View Full Version : Broward Police Apologize After Massive Protests Erupt Across The City

06-08-2020, 11:44 PM
Broward Police Apologize After Massive Protests Erupt Across The City
Officials are speaking out.

Kareem Gantt - 9 hours ago


Law enforcement officials are pushing for police reform in Broward County. During a news briefing on June 5, the county's Chiefs of Police announced their plan to address some of the systemic problems within their law enforcement community. They've also issued an apology to families affected by police violence.

"One of the key things that we've heard repeatedly across this entire country is the outcry for better training and inclusion within the community to ensure that we have a clear understanding, as law enforcement professionals, about the real issues between racial discriminatory practices that exist," Broward County Sheriff Gregory Tony said on Friday.

Sheriff Tony, along with police chiefs from all over the county, introduced a five-step plan that outlined their intentions to "eradicate" systemic racism and change the culture within their respective departments.

The plan is to remove "bad officers" from within police departments, review "use of force" policies, and train and track the behavior of officers in each department.

They will also strive to "educate officers on systemic racism and bias" and work to rebuild trust and accountability within the community.

"We must cease this moment of turmoil and unrest to really step up and do what we haven't done," Broward County Mayor Dale Holness said.

The Unified Policing Initiative will cost $1 million to be implemented. According to the department, it "is an increase in the $500,000 that was initially committed to this initiative in 2019."


Unified Policing Initiative

Standing together to ensure a safer Broward, Sheriff Gregory Tony and the Broward County Chiefs of Police routinely discuss concerns in the community and work toward the best solutions. In light of the tragedy that occurred in Minneapolis, law enforcement agencies across Broward County will join BSO in participating in the countywide Racial Equity and Implicit Bias Training Program for law enforcement officers. "I'm committing $1 million to fund the launch of this program," said Sheriff Tony. This is an increase in the $500,000 that was initially committed to this initiative in 2019.
Posted by Broward Sheriff's Office on Saturday, June 6, 2020


The move came about after protests broke out following the death of George Floyd. His murder by former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin sparked massive demonstrations in cities across the country, including in South Florida.

This isn't the first time Broward addressed the police treatment of minorities in the county. Last April, two deputies were seen on film pepper-spraying a black teenager, smashing his forehead against the concrete, and punching him in the head.

According to New York Magazine, the incident sparked outrage, and Sheriff Tony vowed a "tactful" investigation into the incident. The deputies were suspended and charged with misdemeanors for battery and falsifying police reports, the Sun-Sentinel reported.

After Parkland killings, Broward County vowed to police aggressively. Then a deputy punched a teen. https://t.co/0Q80ids6BX
— BlackInformant 🔥👑🔥 (@BlackInformant) April 23, 2019

This new plan by Broward police launched as it was announced, and the chiefs are encouraging their officers to take action if they see a fellow deputy cross the line.


06-09-2020, 12:08 AM
I’m guessing command who have been here for decades failed to point out we’ve been through all this training in years past before Temper Tantrum got here

How about the command and Chief’s teach the criminals of Broward to stop stealing, slinging, robbing. shooting, killing, snorting, sniffing, huffing and any other crime not enumerated.

It’s always easy to blame the police. It’s the animals who get the free pass. But you panderers keep it up.

06-09-2020, 12:17 AM
In other words don't arrest certain types of people.

06-09-2020, 01:02 AM
I’m guessing command who have been here for decades failed to point out we’ve been through all this training in years past before Temper Tantrum got here

How about the command and Chief’s teach the criminals of Broward to stop stealing, slinging, robbing. shooting, killing, snorting, sniffing, huffing and any other crime not enumerated.

It’s always easy to blame the police. It’s the animals who get the free pass. But you panderers keep it up.
Criminals of Broward:
Stop stealing, slinging, robbing. shooting, killing, snorting, sniffing, huffing and any other crime not enumerated.

You mean teach them to NOT be like Tony/Toney?

06-09-2020, 02:30 AM
I’m guessing command who have been here for decades failed to point out we’ve been through all this training in years past before Temper Tantrum got here

How about the command and Chief’s teach the criminals of Broward to stop stealing, slinging, robbing. shooting, killing, snorting, sniffing, huffing and any other crime not enumerated.

