01:31 PM
I Can’t Breathe: What’s Next For Black Lives Matter Movement?

As #BlackLivesMatter protests continue around South Florida and the nation, many are now asking, “What’s Next?” Hear from co-founder of The Dream Defenders Philip Agnew, Civil Rights Attorney Justin Moore, Black Lives Matter Alliance Broward Tifanny Burks, and the Assistant Director for the Miami Civilian Investigative Panel Rodney Jacobs Jr. ⁠NBC 6 Voices anchor Jawan Strader leads the conversation.


"Let's start off with whats been in the news lately. Tifanny, [of black lives matter alliance Broward] I want you to talk about..."

"Let's talk about defunding the police department because it seems like there is some sort of confusion here and it's being twisted into something else so I want to hear from you. Is that what's next here and how do you see that, defunding the police department?"

"Yeah, honestly that is what's next, that's what's moving on the ground right now. We are working to defund the police locally in Broward County.

We're following that same trend.

That was one of our main demands.

It's so necessary.

...another FLPD officer shoots a peaceful protestor in the head so we know that in order to move to true safety measures we have to defund the police and we're starting it here locally."

Funny, that wasn't on the news and this media interviewer did not question Tifanny, the blm provocateur, or correct her and state that the female protestor who was 'shot in the head' got in the way of a 'protestor' throwing tear gas at FLPD and she was struck by a rubber bullet and she's not dead or in a coma.

06-15-2020, 02:15 PM
I Can’t Breathe: What’s Next For Black Lives Matter Movement?

As #BlackLivesMatter protests continue around South Florida and the nation, many are now asking, “What’s Next?” Hear from co-founder of The Dream Defenders Philip Agnew, Civil Rights Attorney Justin Moore, Black Lives Matter Alliance Broward Tifanny Burks, and the Assistant Director for the Miami Civilian Investigative Panel Rodney Jacobs Jr. ⁠NBC 6 Voices anchor Jawan Strader leads the conversation.


"Let's start off with whats been in the news lately. Tifanny, [of black lives matter alliance Broward] I want you to talk about..."

"Let's talk about defunding the police department because it seems like there is some sort of confusion here and it's being twisted into something else so I want to hear from you. Is that what's next here and how do you see that, defunding the police department?"

"Yeah, honestly that is what's next, that's what's moving on the ground right now. We are working to defund the police locally in Broward County.

We're following that same trend.

That was one of our main demands.

It's so necessary.

...another FLPD officer shoots a peaceful protestor in the head so we know that in order to move to true safety measures we have to defund the police and we're starting it here locally."

Funny, that wasn't on the news and this media interviewer did not question Tifanny, the blm provocateur, or correct her and state that the female protestor who was 'shot in the head' got in the way of a 'protestor' throwing tear gas at FLPD and she was struck by a rubber bullet and she's not dead or in a coma.

So Tony wants to defund the police? What a surprise.

06-15-2020, 03:26 PM
So Tony wants to defund the police? What a surprise.

Maybe some of the many colonels can handle some calls?

06-15-2020, 04:30 PM
In Atlanta, the dead man violently resisted a lawful arrest. He disarmed a LEO. While escaping, on foot, he used the stolen weapon against the LEO. The LEO then shot him. As a result he died. This was a lawful use of deadly force. The officer will be reinstated, eventually.

Again, whose fault is it that this man got shot? The police did not force him to become intoxicated. They did not force him to operate a motor vehicle in that condition. They did not force him to fall asleep behind the wheel. They did not seek hum out. When called to check on his well being, they determined,, through standard practice that he was intoxicated. When they arrested him, HE chose to resist arrest violently and to use a stolen weapon against the LEOs. So, who is responsible for whatever happened to the man? That's right, boys and girls, the man himself.

06-15-2020, 05:25 PM
In Atlanta, the dead man violently resisted a lawful arrest. He disarmed a LEO. While escaping, on foot, he used the stolen weapon against the LEO. The LEO then shot him. As a result he died. This was a lawful use of deadly force. The officer will be reinstated, eventually.

Again, whose fault is it that this man got shot? The police did not force him to become intoxicated. They did not force him to operate a motor vehicle in that condition. They did not force him to fall asleep behind the wheel. They did not seek hum out. When called to check on his well being, they determined,, through standard practice that he was intoxicated. When they arrested him, HE chose to resist arrest violently and to use a stolen weapon against the LEOs. So, who is responsible for whatever happened to the man? That's right, boys and girls, the man himself.

I hope he sues and gets a boatload of CASH off the citizens of Atlanta. And gets his job back too!