It’s always easy to blame the police. It’s the animals who get the free pass. But you panderers keep it up.

Pretty much saying police reform is coded message:: "not to hire Anglo males" sorry to say this, but there are racist in other cultures as well, and people that deny this, are part of the problem as well

06-09-2020, 07:23 AM
Pretty much saying police reform is coded message:: "not to hire Anglo males" sorry to say this, but there are racist in other cultures as well, and people that deny this, are part of the problem as well

Isn't that racist?

06-09-2020, 09:07 AM
I’m guessing command who have been here for decades failed to point out we’ve been through all this training in years past before Temper Tantrum got here

How about the command and Chief’s teach the criminals of Broward to stop stealing, slinging, robbing. shooting, killing, snorting, sniffing, huffing and any other crime not enumerated.

It’s always easy to blame the police. It’s the animals who get the free pass. But you panderers keep it up.

What an embarrassment moment to be a police Officer especially seeing our BSO command take a knee the the purpose and agenda is for votes and sucking up. Can you imagine our military taking a knee for countries we went to war for?
Unfortunately We have lost lots police officers for the ones our commander and chief took a knee for.

Have some pride and don’t become the ones who did the same thing during the Stoneman Douglas school incident in Parkland who sold there soul to the devil. Media has only done it again with the lies and bs that that spread everyday. The weak follow and the strong survives.

06-09-2020, 12:50 PM
What an embarrassment moment to be a police Officer especially seeing our BSO command take a knee the the purpose and agenda is for votes and sucking up. Can you imagine our military taking a knee for countries we went to war for?
Unfortunately We have lost lots police officers for the ones our commander and chief took a knee for.

Have some pride and don’t become the ones who did the same thing during the Stoneman Douglas school incident in Parkland who sold there soul to the devil. Media has only done it again with the lies and bs that that spread everyday. The weak follow and the strong survives.

Reminds me the movie " Superman 2" kneel before ZOD...for those that remember the movie

06-09-2020, 01:31 PM
Reminds me the movie " Superman 2" kneel before ZOD...for those that remember the movie

YES! He made the POTUS kneel but another guy took his place and when Superman was about to kneel (for the love of a broad) it was a trick to weaken them (thanks Lex Luther) and he kicked all their asses and then didn't he fly the American flag and stick it back on top of the White House??? YESSS!!!!!! USA! USA! USA!

06-09-2020, 04:38 PM
Reminds me the movie " Superman 2" kneel before ZOD...for those that remember the movie

Hey Tony the Sellout - you are no leader!

You are not the president. No one who leads so many could possibly kneel so quickly.


06-09-2020, 07:11 PM
The State attorney and his underling Chukwuma are a disgrace for their lack of support for law enforcement.
Is he really saying no body cam void the arrest?? A guy kills somebody and he is found a hour later by a detective is he advocating the suspect have the charge voided.
Any “complaint” of police misconduct results in suspension without pay?
Maybe prosecutors should be suspended pay reparations to any defendant found not guilty. Heck if you didn’t have enough to convict you were wrong for taking it to trial.
What’s good for the goose........

06-10-2020, 12:27 AM
The State attorney and his underling Chukwuma are a disgrace for their lack of support for law enforcement.
Is he really saying no body cam void the arrest?? A guy kills somebody and he is found a hour later by a detective is he advocating the suspect have the charge voided.
Any “complaint” of police misconduct results in suspension without pay?
Maybe prosecutors should be suspended pay reparations to any defendant found not guilty. Heck if you didn’t have enough to convict you were wrong for taking it to trial.
What’s good for the goose........

Chukwuma should be disbarred for his contempt for the constitution. A document he took an oath to uphold. Make your complaint against chukwuma with the Florida Bar.

06-10-2020, 01:56 AM
Chukwuma should be disbarred for his contempt for the constitution. A document he took an oath to uphold. Make your complaint against chukwuma with the Florida Bar.

Spear Chucka needs to shut his stupid mouth.

06-10-2020, 05:30 AM
Spear Chucka needs to shut his stupid mouth.

Damn that's very ignorant to say.

06-11-2020, 09:19 AM
Damn that's very ignorant to say.

Lol, sorry buttercup racists of any color should be kicked out..